Tabuchi Yutaka
Tabuchi Yutaka
Riken Center for Quantum Computing
確認したメール アドレス: riken.jp - ホームページ
Hybridizing ferromagnetic magnons and microwave photons in the quantum limit
Y Tabuchi, S Ishino, T Ishikawa, R Yamazaki, K Usami, Y Nakamura
Physical review letters 113 (8), 083603, 2014
Coherent coupling between a ferromagnetic magnon and a superconducting qubit
Y Tabuchi, S Ishino, A Noguchi, T Ishikawa, R Yamazaki, K Usami, ...
Science 349 (6246), 405-408, 2015
Hybrid quantum systems based on magnonics
D Lachance-Quirion, Y Tabuchi, A Gloppe, K Usami, Y Nakamura
Applied Physics Express 12 (7), 070101, 2019
Bidirectional conversion between microwave and light via ferromagnetic magnons
R Hisatomi, A Osada, Y Tabuchi, T Ishikawa, A Noguchi, R Yamazaki, ...
Physical Review B 93 (17), 174427, 2016
Cavity optomagnonics with spin-orbit coupled photons
A Osada, R Hisatomi, A Noguchi, Y Tabuchi, R Yamazaki, K Usami, ...
Physical review letters 116 (22), 223601, 2016
Entanglement-based single-shot detection of a single magnon with a superconducting qubit
D Lachance-Quirion, SP Wolski, Y Tabuchi, S Kono, K Usami, ...
Science 367 (6476), 425-428, 2020
Resolving quanta of collective spin excitations in a millimeter-sized ferromagnet
D Lachance-Quirion, Y Tabuchi, S Ishino, A Noguchi, T Ishikawa, ...
Science advances 3 (7), e1603150, 2017
Quantum non-demolition detection of an itinerant microwave photon
S Kono, K Koshino, Y Tabuchi, A Noguchi, Y Nakamura
Nature Physics 14 (6), 546-549, 2018
Quantum magnonics: The magnon meets the superconducting qubit
Y Tabuchi, S Ishino, A Noguchi, T Ishikawa, R Yamazaki, K Usami, ...
Comptes Rendus. Physique 17 (7), 729-739, 2016
Information-to-work conversion by Maxwell’s demon in a superconducting circuit quantum electrodynamical system
Y Masuyama, K Funo, Y Murashita, A Noguchi, S Kono, Y Tabuchi, ...
Nature communications 9 (1), 1291, 2018
Dissipation-based quantum sensing of magnons with a superconducting qubit
SP Wolski, D Lachance-Quirion, Y Tabuchi, S Kono, A Noguchi, K Usami, ...
Physical Review Letters 125 (11), 117701, 2020
Qubit-assisted transduction for a detection of surface acoustic waves near the quantum limit
A Noguchi, R Yamazaki, Y Tabuchi, Y Nakamura
Physical review letters 119 (18), 180505, 2017
All-optical observation and reconstruction of spin wave dispersion
Y Hashimoto, S Daimon, R Iguchi, Y Oikawa, K Shen, K Sato, D Bossini, ...
Nature communications 8 (1), 15859, 2017
Fast readout and reset of a superconducting qubit coupled to a resonator with an intrinsic Purcell filter
Y Sunada, S Kono, J Ilves, S Tamate, T Sugiyama, Y Tabuchi, ...
Physical Review Applied 17 (4), 044016, 2022
QECOOL: On-line quantum error correction with a superconducting decoder for surface code
Y Ueno, M Kondo, M Tanaka, Y Suzuki, Y Tabuchi
2021 58th ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference (DAC), 451-456, 2021
Ground state cooling of a quantum electromechanical system with a silicon nitride membrane in a 3D loop-gap cavity
A Noguchi, R Yamazaki, M Ataka, H Fujita, Y Tabuchi, T Ishikawa, ...
New Journal of Physics 18 (10), 103036, 2016
Subspace variational quantum simulator
K Heya, KM Nakanishi, K Mitarai, Z Yan, K Zuo, Y Suzuki, T Sugiyama, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1904.08566, 2019
Total compensation of pulse transients inside a resonator
Y Tabuchi, M Negoro, K Takeda, M Kitagawa
Journal of Magnetic Resonance 204 (2), 327-332, 2010
Nonclassical photon number distribution in a superconducting cavity under a squeezed drive
S Kono, Y Masuyama, T Ishikawa, Y Tabuchi, R Yamazaki, K Usami, ...
Physical review letters 119 (2), 023602, 2017
Quantum Circuits for Exact Unitary -Designs and Applications to Higher-Order Randomized Benchmarking
Y Nakata, D Zhao, T Okuda, E Bannai, Y Suzuki, S Tamiya, K Heya, Z Yan, ...
PRX Quantum 2 (3), 030339, 2021
論文 1–20