Rijanti Rahaju Maulani
Rijanti Rahaju Maulani
確認したメール アドレス: sith.itb.ac.id - ホームページ
Characterization of chemical and physical properties of hydroxypropylated and cross-linked arrowroot (Marantha arundinacea) starch
RR Maulani, D Fardiaz, F Kusnandar, TC Sunarti
Journal of Engineering and Technological Sciences 45 (3), 207-221, 2013
Efisiensi usaha dan nilai tambah pengolahan ubi kayu menjadi modified cassava flour (mocaf) pada kelompok wanita tani Medal Asri, Desa Sukawangi Kecamatan Pamulihan Kabupaten …
M Rosmiati, RR Maulani, A Dwiartama
Jurnal sosioteknologi 17 (1), 14-20, 2018
Total flavonoids and anthocyanins content of pigmented rice
RR Maulani, D Sumardi, A Pancoro
Drug Invent. Today 12, 369-373, 2019
Effect of blanching pre-treatment on colour and anthocyanin of dried slice purple sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L)
A Mahmudatussa’adah, R Patriasih, RR Maulani, AS Nurani
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1402 (5), 055080, 2019
Evaluation of palm sap (Neera) quality (Arenga pinnata Merr) in processing of house hold palm sugar (case study on aren farmers in Gunung Halu village, Gunung Halu district …
W Gunawan, RR Maulani, EP Hati, F Awaliyah, AH Afif, RG Albab
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 466 (1), 012001, 2020
Characterization of the functional properties of hydroxypropylated and cross-linked arrowroot starch in various acidic ph mediums
RR Maulani, A Hidayat
International Journal of Technology 7 (1), 176-184, 2016
SIFAT FUNGSIONAL PATI GARUT HASIL MODIFIKASI HIDROKSIPROPILASI DAN TAUT SILANG [Functional Properties of Hydroxypropylated and Crosslinked Arrowroot Starch]
RR Maulani, D Fardiaz, F Kusnandar, TC Sunarti
Jurnal Teknologi dan Industri Pangan 24 (1), 60-60, 2013
Functional properties of hydroxypropylated and crosslinked arrowroot starch.
RR Maulani, D Fardiaz, F Kusnandar, TC Sunarti
Karakterisasi Fisik Dan Kimia Rimpang Dan Pati Garut (Marantha Arundinacea L.) Pada Berbagai Umur Panen
RR Maulani, R Budiasih, N Immaningsih
Proceeding Seminar Nasional Kedaulatan Pangan Dan Energi. Eds: Subari …, 2012
Chemical properties, particle shape, and size of fermented local white corn flour of anoman fs variety
R Rahmawati, RR Maulani, D Saputra
Jurnal Teknologi (Sciences & Engineering) 80 (5), 2018
Perubahan Fisiologis Jamur Tiram (Pleurotus ostreatus) Segar Selama Penyimpanan Dalam Kemasan Polietilen dan Polipropilen Berperforasi
RR Maulani
IPB (Bogor Agricultural University), 2003
Peningkatan kapasitas wirausaha petani kopi gunung geulis dalam rangka meningkatkan pendapatan dengan menerapkan konsep green bussiness kopi
RR Maulani
Seminar Nasional Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat UNDIP 2020 1 (1), 2020
Karakteristik ragi kapang khamir indigenus untuk pembuatan tepung jagung putih local fermentasi
Rahmawati, RR Maulani, D Saputra
Seminar Nasional PATPI 2017 “Peran Ahli Teknologi Pangan dalam Mewujudkan …, 2017
Pengembangan Pati Garut (Maranta arundinacea L.) sebagai Pati Resisten Tipe IV
RR Maulani, T Hidayat
Prosiding Seminar Nasional Hasil-Hasil PPM IPB 2016, 2016
Karakteristik Fisik dan Kimia Rimpang dan Pati Garut (Marantha Arundinaceae L.) pada Berbagai Umur Panen
NMR Immaningsih, RB Maulana
Proceeding Seminar Nasional Kedaulatan Pangan dan Energi. Fakultas Pertanian …, 2012
Correlation of Microclimate of West Java on Caffeine and Chlorogenic acid in Coffea canephora var. robusta
S Awaliyah, SNB Widiyanto, RR Maulani, A Hidayat, UD Husyari, ...
3BIO: Journal of Biological Science, Technology and Management 4(1) 4 (1), 54-60, 2022
Optimizing the tray dryer temperature and time of white corn flour culture
D Hunaefi, R Rahmawati, D Saputra, RR Maulani, T Muhandri
Food Research 5 (5), 95-104, 2021
Functional Properties of Dual Modified White Corn Starch.
RR Maulani, A Hidayat, UD Husyari
4th Asia International Conference (AIC 2018). Langkawi, Malaysia. 8-9 …, 2018
Effects of pre-treatment with Aspergillus awamori and extraction methods on essential oil yield from spearmint leaves (Mentha spicata L.)
Y Nanda, R Fiqraini, K Alfianza, RR Maulani, NIM Puad, MY Abduh
Current Research on Biosciences and Biotechnology 4 (2), 262-268, 2023
Puree sweet potato substitution in wet noodle processing
A Mahmudatussa’Adah, RR Maulani, R Patriasih, K Karpin, T Setiawati, ...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1869 (1), 012061, 2021
論文 1–20