Priyanka Ahlawat
Priyanka Ahlawat
Assistant Professor, National Institute of Technology, Kurushetra (India)
確認したメール アドレス: nitkkr.ac.in
Comparative study of density based clustering algorithms
PB Nagpal, PA Mann
International Journal of Computer Applications 27 (11), 421-435, 2011
An attack resistant key predistribution scheme for wireless sensor networks
P Ahlawat, M Dave
Journal of King Saud University-Computer and Information Sciences 33 (3 …, 2021
An attack model based highly secure key management scheme for wireless sensor networks
P Ahlawat, M Dave
Procedia Computer Science 125, 201-207, 2018
A hybrid approach for path vulnerability matrix on random key predistribution for wireless sensor networks
P Ahlawat, M Dave
Wireless Personal Communications 94, 3327-3353, 2017
A cost‐effective attack matrix based key management scheme with dominance key set for wireless sensor network security
P Ahlawat, M Dave
International Journal of Communication Systems 31 (12), e3713, 2018
Deployment based attack resistant key distribution with non overlapping key pools in WSN
P Ahlawat, M Dave
Wireless Personal Communications 99, 1541-1568, 2018
A survey on the authentication techniques in internet of things
S Agrawal, P Ahlawat
2020 IEEE International Students' Conference on Electrical, Electronics and …, 2020
An improved hybrid key management scheme for wireless sensor networks
P Ahlawat, M Dave
2016 Fourth International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Grid …, 2016
Measuring complexity of component based system using weighted assignment technique
RS Chillar, P Ahlawat, U Kumari
International Conference on Information Communication and Management 55, 19-27, 2012
Securing IoT applications with OP-TEE from hardware level OS
A Nehal, P Ahlawat
2019 3rd International conference on Electronics, Communication and …, 2019
A trust-based secure hybrid framework for routing in WSN
K Saini, P Ahlawat
Recent Findings in Intelligent Computing Techniques: Proceedings of the 5th …, 2019
Enhanced LZW algorithm with less compression ratio
A Setia, P Ahlawat
Proceedings of International Conference on Advances in Computing, 347-351, 2012
Railway train ticket generation through ATM machine: A business application for Indian railways
AK Gupta, PA Mann
International Journal of Computer Applications 22 (7), 46-50, 2011
An efficient spam and phishing email filtering approach using deep learning and bio-inspired particle swarm optimization
SK Birthriya, P Ahlawat, AK Jain
International Journal of Computing and Digital Systems 13 (1), 189-199, 2023
A Rubik's Cube Cryptosystem-based Authentication and Session Key Generation Model Driven in Blockchain Environment for IoT Security
A Attkan, V Ranga, P Ahlawat
ACM Transactions on Internet of Things 4 (2), 1-39, 2023
Secure path key establishment schemes based on random key management for WSN
P Ahlawat, M Dave
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India Section A: Physical …, 2021
Lightweight two-factor authentication protocol and session key generation scheme for WSN in IoT deployment
A Attkan, P Ahlawat
Advances in Cybernetics, Cognition, and Machine Learning for Communication …, 2020
A comprehensive survey of social engineering attacks: taxonomy of attacks, prevention, and mitigation strategies
SK Birthriya, P Ahlawat, AK Jain
Journal of Applied Security Research, 1-49, 2024
Improved blom key management scheme for wireless sensor network
A Gupta, P Ahlawat
International Conference on Recent Advances and Innovations in Engineering …, 2014
A multi objective optimization modeling in WSN for enhancing the attacking efficiency of node capture attack
P Ahlawat, R Bathla
International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management 14 (6 …, 2023
論文 1–20