Michael P. Reiman
Michael P. Reiman
Associate Professor, Duke University Medical Center
確認したメール アドレス: duke.edu
The Warwick Agreement on femoroacetabular impingement syndrome (FAI syndrome): an international consensus statement
DR Griffin, EJ Dickenson, J O'donnell, T Awan, M Beck, JC Clohisy, ...
British journal of sports medicine 50 (19), 1169-1176, 2016
Functional testing in human performance
MP Reiman, RC Manske
Human kinetics, 2009
A literature review of studies evaluating gluteus maximus and gluteus medius activation during rehabilitation exercises
MP Reiman, LA Bolgla, JK Loudon
Physiotherapy theory and practice 28 (4), 257-268, 2012
Which criteria are used to clear patients to return to sport after primary ACL reconstruction? A scoping review
CR Burgi, S Peters, CL Ardern, JR Magill, CD Gomez, J Sylvain, ...
British journal of sports medicine 53 (18), 1154-1161, 2019
Diagnostic accuracy of clinical tests for the diagnosis of hip femoroacetabular impingement/labral tear: a systematic review with meta-analysis
MP Reiman, AP Goode, CE Cook, P Hølmich, K Thorborg
British journal of sports medicine 49 (12), 811-811, 2015
Eccentric training for prevention of hamstring injuries may depend on intervention compliance: a systematic review and meta-analysis
AP Goode, MP Reiman, L Harris, L DeLisa, A Kauffman, D Beltramo, ...
British journal of sports medicine 49 (6), 349-356, 2015
Physical fitness predicts functional tasks in individuals with Down syndrome
PM Cowley, LL Ploutz-Snyder, T Baynard, K Heffernan, SY Jae, S Hsu, ...
Med Sci Sports Exerc 42 (2), 388-93, 2010
The association between passing return-to-sport criteria and second anterior cruciate ligament injury risk: a systematic review with meta-analysis
JM Losciale, RM Zdeb, L Ledbetter, MP Reiman, TC Sell
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy 49 (2), 43-54, 2019
Best tests/clinical findings for screening and diagnosis of patellofemoral pain syndrome: a systematic review
C Cook, L Mabry, MP Reiman, EJ Hegedus
Physiotherapy 98 (2), 93-100, 2012
What performance characteristics determine elite versus nonelite athletes in the same sport?
DS Lorenz, MP Reiman, BJ Lehecka, A Naylor
Sports health 5 (6), 542-547, 2013
The effect of progressive resistance training on leg strength, aerobic capacity and functional tasks of daily living in persons with Down syndrome
PM Cowley, LL Ploutz-Snyder, T Baynard, KS Heffernan, S Young Jae, ...
Disability and rehabilitation 33 (22-23), 2229-2236, 2011
Neuromuscular electrical stimulation is effective in strengthening the quadriceps muscle after anterior cruciate ligament surgery
AV Hauger, MP Reiman, JM Bjordal, C Sheets, L Ledbetter, AP Goode
Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy 26, 399-410, 2018
Functional performance testing for power and return to sports
R Manske, M Reiman
Sports health 5 (3), 244-250, 2013
Hip function’s influence on knee dysfunction: a proximal link to a distal problem
MP Reiman, LA Bolgla, D Lorenz
Journal of sport rehabilitation 18 (1), 33-46, 2009
A randomized controlled single-blinded comparison of stretching versus stretching and joint mobilization for posterior shoulder tightness measured by internal rotation motion loss
RC Manske, M Meschke, A Porter, B Smith, M Reiman
Sports Health 2 (2), 94-100, 2010
The role and implementation of eccentric training in athletic rehabilitation: tendinopathy, hamstring strains, and acl reconstruction
D Lorenz, M Reiman
International journal of sports physical therapy 6 (1), 27, 2011
Periodization: current review and suggested implementation for athletic rehabilitation
DS Lorenz, MP Reiman, JC Walker
Sports Health 2 (6), 509-518, 2010
Diagnostic accuracy of clinical tests of the hip: a systematic review with meta-analysis
MP Reiman, AP Goode, EJ Hegedus, CE Cook, AA Wright
British journal of sports medicine 47 (14), 893-902, 2013
The assessment of function: How is it measured? A clinical perspective
MP Reiman, RC Manske
Journal of Manual & Manipulative Therapy 19 (2), 91-99, 2011
The association between lumbar spine radiographic features and low back pain: a systematic review and meta-analysis
J Raastad, M Reiman, R Coeytaux, L Ledbetter, AP Goode
Seminars in Arthritis and Rheumatism 44 (5), 571-585, 2015
論文 1–20