Luigia Santella
Generation, control, and processing of cellular calcium signals
E Carafoli, L Santella, D Branca, M Brini
Critical reviews in biochemistry and molecular biology 36 (2), 107-260, 2001
Calcium signaling in the cell nucleus
L Santella, E Carafoli
The FASEB journal 11 (13), 1091-1109, 1997
The role of calcium in the cell cycle: facts and hypotheses
L Santella
Biochemical and biophysical research communications 244 (2), 317-324, 1998
Calcium and fertilization: the beginning of life
L Santella, D Lim, F Moccia
Trends in biochemical sciences 29 (8), 400-408, 2004
Nicotinic acid adenine dinucleotide phosphate-induced Ca2+ release: Interactions among distinct Ca2+ mobilizing mechanisms in starfish oocytes
L Santella, K Kyozuka, AA Genazzani, L De Riso, E Carafoli
Journal of Biological Chemistry 275 (12), 8301-8306, 2000
Calcium, protease action, and the regulation of the cell cycle
L Santella, K Kyozuka, L De Riso, E Carafoli
Cell calcium 23 (2-3), 123-130, 1998
Intercellular communication in the early human embryo
B Dale, R Gualtieri, R Talevi, E Tosti, L Santella, K Elder
Molecular Reproduction and Development 29 (1), 22-28, 1991
NAADP+ initiates the Ca2+ response during fertilization of starfish oocytes
D Lim, K Kyozuka, G Gragnaniello, E Carafoli, L Santella
The FASEB Journal 15 (12), 2257-2267, 2001
Effects of 1-methyladenine on nuclear Ca2* transients and meiosis resumption in starfish oocytes are mimicked by the nuclear injection of inositol 1, 4, 5-trisphosphate and …
L Santella, K Kyozuka
Cell calcium 22 (1), 11-20, 1997
The cell cycle: a new entry in the field of Ca2+ signaling
L Santella, E Ercolano, GA Nusco
Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences CMLS 62, 2405-2413, 2005
Is the human oocyte plasma membrane polarized?
L Santella, M Alikani, BE Talansky, J Cohen, B Dale
Human Reproduction 7 (7), 999-1003, 1992
NAADP activates a Ca2+ current that is dependent on F‐actin cytoskeleton
F Moccia, D Lim, GA Nusco, E Ercolano, L Santella
The FASEB journal 17 (13), 1-20, 2003
Reinitiation of meiosis in starfish oocytes requires an increase in nuclear Ca2+.
L Santella, K Kyozuka
Biochemical and biophysical research communications 1 (203), 674-680, 1994
Subitaneous and diapause eggs in Mediterranean populations ofPontella mediterranea (Copepoda: Calanoida): A morphological study
L Santella, A Ianora
Marine Biology 105, 83-90, 1990
Cortical granule translocation during maturation of starfish oocytes requires cytoskeletal rearrangement triggered by InsP3-mediated Ca2+ release
L Santella, L De Riso, G Gragnaniello, K Kyozuka
Experimental cell research 248 (2), 567-574, 1999
Diapause embryos in the neustonic copepodAnomalocera patersoni
A Ianora, L Santella
Marine Biology 108, 387-394, 1991
Alteration of the Cortical Actin Cytoskeleton Deregulates Ca2+ Signaling, Monospermic Fertilization, and Sperm Entry
A Puppo, JT Chun, G Gragnaniello, E Garante, L Santella
PLoS One 3 (10), e3588, 2008
Rapid important paper: Messenger RNA in squid axoplasm
A Giuditta, T Hunt, L Santella
Neurochem. Int 8 (3), 435-442, 1986
NAADP triggers the fertilization potential in starfish oocytes
F Moccia, D Lim, K Kyozuka, L Santella
Cell calcium 36 (6), 515-524, 2004
Activation of oocytes by latrunculin A
D Lim, K Lange, L Santella
The FASEB journal 16 (9), 1050-1056, 2002
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