オープン アクセスを義務付けられた論文 - Neville A Stanton詳細
一般には非公開: 61 件
The crash at Kerang: Investigating systemic and psychological factors leading to unintentional non-compliance at rail level crossings
PM Salmon, GJM Read, NA Stanton, MG Lenné
Accident Analysis & Prevention 50, 1278-1288, 2013
委任: National Health and Medical Research Council, Australia
Situation awareness on the road: review, theoretical and methodological issues, and future directions
PM Salmon, NA Stanton, KL Young
Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science 13 (4), 472-492, 2012
委任: National Health and Medical Research Council, Australia
Systems Theoretic Accident Model and Process (STAMP) safety modelling applied to an aircraft rapid decompression event
CK Allison, KM Revell, R Sears, NA Stanton
Safety science 98, 159-166, 2017
委任: UK Research & Innovation
Using social network analysis and agent-based modelling to explore information flow using common operational pictures for maritime search and rescue operations
C Baber, NA Stanton, J Atkinson, R McMaster, RJ Houghton
Ergonomics 56 (6), 889-905, 2013
委任: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Vulnerable road users in low-, middle-, and high-income countries: validation of a pedestrian behaviour questionnaire
RC McIlroy, KL Plant, U Jikyong, VH Nam, B Bunyasi, GO Kokwaro, J Wu, ...
Accident Analysis & Prevention 131, 80-94, 2019
委任: National Institute for Health Research, UK
Using cognitive work analysis and the strategies analysis diagram to understand variability in road user behaviour at intersections
M Cornelissen, PM Salmon, R McClure, NA Stanton
Ergonomics 56 (5), 764-780, 2013
委任: National Health and Medical Research Council, Australia
On the reliability and validity of, and training in, ergonomics methods: a challenge revisited
NA Stanton
Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science 17 (4), 345-353, 2016
委任: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Ecodriving in hybrid electric vehicles–Exploring challenges for user-energy interaction
T Franke, MG Arend, RC McIlroy, NA Stanton
Applied ergonomics 55, 33-45, 2016
委任: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
What the drivers do and do not tell you: using verbal protocol analysis to investigate driver behaviour in emergency situations
VA Banks, NA Stanton, C Harvey
Ergonomics 57 (3), 332-342, 2014
委任: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Challenges for automated vehicle driver training: A thematic analysis from manual and automated driving
SE Merriman, KL Plant, KMA Revell, NA Stanton
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 76, 238-268, 2021
委任: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Walking the line: understanding pedestrian behaviour and risk at rail level crossings with cognitive work analysis
GJM Read, PM Salmon, MG Lenné, NA Stanton
Applied ergonomics 53, 209-227, 2016
委任: Australian Research Council
Encouraging eco-driving with visual, auditory, and vibrotactile stimuli
RC McIlroy, NA Stanton, L Godwin, AP Wood
IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems 47 (5), 661-672, 2016
委任: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Recognizing driving styles based on topic models
G Qi, J Wu, Y Zhou, Y Du, Y Jia, N Hounsell, NA Stanton
Transportation research part D: transport and environment 66, 13-22, 2019
委任: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Where do novice and experienced drivers direct their attention on approach to urban rail level crossings?
KL Young, MG Lenné, V Beanland, PM Salmon, NA Stanton
Accident Analysis & Prevention 77, 1-11, 2015
委任: Australian Research Council
A decision ladder analysis of eco-driving: the first step towards fuel-efficient driving behaviour
RC McIlroy, NA Stanton
Ergonomics 58 (6), 866-882, 2015
委任: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
What can we learn from automated vehicle collisions? A deductive thematic analysis of five automated vehicle collisions
SE Merriman, KL Plant, KMA Revell, NA Stanton
Safety science 141, 105320, 2021
委任: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Examining the roles of multidimensional fatalism on traffic safety attitudes and pedestrian behaviour
DD Dinh, NH Vu, RC McIlroy, KA Plant, NA Stanton
Safety science 124, 104587, 2020
委任: Department of International Development, UK, National Institute for Health …
Mind the gap–Deriving a compatible user mental model of the home heating system to encourage sustainable behaviour
KMA Revell, NA Stanton
Applied Ergonomics 57, 48-61, 2016
委任: UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council
Distributed situation awareness in road transport: Theory, measurement, and application to intersection design
PM Salmon, GJM Read, GH Walker, MG Lenné, NA Stanton
Routledge, 2018
委任: Australian Research Council
Distributed cognition in aviation operations: a gate-to-gate study with implications for distributed crewing
NA Stanton, KL Plant, KMA Revell, TGC Griffin, S Moffat, M Stanton
Ergonomics 62 (2), 138-155, 2019
委任: UK Research & Innovation
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