Takami Tohyama
Takami Tohyama
確認したメール アドレス: rs.tus.ac.jp - ホームページ
Observation of Spin-Charge Separation in One-Dimensional SrCu
C Kim, AY Matsuura, ZX Shen, N Motoyama, H Eisaki, S Uchida, ...
Physical review letters 77 (19), 4054, 1996
Physics of transition metal oxides
S Maekawa, T Tohyama, SE Barnes, S Ishihara, W Koshibae, G Khaliullin
Springer Science & Business Media, 2013
Apex oxygen and critical temperature in copper oxide superconductors: Universal correlation with the stability of local singlets
Y Ohta, T Tohyama, S Maekawa
Physical Review B 43 (4), 2968, 1991
Electronic states and magnetic properties of edge-sharing Cu-O chains
Y Mizuno, T Tohyama, S Maekawa, T Osafune, N Motoyama, H Eisaki, ...
Physical Review B 57 (9), 5326, 1998
Systematics of the photoemission spectral function of cuprates: Insulators and hole-and electron-doped superconductors
C Kim, PJ White, ZX Shen, T Tohyama, Y Shibata, S Maekawa, BO Wells, ...
Physical review letters 80 (19), 4245, 1998
Distinct spinon and holon dispersions in photoemission spectral functions from one-dimensional SrCuO2
BJ Kim, H Koh, E Rotenberg, SJ Oh, H Eisaki, N Motoyama, S Uchida, ...
Nature Physics 2 (6), 397-401, 2006
Electronic structure of Mott insulators studied by inelastic X-ray scattering
MZ Hasan, ED Isaacs, ZX Shen, LL Miller, K Tsutsui, T Tohyama, ...
Science 288 (5472), 1811-1814, 2000
Role of next-nearest-neighbor hopping in the t-t’-J model
T Tohyama, S Maekawa
Physical Review B 49 (5), 3596, 1994
Angle-resolved photoemission in high Tc cuprates from theoretical viewpoints
T Tohyama, S Maekawa
Superconductor Science and Technology 13 (4), R17, 2000
Separation of spin and charge excitations in one-dimensional
C Kim, ZX Shen, N Motoyama, H Eisaki, S Uchida, T Tohyama, ...
Physical Review B 56 (24), 15589, 1997
Charge-transfer gap and superexchange interaction in insulating cuprates
Y Ohta, T Tohyama, S Maekawa
Physical review letters 66 (9), 1228, 1991
Persistent spin excitations in doped antiferromagnets revealed by resonant inelastic light scattering
CJ Jia, EA Nowadnick, K Wohlfeld, YF Kung, CC Chen, S Johnston, ...
Nature communications 5 (1), 3314, 2014
Nonlinear optical response and spin-charge separation in one-dimensional Mott insulators
Y Mizuno, K Tsutsui, T Tohyama, S Maekawa
Physical Review B 62 (8), R4769, 2000
High-energy spin and charge excitations in electron-doped copper oxide superconductors
K Ishii, M Fujita, T Sasaki, M Minola, G Dellea, C Mazzoli, K Kummer, ...
Nature communications 5 (1), 3714, 2014
Asymmetry of the electronic states in hole-and electron-doped cuprates: exact diagonalization study of the t-t′-t ″-J model
T Tohyama
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 70 (17), 174517, 2004
Point nodes persisting far beyond Tc in Bi2212
T Kondo, W Malaeb, Y Ishida, T Sasagawa, H Sakamoto, T Takeuchi, ...
Nature communications 6 (1), 7699, 2015
Momentum dependence of resonant inelastic X-ray scattering spectrum in insulating cuprates
K Tsutsui, T Tohyama, S Maekawa
Physical review letters 83 (18), 3705, 1999
Momentum Dependence of Charge Excitations in the Electron-Doped Superconductor : A Resonant Inelastic X-Ray Scattering Study
K Ishii, K Tsutsui, Y Endoh, T Tohyama, S Maekawa, M Hoesch, ...
Physical review letters 94 (20), 207003, 2005
Possible Verification of Tilted Anisotropic Dirac Cone in α-(BEDT-TTF)2I3 Using Interlayer Magnetoresistance
T Morinari, T Himura, T Tohyama
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 78 (2), 023704, 2009
Large third-order optical nonlinearity of Cu-O chains investigated by third-harmonic generation spectroscopy
H Kishida, M Ono, K Miura, H Okamoto, M Izumi, T Manako, M Kawasaki, ...
Physical review letters 87 (17), 177401, 2001
論文 1–20