Sun Youming
Sun Youming
National Digital Switching System Engineering and Technological Research Center (NDSC)
確認したメール アドレス: comsoc.org
Stackelberg game approaches for anti-jamming defence in wireless networks
L Jia, Y Xu, Y Sun, S Feng, A Anpalagan
IEEE Wireless Communications 25 (6), 120-128, 2018
Bayesian Stackelberg game for antijamming transmission with incomplete information
L Jia, F Yao, Y Sun, Y Niu, Y Zhu
IEEE Communications Letters 20 (10), 1991-1994, 2016
A game-theoretic learning approach for anti-jamming dynamic spectrum access in dense wireless networks
L Jia, Y Xu, Y Sun, S Feng, L Yu, A Anpalagan
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 68 (2), 1646-1656, 2018
A hierarchical learning solution for anti-jamming Stackelberg game with discrete power strategies
L Jia, F Yao, Y Sun, Y Xu, S Feng, A Anpalagan
IEEE Wireless Communications Letters 6 (6), 818-821, 2017
Hierarchical resource allocation framework for hyper-dense small cell networks
J Qiu, G Ding, Q Wu, Z Qian, TA Tsiftsis, Z Du, Y Sun
IEEE Access 4, 8657-8669, 2016
Context-aware indoor VLC/RF heterogeneous network selection: Reinforcement learning with knowledge transfer
Z Du, C Wang, Y Sun, G Wu
IEEE Access 6, 33275-33284, 2018
A hierarchical learning approach to anti-jamming channel selection strategies
F Yao, L Jia, Y Sun, Y Xu, S Feng, Y Zhu
Wireless Networks 25, 201-213, 2019
A cloud-based architecture for the Internet of spectrum devices over future wireless networks
Q Wu, G Ding, Z Du, Y Sun, M Jo, AV Vasilakos
IEEE access 4, 2854-2862, 2016
Demand‐aware resource allocation for ultra‐dense small cell networks: an interference‐separation clustering‐based solution
J Qiu, Q Wu, Y Xu, Y Sun, D Wu
Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies 27 (8), 1071-1086, 2016
Joint computation offloading, role, and location selection in hierarchical multicoalition UAV MEC networks: A Stackelberg game learning approach
Q Wu, J Chen, Y Xu, N Qi, T Fang, Y Sun, L Jia
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 9 (19), 18293-18304, 2022
Opportunistic data collection in cognitive wireless sensor networks: Air–ground collaborative online planning
D Liu, Y Xu, Y Xu, Y Sun, A Anpalagan, Q Wu, Y Luo
IEEE Internet of Things Journal 7 (9), 8837-8851, 2020
On the ergodic channel capacity for indoor visible light communication systems
K Xu, HY Yu, YJ Zhu, Y Sun
IEEE Access 5, 833-841, 2017
An iterative approach for sparse direction-of-arrival estimation in co-prime arrays with off-grid targets
F Sun, Q Wu, Y Sun, G Ding, P Lan
Digital Signal Processing 61, 35-42, 2017
Energy-aware joint user scheduling and power control for two-tier femtocell networks: A hierarchical game approach
Y Sun, J Wang, F Sun, J Zhang
IEEE systems journal 12 (3), 2533-2544, 2016
A multi-domain anti-jamming defense scheme in heterogeneous wireless networks
L Jia, Y Xu, Y Sun, S Feng, L Yu, A Anpalagan
IEEE Access 6, 40177-40188, 2018
QoE-aware downlink user-cell association in small cell networks: A transfer-matching game theoretic solution with peer effects
H Shao, H Zhao, Y Sun, J Zhang, Y Xu
IEEE Access 4, 10029-10041, 2016
Distributed channel access for device-to-device communications: A hypergraph-based learning solution
Y Sun, Q Wu, Y Xu, Y Zhang, F Sun, J Wang
IEEE Communications letters 21 (1), 180-183, 2016
VERACITY: Overlapping coalition formation-based double auction for heterogeneous demand and spectrum reusability
Y Sun, Q Wu, J Wang, Y Xu, A Anpalagan
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 34 (10), 2690-2705, 2016
Energy efficiency of small cell networks: Metrics, methods and market
Y Zhang, Y Xu, Y Sun, Q Wu, K Yao
IEEE Access 5, 5965-5971, 2017
Data-driven deployment and cooperative self-organization in ultra-dense small cell networks
Z Du, Y Sun, W Guo, Y Xu, Q Wu, J Zhang
IEEE Access 6, 22839-22848, 2018
論文 1–20