Dr. S.V.S. Narayana Murty
Dr. S.V.S. Narayana Murty
Liquid Propulsion Systems Center, Trivandrum, India.
確認したメール アドレス: vssc.gov.in
On the development of instability criteria during hotworking with reference to IN 718
SVSN Murty, BN Rao
Materials Science and Engineering: A 254 (1-2), 76-82, 1998
Instability criteria for hot deformation of materials
SVS Narayana Murty, B Nageswara Rao, BP Kashyap
International Materials Reviews 45 (1), 15-26, 2000
On the hot working characteristics of 6061Al–SiC and 6061–Al2O3 particulate reinforced metal matrix composites
SVSN Murty, BN Rao, BP Kashyap
Composites science and technology 63 (1), 119-135, 2003
Dynamic recrystallization of ferrite during warm deformation of ultrafine grained ultra-low carbon steel
SVSN Murty, S Torizuka, K Nagai, T Kitai, Y Kogo
Scripta materialia 53 (6), 763-768, 2005
Identification of flow instabilities in the processing maps of AISI 304 stainless steel
SVSN Murty, BN Rao, BP Kashyap
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 166 (2), 268-278, 2005
Processing of copper–carbon nanotube composites by vacuum hot pressing technique
AK Shukla, N Nayan, S Murty, SC Sharma, P Chandran, SR Bakshi, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: A 560, 365-371, 2013
Hot deformation behaviour and microstructure control in AlCrCuNiFeCo high entropy alloy
N Nayan, G Singh, SVSN Murty, AK Jha, B Pant, KM George, ...
Intermetallics 55, 145-153, 2014
Recent advances in aluminium matrix composites reinforced with graphene-based nanomaterial: A critical review
PL Kumar, A Lombardi, G Byczynski, SVSN Murty, BS Murty, L Bichler
Progress in Materials Science 128, 100948, 2022
Mechanical properties of aluminium–copper–lithium alloy AA2195 at cryogenic temperatures
N Nayan, SVSN Murty, AK Jha, B Pant, SC Sharma, KM George, ...
Materials & Design 58, 445-450, 2014
On the flow localization concepts in the processing maps of titanium alloy Ti–24Al–20Nb
SVSN Murty, BN Rao
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 104 (1-2), 103-109, 2000
Recent advances in processing of titanium alloys and titanium aluminides for space applications: A review
V Anil Kumar, RK Gupta, M Prasad, SVS Narayana Murty
Journal of Materials Research 36, 689-716, 2021
Microstructure and micro-texture evolution during large strain deformation of an aluminium–copper–lithium alloy AA 2195
N Nayan, NP Gurao, SVSN Murty, AK Jha, B Pant, SC Sharma, ...
Materials & Design (1980-2015) 65, 862-868, 2015
Microstructure–texture–mechanical properties relationship in multi-pass warm rolled Ti–6Al–4V Alloy
SVSN Murty, N Nayan, P Kumar, PR Narayanan, SC Sharma, KM George
Materials Science and Engineering: A 589, 174-181, 2014
Microstructure evolution and strength-reduction in area balance of ultrafine-grained steels processed by warm caliber rolling
S Torizuka, E Muramatsu, SVSN Murty, K Nagai
Scripta materialia 55 (8), 751-754, 2006
Effect of temperature and strain rate on hot deformation behavior and microstructure of Al-Cu-Li alloy
N Nayan, SVSN Murty, S Chhangani, A Prakash, M Prasad, I Samajdar
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 723, 548-558, 2017
Bearings for aerospace applications
R Rejith, D Kesavan, P Chakravarthy, SVSN Murty
Tribology International 181, 108312, 2023
Processing and characterization of Al–Cu–Li alloy AA2195 undergoing scale up production through the vacuum induction melting technique
N Nayan, SVSN Murty, AK Jha, B Pant, SC Sharma, KM George, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: A 576, 21-28, 2013
Ziegler's criterion on the instability regions in processing maps
SVSN Murty, BN Rao
Journal of materials science letters 17 (14), 1203-1205, 1998
On the evaluation of efficiency parameters in processing maps
S Murty, MS Sarma, BN Rao
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A(USA) 28 (7), 1581-1582, 1997
Effect of strain on the microstructure and mechanical properties of multi-pass warm caliber rolled low carbon steel
S Torizuka, A Ohmori, SVSN Murty, K Nagai
Scripta Materialia 54 (4), 563-568, 2006
論文 1–20