DI Rezvukhin
DI Rezvukhin
Sobolev Institute of Geology and Mineralogy SB RAS
確認したメール アドレス: igm.nsc.ru
Cr-rich rutile: A powerful tool for diamond exploration
VG Malkovets, DI Rezvukhin, EA Belousova, WL Griffin, IS Sharygin, ...
Lithos 265, 304-311, 2016
Zircon xenocrysts from the Shaka Ridge record ancient continental crust: New U-Pb geochronological and oxygen isotopic data
SG Skublov, NA Rumyantseva, Q Li, BG Vanshtein, DI Rezvukhin, X Li
Journal of Earth Science 33 (1), 5-16, 2022
Inclusions of crichtonite-group minerals in Cr-pyropes from the Internatsionalnaya kimberlite pipe, Siberian Craton: Crystal chemistry, parageneses and relationships to mantle …
DI Rezvukhin, VG Malkovets, IS Sharygin, IG Tretiakova, WL Griffin, ...
Lithos 308, 181-195, 2018
Solidus and melting of carbonated phlogopite peridotite at 3–6.5 GPa: Implications for mantle metasomatism
A Shatskiy, A Bekhtenova, AV Arefiev, IV Podborodnikov, ...
Gondwana Research 101, 156-174, 2022
Zircons from a pegmatite cutting eclogite (Gridino, Belomorian Mobile Belt): U-Pb-O and trace element constraints on eclogite metamorphism and fluid activity
SG Skublov, AV Berezin, XH Li, QL Li, LI Salimgaraeva, VV Travin, ...
Geosciences 10 (5), 197, 2020
Micro‐Raman study of crichtonite group minerals enclosed into mantle garnet
T Alifirova, D Rezvukhin, E Nikolenko, L Pokhilenko, P Zelenovskiy, ...
Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 51 (9), 1493-1512, 2020
Rutile in diamondiferous metamorphic rocks: New insights from trace-element composition, mineral/fluid inclusions, and U-Pb ID-TIMS dating
OV Rezvukhina, SG Skublov, DI Rezvukhin, AV Korsakov
Lithos 394, 106172, 2021
A plethora of epigenetic minerals reveals a multistage metasomatic overprint of a mantle orthopyroxenite from the Udachnaya Kimberlite
DI Rezvukhin, TA Alifirova, AV Golovin, AV Korsakov
Minerals 10 (3), 264, 2020
Inclusions of Cr-and Cr–Nb-Rutile in pyropes from the Internatsionalnaya kimberlite pipe, Yakutia
DI Rezvukhin, VG Malkovets, IS Sharygin, DV Kuzmin, KD Litasov, ...
Doklady Earth Sciences 466, 173-176, 2016
A new occurrence of yimengite-hawthorneite and crichtonite-group minerals in an orthopyroxenite from kimberlite: Implications for mantle metasomatism
DI Rezvukhin, TA Alifirova, AV Korsakov, AV Golovin
American Mineralogist 104 (5), 761-774, 2019
Late metasomatic addition of garnet to the SCLM: Os-isotope evidence
VG Malkovets, WL Griffin, NJ Pearson, DI Rezvukhin, SY O'Reilly, ...
International Kimberlite Conference: Extended Abstracts 10, 2012
Natural graphite cuboids
AV Korsakov, OV Rezvukhina, JA Jaszczak, DI Rezvukhin, ...
Minerals 9 (2), 110, 2019
Inclusions of crichtonite group minerals in pyropes from the Internatsionalnaya kimberlite pipe, Yakutia
DI Rezvukhin, VG Malkovets, IS Sharygin, DV Kuzmin, AA Gibsher, ...
Doklady Earth Sciences 466, 206-209, 2016
A combined Raman spectroscopy, cathodoluminescence, and electron backscatter diffraction study of kyanite porphyroblasts from diamondiferous and diamond‐free metamorphic rocks …
OV Rezvukhina, AV Korsakov, DI Rezvukhin, DA Zamyatin, ...
Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 51 (9), 1425-1437, 2020
Dumortierite and tourmaline from the Barchi‐Kol diamond‐bearing kyanite gneisses (Kokchetav massif): A Raman spectroscopic study and petrological implications
AV Korsakov, OV Rezvukhina, DI Rezvukhin, ED Greshnyakov, VY Shur
Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 51 (9), 1839-1848, 2020
Sulfide-bearing polymineralic inclusions in mantle-derived garnets from lamprophyres of the Chompolo field (Central Aldan, Siberian craton)
EI Nikolenko, IS Sharygin, DI Rezvukhin, VG Malkovets, NS Tychkov, ...
Doklady Earth Sciences 497, 300-304, 2021
Olivine in a coesite-bearing eclogite from the Udachnaya kimberlite pipe
DS Mikhailenko, DI Rezvukhin, AV Korsakov, NV Sobolev
Doklady Earth Sciences 489, 1358-1362, 2019
Cr-pyrope xenocrysts with oxide mineral inclusions from the Chompolo lamprophyres (Aldan shield): Insights into mantle processes beneath the southeastern Siberian craton
DI Rezvukhin, EI Nikolenko, IS Sharygin, OV Rezvukhina, ...
Mineralogical Magazine 86 (1), 60-77, 2022
Zircon from diamondiferous kyanite gneisses of the Kokchetav massif: Revealing growth stages using an integrated cathodoluminescence, Raman spectroscopy and electron microprobe …
OV Rezvukhina, AV Korsakov, DI Rezvukhin, DS Mikhailenko, ...
Mineralogical Magazine 84 (6), 949-958, 2020
Oxide mineral inclusions in Cr-pyropes from the Aldanskaya lamprophyre dyke, Yakutia
D Rezvukhin, E Nikolenko, I Sharygin, V Malkovets
Proceedings of the Magmatism of the Earth and Related Strategic Metal …, 2017
論文 1–20