Kim Jeongmin
Kim Jeongmin
Assistant Professor, Kentech, Naju, Korea
確認したメール アドレス: kentech.ac.kr - ホームページ
Simulation study of seemingly Fickian but heterogeneous dynamics of two dimensional colloids
J Kim, C Kim, BJ Sung
Physical review letters 110 (4), 047801, 2013
A New Imaginary Term in the Second-Order Nonlinear Susceptibility from Charged Interfaces
E Ma, PE Ohno, J Kim, Y Liu, EH Lozier, TF Miller III, HF Wang, FM Geiger
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 12 (24), 5649-5659, 2021
Energy conversion via metal nanolayers
MD Boamah, EH Lozier, J Kim, PE Ohno, CE Walker, TF Miller III, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (33), 16210-16215, 2019
Stern and Diffuse Layer Interactions During Ionic Strength Cycling
E Ma, J Kim, HB Chang, PE Ohno, RJ Jodts, TF Miller III, FM Geiger
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 125 (32), 18002-18014, 2021
Fluoride-ion solvation in non-aqueous electrolyte solutions
VK Davis, S Munoz, J Kim, CM Bates, N Momčilović, KJ Billings, TF Miller, ...
Materials Chemistry Frontiers 3 (12), 2721-2727, 2019
Tracer shape and local media structure determine the trend of translation-rotation decoupling in two-dimensional colloids
J Kim, BJ Sung
Physical review letters 115 (15), 158302, 2015
Comparative proton transfer efficiencies of hydronium and hydroxide in aqueous solution: proton transfer vs brownian motion
N Uddin, J Kim, BJ Sung, TH Choi, CH Choi, H Kang
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 118 (47), 13671-13678, 2014
Li+ and Oxidant Addition To Control Ionic and Electronic Conduction in Ionic Liquid-Functionalized Conjugated Polymers
D Rawlings, D Lee, J Kim, IB Magdau, G Pace, PM Richardson, ...
Chemistry of Materials 33 (16), 6464-6474, 2021
Swing motion as a diffusion mechanism of lipid bilayers in a gel phase
Y Oh, J Kim, A Yethiraj, BJ Sung
Physical Review E 93 (1), 012409, 2016
Dynamics of highly polydisperse colloidal suspensions as a model system for bacterial cytoplasm
J Hwang, J Kim, BJ Sung
Physical Review E 94 (2), 022614, 2016
Non-Gaussian rotational diffusion in heterogeneous media
H Jeon, HW Cho, J Kim, BJ Sung
Physical Review E 90 (4), 042105, 2014
Translation-rotation decoupling of tracers of locally favorable structures in glass-forming liquids
Y Park, J Kim, BJ Sung
The Journal of Chemical Physics 147 (12), 2017
Fractional viscosity dependence of reaction kinetics in glass-forming liquids
S Kwon, HW Cho, J Kim, BJ Sung
Physical review letters 119 (8), 087801, 2017
Conductive network formation of carbon nanotubes in elastic polymer microfibers and its effect on the electrical conductance: Experiment and simulation
HW Cho, SW Kim, J Kim, UJ Kim, K Im, JJ Park, BJ Sung
The Journal of Chemical Physics 144 (19), 2016
Translational and rotational diffusion of a single nanorod in unentangled polymer melts
MJ Kim, HW Cho, J Kim, H Kim, BJ Sung
Physical Review E 92 (4), 042601, 2015
Dynamics and spatial correlation of voids in dense two dimensional colloids
J Kim, BJ Sung
The Journal of Chemical Physics 141 (1), 2014
Electrical noise in electrolytes: a theoretical perspective
J Kim, G Pireddu, I Chubak, S Nair, B Rotenberg
Faraday Discussions 246, 198-224, 2023
Interfacial Electron Transfer and Ion Solvation in the Solid Electrolyte Interphase
J Kim, BM Savoie, TF Miller III
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 125 (8), 4614-4622, 2021
Dynamic decoupling and local atomic order of a model multicomponent metallic glass-former
J Kim, BJ Sung
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 27 (23), 235102, 2015
The spatial arrangement of a single nanoparticle in a thin polymer film and its effect on the nanoparticle diffusion
H Im, Y Oh, HW Cho, J Kim, K Paeng, BJ Sung
Soft matter 13 (35), 5897-5904, 2017
論文 1–20