Richard A. Posthuma
Age stereotypes in the workplace: Common stereotypes, moderators, and future research directions
RA Posthuma, MA Campion
Journal of management 35 (1), 158-188, 2009
A high performance work practices taxonomy: Integrating the literature and directing future research
RA Posthuma, MC Campion, M Masimova, MA Campion
Journal of management 39 (5), 1184-1220, 2013
Beyond employment interview validity: A comprehensive narrative review of recent research and trends over time
RA Posthuma, FP Morgeson, MA Campion
Personnel Psychology 55 (1), 1-81, 2002
16 age stereotypes and workplace age discrimination
RA Posthuma, MF Wagstaff, MA Campion
The Oxford handbook of work and aging, 298-312, 2012
Individual deals within teams: Investigating the role of relative i-deals for employee performance.
PR Vidyarthi, S Singh, B Erdogan, A Chaudhry, R Posthuma, S Anand
Journal of applied psychology 101 (11), 1536, 2016
On-the-job and off-the-job embeddedness differentially influence relationships between informal job search and turnover.
CM Porter, RA Posthuma, CP Maertz Jr, JRW Joplin, J Rigby, M Gordon, ...
Journal of Applied Psychology 104 (5), 678, 2019
Procedural justice's relationship with turnover: Explaining past inconsistent findings
RA Posthuma, CP Maertz Jr, JB Dworkin
Journal of Organizational Behavior: The International Journal of Industrial …, 2007
Fit perceptions in the employment interview: The role of similarity, liking, and expectations
MF García, RA Posthuma, A Colella
Journal of occupational and organizational psychology 81 (2), 173-189, 2008
Twenty best practices for just employee performance reviews: employers can use a model to achieve performance reviews that increase employee satisfaction, reduce the likelihood …
RA Posthuma, MA Campion
Compensation & Benefits Review 40 (1), 47-55, 2008
Perceptions and behaviors of Hispanic workers: A review
L Guerrero, R A. Posthuma
Journal of Managerial Psychology 29 (6), 616-643, 2014
Comparing the validity of turnover predictors in the United States and Mexico
RA Posthuma, JRW Joplin, CP Maertz Jr
International Journal of Cross Cultural Management 5 (2), 165-180, 2005
Are we asking the right questions? Predictive validity comparison of four structured interview question types
CJ Hartwell, CD Johnson, RA Posthuma
Journal of Business Research 100, 122-129, 2019
A behavioral theory of arbitrator acceptability
RA Posthuma, JB Dworkin
International Journal of Conflict Management 11 (3), 249-266, 2000
Conflict management and emotions
RA Posthuma
International Journal of Conflict Management 23 (1), 4-5, 2012
Conflict management and performance outcomes
RA Posthuma
International journal of conflict management 22 (2), 108-110, 2011
Mediator tactics and sources of conflict: facilitating and inhibiting effects
RA Posthuma, JB Dworkin, MS Swift
Industrial Relations: A Journal of Economy and Society 41 (1), 94-109, 2002
Conflict resolution styles between co‐workers in US and Mexican cultures
RA Posthuma, GO White III, JB Dworkin, O Yánez, M Stella Swift
International Journal of Conflict Management 17 (3), 242-260, 2006
National culture and union membership: A cultural-cognitive perspective
R A. Posthuma
Relations industrielles 64 (3), 507-529, 2009
How benefit information and demographics influence employee recruiting in Mexico
MF García, RA Posthuma, M Quiñones
Journal of Business and Psychology 25, 523-531, 2010
Predicting counterproductive performance among temporary workers: a note
RA Posthuma, MA Campion, AL Vargas
Industrial Relations: A Journal of Economy and Society 44 (3), 550-554, 2005
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