Knapp Benjamin O.
Knapp Benjamin O.
確認したメール アドレス: missouri.edu
Structure and composition of an oak-hickory forest after over 60 years of repeated prescribed burning in Missouri, USA
BO Knapp, K Stephan, JA Hubbart
Forest Ecology and Management 344, 95-109, 2015
Barriers to natural regeneration in temperate forests across the USA
DC Dey, BO Knapp, MA Battaglia, RL Deal, JL Hart, KL O’Hara, ...
New Forests 50, 11-40, 2019
Stoichiometric shifts in surface soils over broad geographical scales: evidence from C hina's grasslands
Y Yang, J Fang, C Ji, A Datta, P Li, W Ma, A Mohammat, H Shen, H Hu, ...
Global Ecology and Biogeography 23 (8), 947-955, 2014
The silvics of Castanea dentata (Marsh.) Borkh., American chestnut, Fagaceae (beech family)
GG Wang, BO Knapp, SL Clark, BT Mudder
Gen. Tech. Rep. SRS-GTR-173. Asheville, NC: US Department of Agriculture …, 2013
The importance of drought–pathogen interactions in driving oak mortality events in the Ozark Border Region
JD Wood, BO Knapp, RM Muzika, MC Stambaugh, L Gu
Environmental Research Letters 13 (1), 015004, 2018
Managing hardwood-softwood mixtures for future forests in eastern North America: Assessing suitability to projected climate change
JM Kabrick, KL Clark, AW D'Amato, DC Dey, LS Kenefic, CC Kern, ...
Journal of Forestry 115 (3), 190-201, 2017
Effect of initial seedling size, understory competition, and overstory density on the survival and growth of Pinus echinata seedlings underplanted in hardwood …
JM Kabrick, BO Knapp, DC Dey, DR Larsen
New Forests 46, 897-918, 2015
Effects of site preparation treatments on early growth and survival of planted longleaf pine (Pinus palustris Mill.) seedlings in North Carolina
BO Knapp, GG Wang, JL Walker, S Cohen
Forest Ecology and Management 226 (1-3), 122-128, 2006
Relating the survival and growth of planted longleaf pine seedlings to microsite conditions altered by site preparation treatments
BO Knapp, GG Wang, JL Walker
Forest Ecology and Management 255 (11), 3768-3777, 2008
Mixedwood silviculture in North America: the science and art of managing for complex, multi-species temperate forests
LS Kenefic, JM Kabrick, BO Knapp, P Raymond, KL Clark, AW D’Amato, ...
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 51 (7), 921-934, 2021
Are current seedling demographics poised to regenerate northern US forests?
LA Vickers, WH McWilliams, BO Knapp, AW D’Amato, DC Dey, ...
Journal of Forestry 117 (6), 592-612, 2019
Fire effects on a fire-adapted species: response of grass stage longleaf pine seedlings to experimental burning
BO Knapp, LS Pile, JL Walker, G Geoff Wang
Fire Ecology 14 (2), 1-16, 2018
Factors affecting broadleaf woody vegetation in upland pine forests managed for longleaf pine restoration
RN Addington, BO Knapp, GG Sorrell, ML Elmore, GG Wang, JL Walker
Forest Ecology and Management 354, 130-138, 2015
Leaf physiology and morphology of Castanea dentata (Marsh.) Borkh., Castanea mollissima Blume, and three backcross breeding generations planted in the …
BO Knapp, GG Wang, SL Clark, LS Pile, SE Schlarbaum
New Forests 45, 283-293, 2014
The impact of overstory density on sapling height growth in the Missouri Ozarks: implications for interspecific differentiation during canopy recruitment
LA Vickers, DR Larsen, BO Knapp, JM Kabrick, DC Dey
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 44 (11), 1320-1330, 2014
Are we close enough? Comparing prairie reconstruction chronosequences to remnants following two site preparation methods in Missouri, USA
C Newbold, BO Knapp, LS Pile
Restoration Ecology 28 (2), 358-368, 2020
Effects of fire frequency on long-term development of an oak-hickory forest in Missouri, USA
BO Knapp, MA Hullinger, JM Kabrick
Forest Ecology and Management 387, 19-29, 2017
Floristic Quality Index for woodland ground flora restoration: Utility and effectiveness in a fire-managed landscape
CJ Maginel, BO Knapp, JM Kabrick, EK Olson, RM Muzika
Ecological Indicators 67, 58-67, 2016
Effects of canopy structure and cultural treatments on the survival and growth of Pinus palustris Mill. seedlings underplanted in Pinus taeda L. stands
BO Knapp, GG Wang, JL Walker
Ecological Engineering 57, 46-56, 2013
Restoring longleaf pine (Pinus palustris Mill.) in loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) stands: Effects of restoration treatments on natural loblolly pine regeneration
BO Knapp, GG Wang, H Hu, JL Walker, C Tennant
Forest ecology and management 262 (7), 1157-1167, 2011
論文 1–20