Jan Apel
Jan Apel
Professor i arkeologi, Stockholms universitet
確認したメール アドレス: ark.su.se
Genomic diversity and admixture differs for Stone-Age Scandinavian foragers and farmers
P Skoglund, H Malmström, A Omrak, M Raghavan, C Valdiosera, ...
Science 344 (6185), 747-750, 2014
Daggers, knowledge & power
J Apel
Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, 2001
Population genomics of Mesolithic Scandinavia: Investigating early postglacial migration routes and high-latitude adaptation
T Günther, H Malmström, EM Svensson, A Omrak, F Sánchez-Quinto, ...
PLoS biology 16 (1), e2003703, 2018
Late Acheulean technology and cognition at Boxgrove, UK
D Stout, J Apel, J Commander, M Roberts
Journal of Archaeological Science 41, 576-590, 2014
Technology, expertise and social cognition in human evolution
D Stout, R Passingham, C Frith, J Apel, T Chaminade
European journal of neuroscience 33 (7), 1328-1338, 2011
The manipulative complexity of Lower Paleolithic stone toolmaking
A Faisal, D Stout, J Apel, B Bradley
PloS one 5 (11), e13718, 2010
Knowledge, know-how and raw material-the production of Late Neolithic flint daggers in Scandinavia
J Apel
Journal of archaeological Method and Theory 15 (1), 91-111, 2008
The search for Eve
M Brown, W Henke, I Tattersall, B Sykes, R Foley, R Klein, C Panter-Brick, ...
4D recording at the trowel's edge: using three-dimensional simulation platforms to support field interpretation
N Dell'Unto, G Landeschi, J Apel, G Poggi
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 12, 632-645, 2017
Fågelbacken och trattbägarsamhället: samhällsorganisation och rituella samlingsplatser vid övergången till en bofats tillvaro i östra Mellansverige
J Apel, Y Bäckström, F Hallgren, K Knutsson, P Lekberg, E Olsson, ...
Tor 27, 47-132, 1995
Early Holocene human population events on the island of Gotland in the Baltic Sea (9200-3800 cal. BP)
J Apel, P Wallin, J Storå, G Possnert
Quaternary International 465, 276-286, 2018
The measurement, evolution, and neural representation of action grammars of human behavior
D Stout, T Chaminade, J Apel, A Shafti, AA Faisal
Scientific Reports 11 (1), 13720, 2021
Burning down the house: the transformational use of fire and other aspects of an early Neolithic TRB site in eastern central Sweden
J Apel, C Hadevik, L Sundström
Tor (Uppsala) 29, 5-47, 1997
Re-enacting the sequence: combined digital methods to study a prehistoric cave
G Landeschi, J Apel, V Lundström, J Storå, S Lindgren, N Dell’Unto
Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 11, 2805-2819, 2019
Botanical evidence of malt for beer production in fifth–seventh century Uppåkra, Sweden
M Larsson, A Svensson, J Apel
Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 11, 1961-1972, 2019
The importance of freshwater fish in Early Holocene subsistence: Exemplified with the human colonization of the island of Gotland in the Baltic basin
A Boethius, J Storå, CH Vala, J Apel
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 13, 625-634, 2017
Skilled Production and Social Reproduction
J Apel, K Knutsson
Evolution and material culture
J Apel, K Darmark
Current Swedish Archaeology 17 (1), 10-28, 2009
Den flathuggna pilspetsens fylogeni
J Apel, K Darmark
Stenåldern i Uppland. Uppdragsarkeologi och eftertanke, 31-65, 2007
An Early Neolithic Axe Production and Distribution System within a semi-sedentary farming Society in eastern central Sweden, c. 3500 BC
L Sundström, J Apel
Third flint alternatives conference at Uppsala.–Uppsala: Dep. of Archaeol …, 1998
論文 1–20