オープン アクセスを義務付けられた論文 - Mahesh Venkataraman詳細
一般には非公開: 5 件
Thermodynamic Guiding Principles for Designing Nonstoichiometric Redox Materials for Solar Thermochemical Fuel Production: Ceria, Perovskites, and Beyond
S Li, VM Wheeler, A Kumar, MB Venkataraman, CL Muhich, Y Hao, ...
Energy Technology, 2021
委任: Australian Research Council
Grain size stability and hardness in nanocrystalline Cu–Al–Zr and Cu–Al–Y alloys
D Roy, BV Mahesh, MA Atwater, TE Chan, RO Scattergood, CC Koch
Materials Science and Engineering: A 598, 217-223, 2014
委任: Department of Science & Technology, India
Effects of steam on the kinetics of calcium carbonate calcination
M Silakhori, M Jafarian, A Chinnici, W Saw, M Venkataraman, W Lipiński, ...
Chemical Engineering Science 246, 116987, 2021
委任: Australian Research Council
Lattice expansion in optimally doped manganese oxide: an effective structural parameter for enhanced thermochemical water splitting
X Gao, I Di Bernardo, P Kreider, T Tran-Phu, X Cai, N Wang, Y Zhu, ...
ACS Catalysis 9 (11), 9880-9890, 2019
委任: Australian Research Council, Research Grants Council, Hong Kong
Mitigation of Chromium Assisted Degradation of LSM Cathode in SOFC
C Liang, B Hu, A Aphale, MB Venkataraman, MK Mahapatra, P Singh
ECS Transactions 75 (28), 57-64, 2017
委任: US Department of Energy
一般公開: 4 件
Assessment of a novel ternary eutectic chloride salt for next generation high-temperature sensible heat storage
G Mohan, M Venkataraman, J Gomez-Vidal, J Coventry
Energy conversion and management 167, 156-164, 2018
委任: US Department of Energy
Role of nanostructure in electrochemical corrosion and high temperature oxidation: a review
BV Mahesh, RKS Raman
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 45, 5799-5822, 2014
委任: Australian Research Council
Thermo-economic analysis of high-temperature sensible thermal storage with different ternary eutectic alkali and alkaline earth metal chlorides
G Mohan, M Venkataraman, J Gomez-Vidal, J Coventry
Solar Energy 176, 350-357, 2018
委任: US Department of Energy
High-temperature oxidation behaviour of AlxFeCrCoNi and AlTiVCr compositionally complex alloys
M Esmaily, Y Qiu, S Bigdeli, MB Venkataraman, A Allanore, N Birbilis
npj Materials Degradation 4 (1), 25, 2020
委任: Swedish Research Council
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