Fausto Antonio Panizzolo
Fausto Antonio Panizzolo
CEO, Moveo
確認したメール アドレス: moveowalks.com
A biologically-inspired multi-joint soft exosuit that can reduce the energy cost of loaded walking
FA Panizzolo, I Galiana, AT Asbeck, C Siviy, K Schmidt, KG Holt, ...
Journal of neuroengineering and rehabilitation 13 (1), 1-14, 2016
Effect of timing of hip extension assistance during loaded walking with a soft exosuit
Y Ding, FA Panizzolo, C Siviy, P Malcolm, I Galiana, KG Holt, CJ Walsh
Journal of neuroengineering and rehabilitation 13 (1), 1-10, 2016
Reducing the metabolic cost of running with a tethered soft exosuit
G Lee, J Kim, FA Panizzolo, YM Zhou, LM Baker, I Galiana, P Malcolm, ...
Science Robotics 2 (6), eaan6708, 2017
IMU-based iterative control for hip extension assistance with a soft exosuit
Y Ding, I Galiana, C Siviy, FA Panizzolo, C Walsh
2016 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 3501-3508, 2016
Reducing the energy cost of walking in older adults using a passive hip flexion device
FA Panizzolo, C Bolgiani, L Di Liddo, E Annese, G Marcolin
Journal of neuroengineering and rehabilitation 16, 1-9, 2019
Metabolic cost adaptations during training with a soft exosuit assisting the hip joint
FA Panizzolo, GM Freisinger, N Karavas, AM Eckert-Erdheim, C Siviy, ...
Scientific reports 9 (1), 9779, 2019
Ultrasound characterization of medial gastrocnemius tissue composition in children with spastic cerebral palsy
CA Pitcher, CM Elliott, FA Panizzolo, JP Valentine, K Stannage, SL Reid
Muscle & nerve 52 (3), 397-403, 2015
Soleus fascicle length changes are conserved between young and old adults at their preferred walking speed
FA Panizzolo, DJ Green, DG Lloyd, AJ Maiorana, J Rubenson
Gait & posture 38 (4), 764-769, 2013
Varying negative work assistance at the ankle with a soft exosuit during loaded walking
P Malcolm, S Lee, S Crea, C Siviy, F Saucedo, I Galiana, FA Panizzolo, ...
Journal of neuroengineering and rehabilitation 14 (1), 1-12, 2017
Differences in electromyographic activity of biceps brachii and brachioradialis while performing three variants of curl
G Marcolin, FA Panizzolo, N Petrone, T Moro, D Grigoletto, D Piccolo, ...
PeerJ 6, e5165, 2018
Comparative evaluation of two skiing simulators as functional training devices for recreational skiers
FA Panizzolo, G Marcolin, N Petrone
Journal of sports science & medicine 12 (1), 151, 2013
The effect of boot stiffness on field and laboratory flexural behavior of alpine ski boots
N Petrone, G Marcolin, FA Panizzolo
Sports Engineering 16, 265-280, 2013
Is the soleus a sentinel muscle for impaired aerobic capacity in heart failure?
FA Panizzolo, AJ Maiorana, LH Naylor, GA Lichtwark, L Dembo, DG Lloyd, ...
Medicine and science in sports and exercise 47 (3), 498-508, 2015
Lower limb biomechanical analysis during an unanticipated step on a bump reveals specific adaptations of walking on uneven terrains
FA Panizzolo, S Lee, T Miyatake, DM Rossi, C Siviy, J Speeckaert, ...
Journal of experimental biology 220 (22), 4169-4176, 2017
Gait analysis in chronic heart failure: The calf as a locus of impaired walking capacity
FA Panizzolo, AJ Maiorana, LH Naylor, L Dembo, DG Lloyd, DJ Green, ...
Journal of Biomechanics 47 (15), 3719-3725, 2014
Effect of a passive hip exoskeleton on walking distance in neurological patients
FA Panizzolo, S Cimino, E Pettenello, A Belfiore, N Petrone, G Marcolin
Assistive Technology 34 (5), 527-532, 2022
A quasi-passive knee exoskeleton to assist during descent
E Rogers, P Polygerinos, S Allen, FA Panizzolo, CJ Walsh, DP Holland
Wearable Robotics: Challenges and Trends: Proceedings of the 2nd …, 2017
Moderate treadmill run worsened static but not dynamic postural stability of healthy individuals
G Marcolin, FA Panizzolo, E Biancato, M Cognolato, N Petrone, A Paoli
European journal of applied physiology 119, 841-846, 2019
Biomechanical comparison of shorts with different pads: an insight into the perineum protection issue
G Marcolin, N Petrone, C Reggiani, FA Panizzolo, A Paoli
Medicine 94 (29), 2015
Different intensities of basketball drills affect jump shot accuracy of expert and junior players
G Marcolin, N Camazzola, FA Panizzolo, D Grigoletto, A Paoli
PeerJ 6, e4250, 2018
論文 1–20