Erwin Dehouck
Erwin Dehouck
確認したメール アドレス: univ-lyon1.fr - ホームページ
Mars methane detection and variability at Gale crater
CR Webster, PR Mahaffy, SK Atreya, GJ Flesch, MA Mischna, PY Meslin, ...
Science 347 (6220), 415-417, 2015
Redox stratification of an ancient lake in Gale crater, Mars
JA Hurowitz, JP Grotzinger, WW Fischer, SM McLennan, RE Milliken, ...
Science 356 (6341), eaah6849, 2017
Evidence for indigenous nitrogen in sedimentary and aeolian deposits from the Curiosity rover investigations at Gale crater, Mars
JC Stern, B Sutter, C Freissinet, R Navarro-González, CP McKay, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (14), 4245-4250, 2015
The SuperCam instrument suite on the Mars 2020 rover: Science objectives and mast-unit description
S Maurice, RC Wiens, P Bernardi, P Caïs, S Robinson, T Nelson, ...
Space Science Reviews 217, 1-108, 2021
The imprint of atmospheric evolution in the D/H of Hesperian clay minerals on Mars
PR Mahaffy, CR Webster, JC Stern, AE Brunner, SK Atreya, PG Conrad, ...
Science 347 (6220), 412-414, 2015
Aqueously altered igneous rocks sampled on the floor of Jezero crater, Mars
KA Farley, KM Stack, DL Shuster, BHN Horgan, JA Hurowitz, JD Tarnas, ...
Science 377 (6614), eabo2196, 2022
Oxia Planum: The landing site for the ExoMars “Rosalind Franklin” rover mission: Geological context and prelanding interpretation
C Quantin-Nataf, J Carter, L Mandon, P Thollot, M Balme, M Volat, L Pan, ...
Astrobiology 21 (3), 345-366, 2021
Desiccation cracks provide evidence of lake drying on Mars, Sutton Island member, Murray formation, Gale Crater
N Stein, JP Grotzinger, J Schieber, N Mangold, B Hallet, H Newsom, ...
Geology 46 (6), 515-518, 2018
Quantification of water content by laser induced breakdown spectroscopy on Mars
W Rapin, PY Meslin, S Maurice, RC Wiens, D Laporte, B Chauviré, ...
Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy 130, 82-100, 2017
Constraints on abundance, composition, and nature of X‐ray amorphous components of soils and rocks at Gale crater, Mars
E Dehouck, SM McLennan, PY Meslin, A Cousin
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 119 (12), 2640-2657, 2014
Compositionally and density stratified igneous terrain in Jezero crater, Mars
RC Wiens, A Udry, O Beyssac, C Quantin-Nataf, N Mangold, A Cousin, ...
Science Advances 8 (34), eabo3399, 2022
Refining the age, emplacement and alteration scenarios of the olivine-rich unit in the Nili Fossae region, Mars
L Mandon, C Quantin-Nataf, P Thollot, N Mangold, L Lozac'h, G Dromart, ...
Icarus 336, 113436, 2020
Secondary mineralogy of Jezero delta rocks from hydrogen and carbon emission lines in supercam libs data
P Beck, O Forni, E Dehouck, O Beyssac, K Benzerara, C Quantin-Nataf, ...
54th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 2023 54, 1241, 2023
Post-landing major element quantification using SuperCam laser induced breakdown spectroscopy
RB Anderson, O Forni, A Cousin, RC Wiens, SM Clegg, J Frydenvang, ...
Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy 188, 106347, 2022
Evaluating the role of sulfide-weathering in the formation of sulfates or carbonates on Mars
E Dehouck, V Chevrier, A Gaudin, N Mangold, PE Mathé, P Rochette
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 90, 47-63, 2012
Chemical alteration of fine-grained sedimentary rocks at Gale crater
N Mangold, E Dehouck, C Fedo, O Forni, C Achilles, T Bristow, RT Downs, ...
Icarus 321, 619-631, 2019
Evidence for weathering on early Mars from a comparison with terrestrial weathering profiles
A Gaudin, E Dehouck, N Mangold
Icarus 216 (1), 257-268, 2011
Late Hesperian aqueous alteration at Majuro crater, Mars
N Mangold, J Carter, F Poulet, E Dehouck, V Ansan, D Loizeau
Planetary and Space Science 72 (1), 18-30, 2012
Ismenius Cavus, Mars: A deep paleolake with phyllosilicate deposits
E Dehouck, N Mangold, S Le Mouélic, V Ansan, F Poulet
Planetary and Space Science 58 (6), 941-946, 2010
Mars Science Laboratory CheMin data from the Glen Torridon region and the significance of lake‐groundwater interactions in interpreting mineralogy and sedimentary history
MT Thorpe, TF Bristow, EB Rampe, NJ Tosca, JP Grotzinger, KA Bennett, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 127 (11), e2021JE007099, 2022
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