Janna M. Gottwald
Janna M. Gottwald
Psychologist, Scientist and Psychotherapist in training (PhD, Dipl-Psych)
確認したメール アドレス: jannagottwald.com - ホームページ
An embodied account of early executive-function development: prospective motor control in infancy is related to inhibition and working memory
JM Gottwald, S Achermann, C Marciszko, M Lindskog, G Gredebäck
Psychological science 27 (12), 1600-1610, 2016
The neuropsychology of infants’ pro-social preferences
G Gredebäck, K Kaduk, M Bakker, JM Gottwald, T Ekberg, C Elsner, ...
Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience 12, 106-113, 2015
Good is up—spatial metaphors in action observation
JM Gottwald, B Elsner, O Pollatos
Frontiers in psychology 6, 1605, 2015
Infants prospectively control reaching based on the difficulty of future actions: To what extent can infants’ multiple-step actions be explained by Fitts’ law?
JM Gottwald, A De Bortoli Vizioli, M Lindskog, P Nyström, T L Ekberg, ...
Developmental Psychology 53 (1), 4-12, 2017
My virtual self: the role of movement in children’s sense of embodiment
H Dewe, JM Gottwald, LA Bird, H Brenton, M Gillies, D Cowie
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 2021
Infants’ prospective control during object manipulation in an uncertain environment
JM Gottwald, G Gredebäck
Experimental Brain Research 233 (8), 2383-2390, 2015
The developing bodily self: How posture constrains body representation in childhood
JM Gottwald, LA Bird, S Keenaghan, C Diamond, E Zampieri, H Tosodduk, ...
Child Development, 1-16, 2021
The development of visually guided stepping
R Mowbray, JM Gottwald, M Zhao, AP Atkinson, D Cowie
Experimental Brain Research 237 (11), 2875-2883, 2019
Measuring prospective motor control in action development
JM Gottwald
Journal of Motor Learning and Development, https://doi.org/10.1123/jmld.2016 …, 2017
Infants in Control: Prospective Motor Control and Executive Functions in Action Development
J Gottwald
Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, 2016
Two-step actions in infancy—the TWAIN model
JM Gottwald, G Gredebäck, M Lindskog
Experimental Brain Research 237, 2495-2503, 2019
The role of hand size in body representation: a developmental investigation
D Cowie, JM Gottwald, LA Bird, AJ Bremner
Scientific Reports 12 (1), 19281, 2022
Migration und gesellschaftliche Herausforderungen:Handlungsorientierte Ansätze zur Förderung der sozialen Teilhabe
K Schnabel, JM Gottwald
Zeitschrift für Psychodrama und Soziometrie, doi.org/10.1007/s11620-017-0407-8, 2017
The impact of interactive book sharing on child cognitive and socio-cognitive development (the REaL trial): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial
L Forssman, JM Gottwald
Trials 23 (1), 802, 2022
A Pre‐registered sticky mittens study: active training does not increase reaching and grasping in a swedish context
L van den Berg, K Libertus, P Nyström, JM Gottwald, V Licht, G Gredebäck
Child Development 93 (6), e656-e671, 2022
How Our Hands Shape Our Minds: Six Developmental Pathways
G Gredebäck, JM Gottwald, MM Daum
PsyArXiv, 2021
Can interactive book-sharing improve infants' language acquisition and socio-cognitive skills?
L Forssman, J Gottwald
Lancaster International Conference on Infant and Early Child Development (LCICD), 2022
The role of hand size in own-body representation in childhood, adolescence & adulthood
JM Gottwald, L Bird, AJ Bremner, D Cowie
The developing bodily self: How posture constrains body representation in childhood
JM Gottwald, L Bird, S Keenaghan, C Diamond, E Zampieri, H Tosodduk, ...
PsyArXiv, 2018
Final version available here
G Gredebäck, K Kaduk, M Bakker, J Gottwald, T Ekberg, C Elsner, V Reid, ...
論文 1–20