その他の名前Koshi Yoshida
確認したメール アドレス: edu.k.u-tokyo.ac.jp
A review of climate-change impact and adaptation studies for the water sector in Thailand
M Kiguchi, K Takata, N Hanasaki, B Archevarahuprok, A Champathong, ...
Environmental Research Letters 16 (2), 023004, 2021
Weather-induced economic damage to upland crops and the impact on farmer household income in Northeast Thailand
K Yoshida, M Srisutham, S Sritumboon, D Suanburi, N Janjirauttikul
Paddy and Water Environment 17, 341-349, 2019
Evaluation of the dynamics of the leaf area index (LAI) of rice in farmer's fields in Vientiane Province, Lao PDR
Y Hirooka, K Homma, M Maki, K Sekiguchi, T Shiraiwa, K Yoshida
Journal of Agricultural Meteorology 73 (1), 16-21, 2017
GIS analysis of conjunctive water resource use in Nganjuk district, east Java, Indonesia
Liyantono, T Kato, H Kuroda, K Yoshida
Paddy and Water Environment 11, 193-205, 2013
Evaluation of tributaries contribution in the Mekong River Basin during rainy and dry season
O Toda, H Tanji, H Somura, K Higuchi, K Yoshida
Proceedings of the 2nd Asia Pacific Association of Hydrology and Water …, 2004
Characterization of water quality variation in the Mekong River at Vientiane by frequent observations
T Iida, S Inkhamseng, K Yoshida, H Tanji
Hydrological Processes 25 (23), 3590-3601, 2011
Quantitative evaluation of spatial distribution of nitrogen loading in the Citarum river basin, Indonesia
K Yoshida, K Tanaka, K Noda, K Homma, M Maki, C Hongo, H Shirakawa, ...
Journal of Agricultural Meteorology 73 (1), 31-44, 2017
Contribution of ict monitoring system in agricultural water management and environmental conservation
K Yoshida, K Tanaka, R Hariya, I Azechi, T Iida, S Maeda, H Kuroda
Serviceology for Designing the Future: Selected and Edited Papers of the 2nd …, 2016
Future Water Availability in the Asian Monsoon Region: A Case Study in Indonesia
K Yoshida, I Azechi, R Hariya, K Tanaka, K Noda, K Oki, C Hongo, ...
Journal of Developments in Sustainable Agriculture 8 (1), 25-31, 2013
Estimation of irrigation water using Cropwat model at KM35 Project Site
T Osamu, K Yoshida, S Hiroaki, H Katsuhiro, H Hajime Tangi
Savannakhet, LAO, PDR. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Role of …, 2005
Rice production in farmer fields in soil salinity classified areas in Khon Kaen, Northeast Thailand
Y Yang, R Ye, M Srisutham, T Nontasri, S Sritumboon, M Maki, K Yoshida, ...
Sustainability 14 (16), 9873, 2022
Effect of Land Use Change Driven by Economic Growth on Sedimentation in River Reach in Southeast Asia―A Case Study in Upper Citarum River Basin―
K Noda, K Yoshida, H Shirakawa, U Surahman, K Oki
Journal of Agricultural Meteorology 73 (1), 22-30, 2017
Combined effects of oxygen and temperature on nitrogen removal in a nitrate-rich ex-paddy wetland
X Lin, S Eguchi, S Maeda, K Yoshida, H Kuroda
Science of The Total Environment 779, 146254, 2021
Evaluation of economic damages on rice production under extreme climate and agricultural insurance for adaptation measures in Northeast Thailand
K Yoshida, M Srisutham, S Sritumboon, D Suanburi, N Janjirauttikul, ...
Engineering Journal 23 (6), 451-460, 2019
Climate change impact on soil salt accumulation in Khon Kaen, Northeast Thailand
K Yoshida, S Sritumboon, M Srisutham, K Homma, M Maki, K Oki
Hydrological Research Letters 15 (4), 92-97, 2021
Turbulence and energetics of fish nest and pool structures in agricultural canal
S Maeda, K Yoshida, H Kuroda
Paddy and Water Environment 16, 493-505, 2018
Development of an environmentally advanced basin model in Asia
K Oki, K Noda, K Yoshida, I Azechi, M Maki, K Homma, C Hongo, ...
Crop Production, 2013
Seasonal variation in nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations in the Mekong River at Vientiane
飯田俊彰, ソンポンインカムセン, 吉田貢士, 伊藤慎之介
水文・水資源学会誌 20 (3), 226-234, 2007
Evaluation of irrigation efficiency at KM6 Project site, LAOS
K Yoshida, H Tanji, H Somura, O Toda, K Higuchi
Proceeding of the 2nd APHW conference 1, 652-659, 2003
Impact of changes in the relationship between salinity and soil moisture on remote sensing data usage in northeast Thailand
M Maki, S Sritumboon, M Srisutham, K Yoshida, K Homma, S Sukchan
Hydrological Research Letters 16 (2), 54-58, 2022
論文 1–20