Singon Kang
Singon Kang
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Dong-A University
確認したメール アドレス: dau.ac.kr
The effects of Si on the mechanical twinning and strain hardening of Fe–18Mn–0.6 C twinning-induced plasticity steel
K Jeong, JE Jin, YS Jung, S Kang, YK Lee
Acta Materialia 61 (9), 3399-3410, 2013
Effects of recrystallization annealing temperature on carbide precipitation, microstructure, and mechanical properties in Fe–18Mn–0.6 C–1.5 Al TWIP steel
S Kang, YS Jung, JH Jun, YK Lee
Materials Science and Engineering: A 527 (3), 745-751, 2010
The effects of grain size on yielding, strain hardening, and mechanical twinning in Fe–18Mn–0.6 C–1.5 Al twinning-induced plasticity steel
S Kang, JG Jung, M Kang, W Woo, YK Lee
Materials Science and Engineering: A 652, 212-220, 2016
Prediction of bainite start temperature in alloy steels with different grain sizes
S Kang, S Yoon, SJ Lee
ISIJ international 54 (4), 997-999, 2014
Retained austenite stabilization through solute partitioning during intercritical annealing in C-, Mn-, Al-, Si-, and Cr-alloyed steels
S Kang, E De Moor, JG Speer
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 46, 1005-1011, 2015
The effects of N on the microstructures and tensile properties of Fe–15Mn–0.6 C–2Cr–xN twinning-induced plasticity steels
YS Jung, S Kang, K Jeong, JG Jung, YK Lee
Acta materialia 61 (17), 6541-6548, 2013
Effect of quenching temperature on stretch flangeability of a medium Mn steel processed by quenching and partitioning
JH Kim, EJ Seo, MH Kwon, S Kang, BC De Cooman
Materials Science and Engineering: A 729, 276-284, 2018
Prediction of tensile properties of intercritically annealed Al-containing 0.19 C–4.5 Mn (wt%) TRIP steels
S Kang, JG Speer, D Krizan, DK Matlock, E De Moor
Materials & Design 97, 138-146, 2016
Applications of rapid thermal processing to advanced high strength sheet steel developments
DK Matlock, S Kang, E De Moor, JG Speer
Materials Characterization 166, 110397, 2020
Complex effects of alloy composition and porosity on the phase transformations and mechanical properties of powder metallurgy steels
J Park, S Lee, S Kang, J Jeon, SH Lee, H Kim, H Choi
Powder Technology 284, 459-466, 2015
Relationship between grain size and ductile-to-brittle transition at room temperature in Fe–18Mn–0.6 C–1.5 Si twinning-induced plasticity steel
SY Jo, J Han, JH Kang, S Kang, S Lee, YK Lee
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 627, 374-382, 2015
Fine-grained structure fabricated by strain-induced martensite and its reverse transformations in a metastable β titanium alloy
MH Cai, CY Lee, S Kang, YK Lee
Scripta Materialia 64 (12), 1098-1101, 2011
Orientation-dependent indentation modulus and yielding in a high Mn twinning-induced plasticity steel
S Kang, YS Jung, BG Yoo, J Jang, YK Lee
Materials Science and Engineering: A 532, 500-504, 2012
The analysis of bainitic ferrite microstructure in microalloyed plate steels through quantitative characterization of intervariant boundaries
S Kang, JG Speer, RW Regier, H Nako, SC Kennett, KO Findley
Materials Science and Engineering: A 669, 459-468, 2016
Application of the quenching and partitioning (Q&P) process to D6AC steel
S Kang, K Kim, YI Son, SJ Lee
ISIJ International 56 (11), 2057-2061, 2016
Prediction of tempered martensite hardness incorporating the composition-dependent tempering parameter in low alloy steels
S Kang, SJ Lee
Materials Transactions 55 (7), 1069-1072, 2014
Effects of niobium on mechanical twinning and tensile properties of a high Mn twinning-induced plasticity steel
S Kang, JG Jung, YK Lee
Materials Transactions 53 (12), 2187-2190, 2012
Precipitation behaviors of carbides and Cu during continuous heating for tempering in Cu-bearing medium C martensitic steel
JG Jung, M Jung, S Kang, YK Lee
Journal of Materials Science 49, 2204-2212, 2014
The mechanism of mechanical twinning near grain boundaries in twinning-induced plasticity steel
JS Hong, S Kang, JG Jung, YK Lee
Scripta Materialia 174, 62-67, 2020
Intercritical annealing response of medium manganese steels having different carbon concentrations
S Kang, RW Hofer, JG Speer, D Krizan, DK Matlock, E De Moor
steel research international 89 (9), 1800069, 2018
論文 1–20