オープン アクセスを義務付けられた論文 - Stuti Pandya詳細
一般には非公開: 6 件
Job engagement, perceived organizational support, high‐performance human resource practices, and cultural value orientations: A cross‐level investigation
L Zhong, SJ Wayne, RC Liden
Journal of Organizational Behavior 37 (6), 823-844, 2016
委任: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Transformational leadership dimensions and employee creativity in China: A cross-level analysis
C Li, H Zhao, TM Begley
Journal of Business Research 68 (6), 1149-1156, 2015
委任: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Servant leadership and engagement: A dual mediation model
Y Bao, C Li, H Zhao
Journal of Managerial Psychology 33 (6), 406-417, 2018
委任: National Natural Science Foundation of China
The relationship between organizational culture and family satisfaction in critical care
PM Dodek, H Wong, DK Heyland, DJ Cook, GM Rocker, DJ Kutsogiannis, ...
Critical care medicine 40 (5), 1506-1512, 2012
委任: Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada
Is being a good learner enough? An examination of the interplay between learning goal orientation and impression management tactics on creativity
D Liu, S Wang, SJ Wayne
Personnel Psychology 68 (1), 109-142, 2015
委任: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Honor among thieves: The interaction of team and member deviance on trust in the team.
K Schabram, SL Robinson, KS Cruz
Journal of Applied Psychology 103 (9), 1057, 2018
委任: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Canada
一般公開: 10 件
A dynamic phase model of psychological contract processes
DM Rousseau, SD Hansen, M Tomprou
Journal of Organizational Behavior 39 (9), 1081-1098, 2018
委任: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Canada
High‐Performance work systems in professional service firms: Examining the practices‐resources‐uses‐performance linkage
N Fu, PC Flood, J Bosak, DM Rousseau, T Morris, P O'Regan
Human resource management 56 (2), 329-352, 2017
委任: Irish Research Council
The Shame of It All: A Review of Shame in Organizational Life
MA Daniels, SL Robinson
Journal of Management, 0149206318817604, 2019
委任: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Canada
Trust in the workplace: The role of social interaction diversity in the community and in the workplace
V Cui, I Vertinsky, S Robinson, O Branzei
Business & Society 57 (2), 378-412, 2018
委任: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, Canada
Enhancing the trustworthiness and credibility of HRD: Evidence-based management to the rescue?
C Gubbins, B Harney, L van der Werff, D Rousseau
Human Resource Development Quarterly 29 (3), 193-202, 2018
委任: European Commission
Managing patient emotions as skilled work and being ‘one of us’
I Kessler, P Heron, S Dopson
Work, employment and society 29 (5), 775-791, 2015
委任: UK Economic and Social Research Council, National Institute for Health …
Positive and negative behaviours in workplace relationships: a scoping review protocol
J Almost, A Wolff, B Mildon, S Price, C Godfrey, S Robinson, A Ross-White, ...
BMJ open 5 (2), e007685, 2015
委任: Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Balancing Organizational Incentives to Counter Insider Threat
AP Moore, TM Cassidy, MC Theis, D Bauer, DM Rousseau, SB Moore
2018 IEEE Security and Privacy Workshops (SPW), 237-246, 2018
委任: US Department of Defense
The construction of career aspirations amongst healthcare support workers: beyond the rational and the mundane?
I Kessler, S Bach, V Nath
Industrial Relations Journal, 2019
委任: National Institute for Health Research, UK
Developing a high-performance support workforce in acute care: innovation, evaluation and engagement
I Kessler, K Spilsbury, P Heron
NIHR Journals Library, 2014
委任: National Institute for Health Research, UK
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