Manuel J. Villafuerte
Manuel J. Villafuerte
Profesor Titular, Universidad Nacional de Tucuman y CONICET
確認したメール アドレス: herrera.unt.edu.ar
Electric-pulse-induced reversible resistance in doped zinc oxide thin films
M Villafuerte, SP Heluani, G Juarez, G Simonelli, G Braunstein, ...
Applied physics letters 90 (5), 2007
Electrical conductivity mechanisms in zinc oxide thin films deposited by pulsed laser deposition using different growth environments
SP Heluani, G Braunstein, M Villafuerte, G Simonelli, S Duhalde
Thin Solid Films 515 (4), 2379-2386, 2006
Advances in methods to obtain and characterise room temperature magnetic ZnO
I Lorite, B Straube, H Ohldag, P Kumar, M Villafuerte, P Esquinazi, ...
Applied Physics Letters 106 (8), 2015
Power-law photoconductivity time decay in nanocrystalline TiO2 thin films
D Comedi, SP Heluani, M Villafuerte, RD Arce, RR Koropecki
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 19 (48), 486205, 2007
Defect spectroscopy of single ZnO microwires
M Villafuerte, JM Ferreyra, C Zapata, J Barzola-Quiquia, F Iikawa, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 115 (13), 2014
Randomly oriented ZnO nanowires grown on amorphous SiO2 by metal-catalyzed vapour deposition
D Comedi, M Tirado, C Zapata, SP Heluani, M Villafuerte, PK Mohseni, ...
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 495 (2), 439-442, 2010
Las actividades de laboratorio en la formación de ingenieros: propuesta para el aprendizaje de los fenómenos de conducción eléctrica
MA Pesa, S Bravo, S Pérez, M Villafuerte
Caderno Brasileiro de Ensino de Física 31 (3), 642-665, 2014
Hysteretic current–voltage characteristics in RF-sputtered nanocrystalline TiO2 thin films
M Villafuerte, G Juárez, SP de Heluani, D Comedi
Physica B: Condensed Matter 398 (2), 321-324, 2007
Electric field-driven resistive switching in magnetoresistive La0. 5Ca0. 5MnO3 thin films
S Duhalde, M Villafuerte, G Juárez, SP Heluani
Physica B: Condensed Matter 354 (1-4), 11-15, 2004
Influence of the deposition parameters on the structural and transport properties of YBaCuO thin films prepared by pulsed laser deposition
S Duhalde, A Lamagna, M Villafuerte, A Schwartzman, L Correra, ...
Applied surface science 127, 520-524, 1998
Polaron variable range hopping in TiO2-δ (-0.04⩽ δ⩽ 0.2) thin films
SP Heluani, D Comedi, M Villafuerte, G Juarez
Physica B: Condensed Matter 398 (2), 305-308, 2007
ZnO: Co diluted magnetic semiconductor or hybrid nanostructure for spintronics?
F Golmar, M Villafuerte, A Mudarra Navarro, CE Rodríguez Torres, ...
Journal of materials science 45, 6174-6178, 2010
Origin of the giant negative photoresistance of ZnO single crystals
J Barzola-Quiquia, P Esquinazi, M Villafuerte, SP Heluani, A Pöppl, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 108 (7), 2010
Correlation between structural and transport properties of La0. 5Ca0. 5MnO3 thin films grown by PLD
D Rubi, S Duhalde, MC Terzzoli, M Villafuerte
Applied surface science 197, 536-541, 2002
Influence of the band bending on the photoconductivity of Li-doped ZnO microwires
JM Ferreyra, G Bridoux, M Villafuerte, B Straube, J Zamora, CA Figueroa, ...
Solid State Communications 257, 42-46, 2017
Light-induced metal-insulator transition in by photoresistance spectroscopy
G Bridoux, M Villafuerte, JM Ferreyra, N Bachi, CA Figueroa, SP Heluani
Physical Review B 92 (15), 155202, 2015
Magnetic field influence on the transient photoresistivity of defect-induced magnetic ZnO films
C Zapata, M Khalid, G Simonelli, M Villafuerte, SP Heluani, P Esquinazi
Applied Physics Letters 99 (11), 2011
Kondo-like effect in magnetoresistive CuCo alloys
LM Fabietti, J Ferreyra, M Villafuerte, SE Urreta, SP Heluani
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 82 (17), 172410, 2010
Franz-Keldysh effect in epitaxial ZnO thin films
G Bridoux, M Villafuerte, JM Ferreyra, J Guimpel, G Nieva, CA Figueroa, ...
Applied Physics Letters 112 (9), 2018
Role of defects and their complexes on the dependence of photoconductivity on dark resistivity of single ZnO microwires
M Villafuerte, DJ Zamora, G Bridoux, JM Ferreyra, M Meyer, SP Heluani
Journal of Applied Physics 121 (6), 2017
論文 1–20