Jan Stafleu
Jan Stafleu
Geologist / Geomodeller, TNO Geological Survey of the Netherlands
確認したメール アドレス: tno.nl - ホームページ
3D modelling of the shallow subsurface of Zeeland, the Netherlands
J Stafleu, D Maljers, JL Gunnink, A Menkovic, FS Busschers
Netherlands Journal of Geosciences-Geologie en Mijnbouw 90 (4), 293, 2011
3D geology in a 2D country: perspectives for geological surveying in the Netherlands
MJ Van der Meulen, JC Doornenbal, JL Gunnink, J Stafleu, J Schokker, ...
Netherlands Journal of Geosciences 92 (4), 217-241, 2013
An integrated shear-wave velocity model for the Groningen gas field, The Netherlands
PP Kruiver, E van Dedem, R Romijn, G de Lange, M Korff, J Stafleu, ...
Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 15 (9), 3555-3580, 2017
Seismic models of a prograding carbonate platform: Vercors, south-east France
J Stafleu, AJW Everts, JAM Kenter
Marine and petroleum geology 11 (5), 514-527, 1994
Seismic Modeling of an Early Jurassic, Drowned Carbonate Platform: Djebel Bou Dahar, High Atlas, Morocco (1)
AE Campbell, J Stafleu
AAPG Bulletin 76 (11), 1760-1777, 1992
Pseudo-toplap in seismic models of the Schlern-Raibl contact (Sella platform, northern Italy)
J Stafleu, W Schlager
Basin Research 5 (1), 55-65, 1993
Stratal patterns, sediment composition, and sequence stratigraphy at the margin of the Vercors carbonate platform (Lower Cretaceous, SE France)
AJW Everts, J Stafleu, W Schlager, BW Fouke, EW Zwart
Journal of Sedimentary Research 65 (1b), 119-131, 1995
Seismic models of a shelf-margin depositional sequence; upper San Andres Formation, Last Chance Canyon, New Mexico
J Stafleu, MD Sonnenfeld
Journal of Sedimentary Research 64 (4b), 481-499, 1994
Seismic models of a shelfmargin depositional sequence: Upper San Andres Formation, Last Chance Canyon, New Mexico: J. Sed. Res
J Stafleu, MD Sonnenfeld
B64, 481-499, 1994
Differential subsidence in the urbanised coastal-deltaic plain of the Netherlands
K Koster, J Stafleu, E Stouthamer
Netherlands Journal of Geosciences 97 (4), 215-227, 2018
Differential subsidence in the urbanised coastal-deltaic plain of the Netherlands
K Koster, J Stafleu, E Stouthamer
Netherlands Journal of Geosciences 97 (4), 215-227, 2018
Generic 3D interpolation of Holocene base‐level rise and provision of accommodation space, developed for the Netherlands coastal plain and infilled palaeovalleys
K Koster, J Stafleu, KM Cohen
Basin Research 29 (6), 775-797, 2017
Picco Di Vallandro, Dürrenstein, a Platform-basin Transition in Outcrop and Seismic Model: Dolomieu Conference on Carbonate Platforms and Dolomitization: Guidebook Excursion D
W Schlager, KT Biddle, J Stafleu
KARO-Druck, 1991
Characterisation of the Groningen subsurface for seismic hazard and risk modelling
PP Kruiver, A Wiersma, FH Kloosterman, G de Lange, M Korff, J Stafleu, ...
Netherlands Journal of Geosciences 96 (5), s215-s233, 2017
Advances in constructing regional geological voxel models, illustrated by their application in aggregate resource assessments
D Maljers, J Stafleu, MJ Van der Meulen, RM Dambrink
Netherlands Journal of Geosciences 94 (3), 257-270, 2015
GeoTop modellering
J Stafleu, D Maljers, FS Busschers, JL Gunnink, J Schokker, ...
TNO report 10991, 2012
Pseudo-unconformities in seismic models of large outcrops
J Stafleu, W Schlager
Geologische Rundschau 84, 761-769, 1995
3D subsurface characterisation of the Belgian Continental Shelf: a new voxel modelling approach
V Hademenos, J Stafleu, T Missiaen, L Kint, VRM Van Lancker
Netherlands Journal of Geosciences 98, e1, 2019
Three-dimensional distribution of organic matter in coastal-deltaic peat: Implications for subsidence and carbon dioxide emissions by human-induced peat oxidation
K Koster, J Stafleu, KM Cohen, E Stouthamer, FS Busschers, ...
Anthropocene 22, 1-9, 2018
Development of a seismic site-response zonation map for the Netherlands
J van Ginkel, E Ruigrok, J Stafleu, R Herber
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 22 (1), 41-63, 2022
論文 1–20