Angeliki Moutsatsou
Angeliki Moutsatsou
確認したメール アドレス: central.ntua.gr
Washing as a remediation technology applicable in soils heavily polluted by mining–metallurgical activities
A Moutsatsou, M Gregou, D Matsas, V Protonotarios
Chemosphere 63 (10), 1632-1640, 2006
Toxic metal content of particulate matter (PM10), within the Greater Area of Athens
N Manalis, G Grivas, V Protonotarios, A Moutsatsou, C Samara, ...
Chemosphere 60 (4), 557-566, 2005
Removal of heavy metals from wastewater using CFB-coal fly ash zeolitic materials
N Koukouzas, C Vasilatos, G Itskos, I Mitsis, A Moutsatsou
Journal of Hazardous Materials 173 (1-3), 581-588, 2010
High-calcium fly ash as the fourth constituent in concrete: problems, solutions and perspectives
S Tsimas, A Moutsatsou-Tsima
Cement and concrete composites 27 (2), 231-237, 2005
Surface modification of high calcium fly ash for its application in oil spill clean up
OK Karakasi, A Moutsatsou
Fuel 89 (12), 3966-3970, 2010
Heavy metal characterization of CFB-derived coal fly ash
N Koukouzas, C Ketikidis, G Itskos
Fuel Processing Technology 92 (3), 441-446, 2011
Participation of coloured glass cullet in cementitious materials
A Karamberi, A Moutsatsou
Cement and Concrete Composites 27 (2), 319-327, 2005
Comparative uptake study of toxic elements from aqueous media by the different particle-size-fractions of fly ash
G Itskos, N Koukouzas, C Vasilatos, I Megremi, A Moutsatsou
Journal of Hazardous Materials 183 (1-3), 787-792, 2010
The utilization of Ca-rich and Ca–Si-rich fly ashes in zeolites production
A Moutsatsou, E Stamatakis, K Hatzitzotzia, V Protonotarios
Fuel 85 (5-6), 657-663, 2006
Synthesis of glass-ceramics using glass cullet and vitrified industrial by-products
A Karamberi, K Orkopoulos, A Moutsatsou
Journal of the European Ceramic Society 27 (2-3), 629-636, 2007
Electrochemical study of Aluminum-Fly Ash composites obtained by powder metallurgy
E Marin, M Lekka, F Andreatta, L Fedrizzi, G Itskos, A Moutsatsou, ...
Materials Characterization 69, 16-30, 2012
Gold recovery from waste electrical and electronic equipment by electrodeposition: A feasibility study
M Lekka, I Masavetas, AV Benedetti, A Moutsatsou, L Fedrizzi
Hydrometallurgy 157, 97-106, 2015
Production of copper powder from printed circuit boards by electrodeposition
N Spyrellis
Global NEST Journal 11 (2), 241-247, 2009
Fired ceramics 100% from lignite fly ash and waste glass cullet mixtures
V Karayannis, A Moutsatsou, A Domopoulou, E Katsika, C Drossou, ...
Journal of building engineering 14, 1-6, 2017
Synthesis of A356 Al–high-Ca fly ash composites by pressure infiltration technique and their characterization
G Itskos, PK Rohatgi, A Moutsatsou, JD DeFouw, N Koukouzas, ...
Journal of Materials Science 47, 4042-4052, 2012
Microstructural characterization of PM-Al and PM-Al/Si composites reinforced with lignite fly ash
A Moutsatsou, G Itskos, P Vounatsos, N Koukouzas, C Vasilatos
Materials Science and Engineering: A 527 (18-19), 4788-4795, 2010
Prediction of the behaviour of biomass ash in fluidized bed combustors and gasifiers
S Arvelakis, C Sotiriou, A Moutsatsou, E Koukios
Journal of thermal analysis and calorimetry 56 (3), 1271-1278, 1999
Synthesis of microwave-sintered ceramics from lignite fly and bottom ashes
VG Karayannis, AK Moutsatsou, EL Katsika
Journal of Ceramic Processing Research 14 (1), 45-50, 2013
Vitrification of lignite fly ash and metal slags for the production of glass and glass ceramics
A Karamberi, A Moutsatsou
China particuology 4 (05), 250-253, 2006
Influence of raw materials and distillation equipment on the heavy metal content of waste from an alcoholic anis-type beverage
A Moutsatsou, E Chalarakis, G Zarangas
Journal of hazardous materials 96 (1), 53-64, 2003
論文 1–20