Yi Wang
Yi Wang
確認したメール アドレス: ics.uci.edu
Execution anomaly detection in distributed systems through unstructured log analysis
Q Fu, JG Lou, Y Wang, J Li
2009 ninth IEEE international conference on data mining, 149-158, 2009
Implicit gender biases in professional software development: An empirical study
Y Wang, D Redmiles
2019 IEEE/ACM 41st International Conference on Software Engineering …, 2019
Globally distributed system developers: their trust expectations and processes
B Al-Ani, MJ Bietz, Y Wang, E Trainer, B Koehne, S Marczak, D Redmiles, ...
Proceedings of the 2013 conference on Computer supported cooperative work …, 2013
Measuring the evolution of open source software systems with their communities
Y Wang, D Guo, H Shi
ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 32 (6), 7-es, 2007
EEG-GCN: spatio-temporal and self-adaptive graph convolutional networks for single and multi-view EEG-based emotion recognition
Y Gao, X Fu, T Ouyang, Y Wang
IEEE Signal Processing Letters 29, 1574-1578, 2022
What motivate software engineers to refactor source code? evidences from professional developers
Y Wang
2009 ieee international conference on software maintenance, 413-416, 2009
Competence-confidence gap: A threat to female developers' contribution on github
Z Wang, Y Wang, D Redmiles
Proceedings of the 40th International Conference on Software Engineering …, 2018
Cheap talk, cooperation, and trust in global software engineering
Y Wang, D Redmiles
Empirical Software Engineering, 1-35, 2015
Unveiling Elite Developers’ Activities in Open Source Projects
Z Wang, Y Feng, Y Wang, JA Jones, D Redmiles
ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM) 29 (3), 1-35, 2020
Building the linkage between project managers' personality and success of software projects
Y Wang
2009 3rd International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and …, 2009
An intermediate language level optimization framework for dynamic binary translation
H Shi, Y Wang, H Guan, A Liang
ACM SIGPLAN Notices 42 (5), 3-9, 2007
To buy or not to buy? Understanding the role of personality traits in predicting consumer behaviors
Z Liu, Y Wang, J Mahmud, R Akkiraju, J Schoudt, A Xu, B Donovan
Social Informatics: 8th International Conference, SocInfo 2016, Bellevue, WA …, 2016
Reducing implicit gender biases in software development: does intergroup contact theory work?
Y Wang, M Zhang
Proceedings of the 28th ACM Joint Meeting on European Software Engineering …, 2020
Mining naturally smooth evolution of clusters from dynamic data
Y Wang, SX Liu, J Feng, L Zhou
Proceedings of the 2007 SIAM International Conference on Data Mining, 125-134, 2007
How does project managers' personality matter?: building the linkage between project managers' personality and the success of software development projects
Y Wang, F Li
Proceedings of the 24th ACM SIGPLAN conference companion on Object oriented …, 2009
Does Personality Matter?: A Study of Personality and Situational Effects on Consumer Behavior
Z Liu, A Xu, Y Wang, J Schoudt, J Mahmud, R Akkiraju
Proceedings of the 28th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media, 185-193, 2017
The price of being polite: politeness, social status, and their joint impacts on community Q&A efficiency
Y Wang
Journal of Computational Social Science, 2020
From specialized mechanics to project butlers: The usage of bots in open source software development
Z Wang, Y Wang, D Redmiles
IEEE Software 39 (5), 38-43, 2022
The Diffusion of Trust and Cooperation in Teams with Individuals’ Variations on Baseline Trust
Y Wang, D Redmiles
The 19th ACM conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social …, 2016
Penalty policies in professional software development practice: a multi-method field study
Y Wang, M Zhang
Proceedings of the 32nd ACM/IEEE International Conference on Software …, 2010
論文 1–20