Lilik Hasanah
Lilik Hasanah
確認したメール アドレス: upi.edu
Corrosion of copper alloys in KOH, NaOH, NaCl, and HCl electrolyte solutions and its impact to the mechanical properties
I Hamidah, A Solehudin, A Hamdani, L Hasanah, K Khairurrijal, ...
Alexandria Engineering Journal 60 (2), 2235-2243, 2021
Pengembangan bahan ajar IPA terpadu pada tema energi dan lingkungan
N Ashri, L Hasanah
Prosiding Simposium Nasional Inovasi Dan Pembelajaran Sains, 469-472, 2015
Characterization of turbidity water sensor SEN0189 on the changes of total suspended solids in the water
WL Hakim, L Hasanah, B Mulyanti, A Aminudin
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1280 (2), 022064, 2019
Heat and temperature experiment designs to support students’ conception on nature of science
EC Prima, S Utari, DT Chandra, L Hasanah, D Rusdiana
JOTSE: Journal of technology and science education 8 (4), 453-472, 2018
Measuring critical thinking skills of 11th grade students on temperature and heat
AH Aminudin, D Rusdiana, A Samsudin, L Hasanah, J Maknun
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1280 (5), 052062, 2019
Trends in research related to photonic crystal (PHC) from 2009 to 2019: A bibliometric and knowledge mapping analysis
W Wiendartun, C Wulandari, JN Fauzan, L Hasanah, HS Nugroho, ...
Journal of Engineering Science and Technology 17 (1), 0343-0360, 2022
Design and optimization of coupled Microring Resonators (MRRs) in silicon-on-insulator
B Mulyanti, PS Menon, S Shaari, T Hariyadi, L Hasanah, H Haroon
Sains Malaysiana 43 (2), 247-252, 2014
Sistem Monitoring Online Kualitas Air Akuakultur untuk Tambak Udang Menggunakan Aplikasi Berbasis Android
P Kusrini, G Wiranto, I Syamsu, L Hasanah
Jurnal Elektronika dan Telekomunikasi 16 (2), 25-32, 2016
Refractive index and sensing of glucose molarities determined using Au-Cr K-SPR at 670/785 nm wavelength
PS Menon, B Mulyanti, NA Jamil, C Wulandari, HS Nugroho, GS Mei, ...
Sains Malaysiana 48 (6), 1259-1265, 2019
Uji Keterpahaman dan Kelayakan Bahan Ajar IPA Terpadu
N Ashri, L Hasanah
Edusains 8 (2), 145-149, 2016
Model of a tunneling current in an anisotropic Si/Si1− xGex/Si heterostructure with a nanometer-thick barrier including the effect of parallel–perpendicular kinetic energy coupling
L Hasanah, M Abdullah, T Winata
Semiconductor science and technology 23 (12), 125024, 2008
Biomass-based supercapacitors electrodes for electrical energy storage systems activated using chemical activation method: A literature review and bibliometric analysis
I Hamidah, R Ramdhani, A Wiyono, B Mulyanti, RE Pawinanto, ...
Indonesian Journal of Science and Technology 8 (3), 439-468, 2023
The influence of implementation of interactive lecture demonstrations (ILD) conceptual change oriented toward the decreasing of the quantity students that misconception on the …
Y Kurniawan, A Suhandi, L Hasanah
AIP Conference Proceedings 1708 (1), 2016
A design and performance analysis of a telemetry system for remote monitoring of turbidity of water during the covid-19 pandemic
L Hasanah, WL Hakim, A Aminudin, SK Sahari, B Mulyanti
Indonesian Journal of Science and Technology 5 (2), 299-307, 2020
Application of learning cycle 5e model aided Cmaptools-based media prototype to improve student cognitive learning outcomes
S Utari, S Feranie, L Aviyanti, IM Sari, L Hasanah
Applied Physics Research 5 (4), 69, 2013
K-11 students’ creative thinking ability on static fluid: a case study
IU Hanni, L Hasanah, A Samsudin
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1013 (1), 012034, 2018
Promoting students’ conceptual understanding using STEM-based e-book
U Komarudin, NY Rustaman, L Hasanah
AIP Conference Proceedings 1848 (1), 2017
Synthesis of potassium silicate nanoparticles from rice straw ash using a flame-assisted spray-pyrolysis method
ABD Nandiyanto, N Permatasari, TN Sucahya, AG Abdullah, L Hasanah
IOP conference series: materials science and engineering 180 (1), 012133, 2017
Profile of cognitive ability and multiple intelligence of vocational students in application of electric energy conservation
A Kurniawan, NY Rustaman, I Kaniawati, L Hasanah
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 895 (1), 012165, 2017
A case study of analyzing 11th graders’ problem solving ability on heat and temperature topic
D Yulianawati, L Hasanah, A Samsudin
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1013 (1), 012042, 2018
論文 1–20