Yoshiaki Kinosita
Yoshiaki Kinosita
Special Postdoctoral Researcher, RIKEN, JAPAN
確認したメール アドレス: なし - ホームページ
Tree of motility–A proposed history of motility systems in the tree of life
M Miyata, RC Robinson, TQP Uyeda, Y Fukumori, S Fukushima, S Haruta, ...
Genes to Cells 25 (1), 6-21, 2020
Direct observation of rotation and steps of the archaellum in the swimming halophilic archaeon Halobacterium salinarum
Y Kinosita, N Uchida, D Nakane, T Nishizaka
Nature microbiology 1 (11), 1-9, 2016
Unforeseen swimming and gliding mode of an insect gut symbiont, Burkholderia sp. RPE64, with wrapping of the flagella around its cell body
Y Kinosita, Y Kikuchi, N Mikami, D Nakane, T Nishizaka
The ISME journal 12 (3), 838-848, 2018
Three-Dimensional Superlocalization Imaging of Gliding Mycoplasma mobile by Extraordinary Light Transmission through Arrayed Nanoholes
W Lee, Y Kinosita, Y Oh, N Mikami, H Yang, M Miyata, T Nishizaka, D Kim
ACS nano 9 (11), 10896-10908, 2015
Positioning of the motility machinery in halophilic archaea
Z Li, Y Kinosita, M Rodriguez-Franco, P Nußbaum, F Braun, F Delpech, ...
MBio 10 (3), 10.1128/mbio. 00377-19, 2019
Unitary step of gliding machinery in Mycoplasma mobile
Y Kinosita, D Nakane, M Sugawa, T Masaike, K Mizutani, M Miyata, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (23), 8601-8606, 2014
Detailed analyses of stall force generation in Mycoplasma mobile gliding
M Mizutani, I Tulum, Y Kinosita, T Nishizaka, M Miyata
Biophysical Journal 114 (6), 1411-1419, 2018
Motor torque measurement of Halobacterium salinarum archaellar suggests a general model for ATP-driven rotary motors
S Iwata, Y Kinosita, N Uchida, D Nakane, T Nishizaka
Communications biology 2 (1), 199, 2019
Linear motor driven-rotary motion of a membrane-permeabilized ghost in Mycoplasma mobile
Y Kinosita, M Miyata, T Nishizaka
Scientific reports 8 (1), 11513, 2018
Distinct chemotactic behavior in the original Escherichia coli K-12 depending on forward-and-backward swimming, not on run-tumble movements
Y Kinosita, T Ishida, M Yoshida, R Ito, YV Morimoto, K Goto, RM Berry, ...
Scientific Reports 10 (1), 15887, 2020
Motile ghosts of the halophilic archaeon, Haloferax volcanii
Y Kinosita, N Mikami, Z Li, F Braun, TEF Quax, C van der Does, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (43), 26766-26772, 2020
Positioning of the motility machinery in halophilic archaea. mBio 10: e00377-19
Z Li, Y Kinosita, M Rodriguez-Franco, P Nußbaum, F Braun, F Delpech, ...
Linear motor driven-rotary motion of a membrane-permeabilized ghost in Mycoplasma mobile. Sci Rep 8: 11513
Y Kinosita, M Miyata, T Nishizaka
Cross-kymography analysis to simultaneously quantify the function and morphology of the archaellum
Y Kinosita, T Nishizaka
Biophysics and physicobiology 15, 121-128, 2018
Flagellar polymorphism-dependent bacterial swimming motility in a structured environment
Y Kinosita, Y Sowa
Biophysics and Physicobiology 20 (2), e200024, 2023
Direct observation of archaellar motor rotation by single-molecular imaging techniques
Y Kinosita
Bacterial and Archaeal Motility, 197-208, 2023
生物物理 57 (2), 101-102, 2017
Detection of Steps and Rotation in the Gliding Motility of Mycoplasma mobile
Y Kinosita, M Sugawa, M Miyata, T Nishizaka
Bacterial and Archaeal Motility, 327-336, 2023
ウンドウノウ ノ ケイトウジュ セイメイ ノ ケイトウジュ ニオケル ウンドウ システム シンカ ニツイテノ テイアン
M Miyata, RC Robinson, TQP Uyeda, Y Fukumori, S Fukushima, S Haruta, ...
Genes to Cells 25 (1), 6-21, 2020
Motor torque measurement of
S Iwata, Y Kinosita, N Uchida, D Nakane, T Nishizaka
Communications biology 2, 2018
論文 1–20