Eva Ballova Mikuskova
Eva Ballova Mikuskova
確認したメール アドレス: なし
When we are worried, what are we thinking? Anxiety, lack of control, and conspiracy beliefs amidst the COVID‐19 pandemic
J Šrol, E Ballová Mikušková, V Čavojová
Applied cognitive psychology 35 (3), 720-729, 2021
How scientific reasoning correlates with health-related beliefs and behaviors during the COVID-19 pandemic?
V Čavojová, J Šrol, E Ballová Mikušková
Journal of health psychology 27 (3), 534-547, 2022
Conspiracy Beliefs of Future Teachers
EB Mikušková
Current Psychology 37 (3), 692-701, 2017
Distance education during COVID-19: The perspective of Slovak teachers
EB Mikušková, M Verešová
Problems of Education in the 21st Century 78 (6), 884, 2020
Finding someone to blame: The link between COVID-19 conspiracy beliefs, prejudice, support for violence, and other negative social outcomes
J Šrol, V Čavojová, E Ballová Mikušková
Frontiers in psychology 12, 726076, 2022
Appropriateness of two inventories measuring intuition (the PID and the REI) for Slovak population
EB Mikuskova, R Hanák, V Cavojova
Studia Psychologica 57 (1), 63, 2015
Fear trumps the common good: Psychological antecedents of vaccination attitudes and behaviour
M Adamus, V Čavojová, EB Mikušková
Acta Psychologica 227, 103606, 2022
Scientific reasoning as a predictor of healthrelated beliefs and behaviors in the time of COVID-19
V Čavojová, J Šrol, EB Mikušková
Retrieved fro m https://doi. org/10.31234/osf. io/tfy5q, 2020
Does intelligence predict academic achievement? Two case studies
V Čavojová, EB Mikušková
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 174, 3462-3469, 2015
You before me: How vertical collectivism and feelings of threat predicted more socially desirable behaviour during COVID-19 pandemic
V Čavojová, M Adamus, E Ballová Mikušková
Current Psychology 43 (9), 8303-8314, 2024
The analytic cognitive style and conspiracy mentality as predictors of conspiracy beliefs
EB Mikušková
Studia Psychologica 63 (2), 190-203, 2021
Intuition in managers' decision-making: qualitative study
EB Mikušková
Journal of East European Management Studies, 318-333, 2017
Scientific reasoning is associated with rejection of unfounded health beliefs and adherence to evidence-based regulations during the Covid-19 pandemic
V Čavojová, J Šrol, E Ballová Mikušková
Current Psychology 43 (9), 8288-8302, 2024
Credibility and trust of information privacy at the workplace in Slovakia. The use of intuition
F Svenson, EB Mikušková, MA Launer
Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 21 (3), 302-321, 2023
Education and conspiracy beliefs: A replication of van Prooijen (2017)
E Ballová Mikušková
Applied Cognitive Psychology 37 (1), 174-188, 2023
With the little help of science understanding: Examining the direct and indirect role of scientific reasoning and trust in science in normative health behaviour during pandemic
V Cavojova, J Šrol, EB Mikušková
PsyArXiv, 2021
The effect of analytic cognitive style on credulity
E Ballová Mikušková, V Čavojová
Frontiers in psychology 11, 584424, 2020
Kontaminovaný mindware: typy, otázky a výzvy
V Čavojová, E Ballová Mikušková, M Majerník
Kognícia a umelý život, 31-37, 2015
Thinking magically or thinking scientifically: Cognitive and belief predictors of complementary and alternative medicine use in women with and without cancer diagnosis
V Čavojová, Z Kaššaiová, J Šrol, E Ballová Mikušková
Current Psychology 43 (9), 7667-7678, 2024
The denominator neglect in decision-making
EB Mikušková
Studia Psychologica 57 (4), 255-269, 2015
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