Lieke van Lieshout
Lieke van Lieshout
Assistant Professor, Donders Institute, Radboud University Nijmegen
確認したメール アドレス: donders.ru.nl
Induction and Relief of Curiosity Elicit Parietal and Frontal Activity
LLF van Lieshout, ARE Vandenbroucke, NCJ Müller, R Cools, ...
Journal of Neuroscience, 2018
Why so curious? Quantifying mechanisms of information seeking
LLF van Lieshout, FP de Lange, R Cools
Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences 35, 112-117, 2020
Curiosity or savouring? Information seeking is modulated by both uncertainty and valence
LLF van Lieshout, IJ Traast, FP de Lange, R Cools
PloS one 16 (9), e0257011, 2021
Uncertainty increases curiosity, but decreases happiness
LLF van Lieshout, FP de Lange, R Cools
Scientific Reports 11 (1), 14014, 2021
Local expectation violations result in global activity gain in primary visual cortex
P Kok, LLF van Lieshout, FP de Lange
Scientific Reports 6, 37706, 2016
Motives underlying human curiosity
LLF van Lieshout, FP de Lange, R Cools
Nature Human Behaviour 3 (6), 550-551, 2019
Choice boosts curiosity
P Romero Verdugo, LLF van Lieshout, FP de Lange, R Cools
Psychological Science 34 (1), 99-110, 2023
Individual differences in information demand have a low dimensional structure predicted by some curiosity traits
HK Jach, R Cools, A Frisvold, MA Grubb, CA Hartley, J Hartmann, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 121 (45), e2415236121, 2024
Rewards can be costly: extrinsic rewards are not beneficial during autonomous learning
L van Lieshout, O Colizoli, TLL Holman, F Kühnert, H Bekkering
PsyArXiv, 2023
Does dopamine synthesis capacity predict individual variation in curiosity?
LLF van Lieshout, R van den Bosch, L Hofmans, FP de Lange, R Cools
bioRxiv, 2020.10. 13.337477, 2020
A cross-cultural comparison of intrinsic and extrinsic motivational drives for learning
Z Zhang, LLF van Lieshout, O Colizoli, H Li, T Yang, C Liu, S Qin, ...
Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience, 1-20, 2024
Predictive processing: Shedding light on the computational processes underlying motivated behavior
LLF van Lieshout, Z Zhang, KJ Friston, H Bekkering
Behavioral and Brain Sciences 48, e46, 2025
The Interplay Between the Motivational Drives of Autonomy and Competence on Declarative Memory
MD Abrahamse, H Bekkering, L van Lieshout
PsyArXiv, 2023
Common and distinct brain areas associated with intrinsic and extrinsic motivation for learning: a meta-analysis and synthesis of fMRI studies
Z Zhang, L van Lieshout, O Colizoli
OSF, 2021
Why so curious? The cognitive and neural mechanisms of information seeking
LLF van Lieshout
Radboud University, 2021
The role of uncertainty in curiosity about wins versus losses
L van Lieshout
OSF, 2018
Autonomy in learning: Predictability modulates the beneficial effect of choice on learning
Z Zhang, L van Lieshout, H Bekkering
OSF, 0
論文 1–17