Vimlesh Kumar Soni
Vimlesh Kumar Soni
Professor, MANIT Bhopal
確認したメール アドレス: manit.ac.in
Characterization of mechanical properties and microstructure of aluminium alloy-SiC composites
RS Rana, R Purohit, VK Soni, S Das
Materials Today: Proceedings 2 (4-5), 1149-1156, 2015
Impact of TPM implementation on Indian manufacturing industry
J Kumar, V Kumar Soni, G Agnihotri
International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management 63 (1), 44-56, 2014
Modeling and analysis of FMS performance variables by fuzzy TISM
V Jain, VK Soni
Journal of Modelling in Management 14 (1), 2-30, 2019
Manufacturing wastes analysis in lean environment: an integrated ISM-fuzzy MICMAC approach
L Patidar, VK Soni, PK Soni
International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management 8, 1783 …, 2017
Maintenance performance metrics for manufacturing industry
J Kumar, V Soni, G Agnihotri
International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology 2 (2), 136-142, 2013
Barriers to lean implementation in small and medium-sized Indian enterprises
AK Shrimali, VK Soni
International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology 8 (6), 1-9, 2017
A review on issues of lean manufacturing implementation by small and medium enterprises
AK Shrimali, VK Soni
International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and …, 2017
Maintenance strategies and their combine impact on manufacturing performance
L Patidar, VK Soni, PK Soni
International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and …, 2017
Development and wear analysis of Al-nano SiC composite automotive cam
RS Rana, R Purohit, VK Soni, S Das
Materials Today: Proceedings 2 (4-5), 3586-3592, 2015
Interpretive structural modeling of identified barriers to lean implementation in SMEs
AK Shrimali, VK Soni, SS Pawar
MATEC Web of Conferences 183, 01008, 2018
An exploratory study of OEE implementation in Indian manufacturing companies
J Kumar, VK Soni
Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series C 96, 205-214, 2015
Boiler efficiency improvement through analysis of losses
V Nagar, VK Soni, VK Khare
International Journal for Scientific Research & Development 1 (3), 2321-0613, 2013
A review on issues for implementation of six sigma by small and medium enterprises
D Tyagi, VK Soni, VK Khare
International Journal of the Latest Trends in Engineering and Technology 3 …, 2014
Development of a framework for implementation of maintenance tools and techniques using interpretive structural modeling
L Patidar, VK Soni, PK Soni
Materials Today: Proceedings 4 (8), 8158-8166, 2017
Continuous improvement philosophy for manufacturing productivity: critical review
L Patidar, VK Soni, PK Soni
Trends in Industrial and Mechanical Engineering 30, 34-45, 2016
A study on the Utilization of Lean techniques/tools in Indian SMEs
AK Shrimali, VK Soni
Production Engineering Archives 20 (20), 32-37, 2018
Evaluation of critical success factors for Six Sigma implementation in Indian manufacturing SMEs
D Tyagi, VK Soni, VK Khare
World 4, 6200, 2017
Assessing the Critical Success Factors and Barriers for Six Sigma Implementation in Auto Component Indian SMEs
D Tyagi, VK Soni, VK Khare
International Journal of Research in Mechanical Engineering 4 (2), 15-26, 2016
Optimization of wear and friction parameters of (LM24/B4C) composite using Taguchi technique
A Kumar, R Kumar, VK Soni, RS Rana, R Purohit
Materials Today: Proceedings 18, 3702-3710, 2019
Critiques of overall equipment effectiveness (OEE): A literature review
J Kumar, V Kumar Soni, G Agnihotri
International Journal of Contemporary Practices 1 (10), 29-36, 0
論文 1–20