bin xue
PONDR-FIT: a meta-predictor of intrinsically disordered amino acids
B Xue, RL Dunbrack, RW Williams, AK Dunker, VN Uversky
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)-Proteins and Proteomics 1804 (4), 996-1010, 2010
D2P2: database of disordered protein predictions
ME Oates, P Romero, T Ishida, M Ghalwash, MJ Mizianty, B Xue, ...
Nucleic acids research 41 (D1), D508-D516, 2012
Orderly order in protein intrinsic disorder distribution: disorder in 3500 proteomes from viruses and the three domains of life
B Xue, AK Dunker, VN Uversky
Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics 30 (2), 137-149, 2012
Predicting intrinsic disorder in proteins: an overview
B He, K Wang, Y Liu, B Xue, VN Uversky, AK Dunker
Cell research 19 (8), 929, 2009
Exceptionally abundant exceptions: comprehensive characterization of intrinsic disorder in all domains of life
Z Peng, J Yan, X Fan, MJ Mizianty, B Xue, K Wang, G Hu, VN Uversky, ...
Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences 72 (1), 137-151, 2015
MoRFpred, a computational tool for sequence-based prediction and characterization of short disorder-to-order transitioning binding regions in proteins
FM Disfani, WL Hsu, MJ Mizianty, CJ Oldfield, B Xue, AK Dunker, ...
Bioinformatics 28 (12), i75-i83, 2012
Unfoldomics of human diseases: linking protein intrinsic disorder with diseases
VN Uversky, CJ Oldfield, U Midic, H Xie, B Xue, S Vucetic, LM Iakoucheva, ...
BMC genomics 10 (Suppl 1), S7, 2009
Exploring the binding diversity of intrinsically disordered proteins involved in one‐to‐many binding
WL Hsu, CJ Oldfield, B Xue, J Meng, F Huang, P Romero, VN Uversky, ...
Protein Science 22 (3), 258-273, 2013
Structural disorder in viral proteins
B Xue, D Blocquel, J Habchi, AV Uversky, L Kurgan, VN Uversky, ...
Chemical reviews 114 (13), 6880-6911, 2014
SPINE-D: Accurate prediction of short and long disordered regions by a single neural-network based method
T Zhang, E Faraggi, B Xue, AK Dunker, VN Uversky, Y Zhou
Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics 29 (4), 799-813, 2012
Protein tandem repeats–the more perfect, the less structured
J Jorda, B Xue, VN Uversky, AV Kajava
FEBS journal 277 (12), 2673-2682, 2010
A creature with a hundred waggly tails: intrinsically disordered proteins in the ribosome
Z Peng, CJ Oldfield, B Xue, MJ Mizianty, AK Dunker, L Kurgan, ...
Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences 71 (8), 1477-1504, 2014
A functionally required unfoldome from the plant kingdom: intrinsically disordered N-terminal domains of GRAS proteins are involved in molecular recognition during plant …
X Sun, B Xue, WT Jones, E Rikkerink, AK Dunker, VN Uversky
Plant molecular biology 77 (3), 205-223, 2011
CDF it all: consensus prediction of intrinsically disordered proteins based on various cumulative distribution functions
B Xue, CJ Oldfield, AK Dunker, VN Uversky
FEBS letters 583 (9), 1469-1474, 2009
Improving the prediction accuracy of residue solvent accessibility and real‐value backbone torsion angles of proteins by guided‐learning through a two‐layer neural network
E Faraggi, B Xue, Y Zhou
Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics 74 (4), 847-856, 2009
Archaic chaos: intrinsically disordered proteins in Archaea
B Xue, RW Williams, CJ Oldfield, AK Dunker, VN Uversky
BMC systems biology 4 (Suppl 1), S1, 2010
Do Viral Proteins Possess Unique Features?
B Xue, RW Williams, CJ OLDfiELD, GKM Goh, AK DUNkER, ...
Flexible Viruses: Structural Disorder in Viral Proteins, 1-34, 2012
Viral disorder or disordered viruses: do viral proteins possess unique features?
B Xue, R W Williams, C J Oldfield, G Kian-Meng Goh, A Keith Dunker, ...
Protein and peptide letters 17 (8), 932-951, 2010
Disordered proteinaceous machines
M Fuxreiter, A Tóth-Petróczy, DA Kraut, AT Matouschek, RYH Lim, B Xue, ...
Chemical reviews 114 (13), 6806-6843, 2014
More than just tails: intrinsic disorder in histone proteins
Z Peng, MJ Mizianty, B Xue, L Kurgan, VN Uversky
Molecular BioSystems 8 (7), 1886-1901, 2012
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