Niveditha Manjunath
Niveditha Manjunath
Senior System Test Engineer, DB Netz AG
確認したメール アドレス: deutschebahn.com - ホームページ
Field-driven hopping transport of oxygen vacancies in memristive oxide switches with interface-mediated resistive switching
N Du, N Manjunath, Y Li, S Menzel, E Linn, R Waser, T You, D Bürger, ...
Physical review applied 10 (5), 054025, 2018
Localizing faults in Simulink/Stateflow models with STL
E Bartocci, T Ferrère, N Manjunath, D Ničković
Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Hybrid Systems …, 2018
Automatic failure explanation in CPS models
E Bartocci, N Manjunath, L Mariani, C Mateis, D Ničković
Software Engineering and Formal Methods: 17th International Conference, SEFM …, 2019
CPSDebug: Automatic failure explanation in CPS models
E Bartocci, N Manjunath, L Mariani, C Mateis, D Ničković
International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer, 1-14, 2021
Novel implementation of memristive systems for data encryption and obfuscation
N Du, N Manjunath, Y Shuai, D Bürger, I Skorupa, R Schüffny, C Mayr, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 115 (12), 2014
Adaptive testing for specification coverage in CPS models
E Bartocci, R Bloem, B Maderbacher, N Manjunath, D Ničković
IFAC-PapersOnLine 54 (5), 229-234, 2021
CPSDebug: a tool for explanation of failures in cyber-physical systems
E Bartocci, N Manjunath, L Mariani, C Mateis, D Ničković, F Pastore
Proceedings of the 29th acm sigsoft international symposium on software …, 2020
Adaptive testing for specification coverage and refinement in CPS models
E Bartocci, R Bloem, B Maderbacher, N Manjunath, D Ničković
Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems 46, 101254, 2022
Production tests coverage analysis in the simulation environment
N Manjunath, D Haerle, S Sabanal, H Eichinger, H Tauber, A Machne, ...
2018 IEEE International Test Conference (ITC), 1-7, 2018
Complementary resistance switch, contact-connected polycrystalline piezo-or ferroelectric thin-film layer, method for encrypting a bit sequence
T You, H Schmidt, N Du, D Buerger, I Skorupa, N Manjunath
US Patent 9,812,640, 2017
Fault-based analysis of cyber physical systems
N Manjunath
Technische Universität Wien, 2021
Adaptive Testing for Specification Coverage
E Bartocci, R Bloem, B Maderbacher, N Manjunath, D Ničković
arXiv preprint arXiv:2010.06674, 2020
Komplementärer Widerstandsschalter, Kontaktierte Polykristalline Piezo- oder Ferroelektrische Dünnschicht, Verfahren zum Verschlüsseln einer Bitfolge (Hardware-basierte …
AK Tiangui You, Heidemarie Schmidt, Nan Du, Danilo BÜRGER, Ilona Skorupa ...
EP Patent 2940749 A2, 2015
Analysis of Production Tests Coverage
N Manjunath, D Haerle, C Manthey, M Väänänen, S Sabanal, H Eichinger, ...
論文 1–14