Chris Rehmann
Chris Rehmann
Civil Engineering, Iowa State University
確認したメール アドレス: iastate.edu
Scaling and parameterization of stratified homogeneous turbulent shear flow
LH Shih, JR Koseff, JH Ferziger, CR Rehmann
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 412, 1-20, 2000
Evaluation of mean velocity and turbulence measurements with ADCPs
EA Nystrom, CR Rehmann, KA Oberg
Journal of hydraulic engineering 133 (12), 1310-1318, 2007
Importance of interactions between the water column and the sediment for microbial concentrations in streams
CR Rehmann, ML Soupir
Water Research 43 (18), 4579-4589, 2009
Mean potential energy change in stratified grid turbulence
CR Rehmann, JR Koseff
Dynamics of atmospheres and oceans 37 (4), 271-294, 2004
Modeling and scaling of aeration bubble plumes: A two-phase flow analysis
FA Bombardelli, GC Buscaglia, CR Rehmann, LE Rincón, MH García
Journal of hydraulic research 45 (5), 617-630, 2007
A model for predicting resuspension of Escherichia coli from streambed sediments
PK Pandey, ML Soupir, CR Rehmann
Water research 46 (1), 115-126, 2012
Measuring the dispersion coefficient with acoustic Doppler current profilers
ML Carr, CR Rehmann
Journal of hydraulic engineering 133 (8), 977-982, 2007
Measurement of turbulence with acoustic doppler current profilers-sources of error and laboratory results
EA Nystrom, KA Oberg, CR Rehmann
Hydraulic Measurements and Experimental Methods 2002, 1-10, 2002
Laboratory measurements of differential diffusion in a diffusively stable, turbulent flow
PR Jackson, CR Rehmann
Journal of Physical Oceanography 33 (8), 1592-1603, 2003
Effect of turbulence on the mortality of zebra mussel veligers
CR Rehmann, JA Stoeckel, DW Schneider
Canadian Journal of Zoology 81 (6), 1063-1069, 2003
A developmental bottleneck in dispersing larvae: implications for spatial population dynamics
DW Schneider, JA Stoeckel, CR Rehmann, K Douglas Blodgett, ...
Ecology Letters 6 (4), 352-360, 2003
Mixing efficiency in decaying stably stratified turbulence
DD Stretch, JW Rottman, SK Venayagamoorthy, KK Nomura, ...
Dynamics of atmospheres and oceans 49 (1), 25-36, 2010
The impact of a benthic filter feeder: limitations imposed by physical transport of algae to the benthos
WJ Edwards, CR Rehmann, E McDonald, DA Culver
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 62 (1), 205-214, 2005
Laboratory culture of Dreissena polymorpha larvae: spawning success, adult fecundity, and larval mortality patterns
JA Stoeckel, DK Padilla, DW Schneider, CR Rehmann
Canadian Journal of Zoology 82 (9), 1436-1443, 2004
Retention and supply of zebra mussel larvae in a large river system: importance of an upstream lake
JA Stoeckel, CR Rehmann, DW Schneider, DK Padilla
Freshwater Biology 49 (7), 919-930, 2004
Wind energy assessment for NEOM city, Saudi Arabia
F Alfawzan, JE Alleman, CR Rehmann
Energy Science & Engineering 8 (3), 755-767, 2020
An agent-based platform for the study of watersheds as coupled natural and human systems
L Tesfatsion, CR Rehmann, DS Cardoso, Y Jie, WJ Gutowski
Environmental Modelling & Software 89, 40-60, 2017
Dissipation of turbulent kinetic energy near a bubble plume
CLM Soga, CR Rehmann
Journal of hydraulic engineering 130 (5), 441-449, 2004
Diapycnal diffusivity inferred from scalar microstructure measurements near the New England shelf/slope front
CR Rehmann, TF Duda
Journal of physical oceanography 30 (6), 1354-1371, 2000
Experiments on differential scalar mixing in turbulence in a sheared, stratified flow
PR Jackson, CR Rehmann
Journal of Physical Oceanography 44 (10), 2661-2680, 2014
論文 1–20