Giovanni Maria Carlomagno
Giovanni Maria Carlomagno
Emeritus Professor, Department of Industrial Engineering, Aerospace Division, University of Naples
確認したメール アドレス: unina.it
Recent advances in the use of infrared thermography
C Meola, GM Carlomagno
Measurement science and technology 15 (9), R27, 2004
Infrared thermography for convective heat transfer measurements
GM Carlomagno, G Cardone
Experiments in fluids 49, 1187-1218, 2010
Thermo-fluid-dynamics of submerged jets impinging at short nozzle-to-plate distance: a review
GM Carlomagno, A Ianiro
Experimental thermal and fluid science 58, 15-35, 2014
Non-destructive evaluation of aerospace materials with lock-in thermography
C Meola, GM Carlomagno, A Squillace, A Vitiello
Engineering failure analysis 13 (3), 380-388, 2006
Impact damage in GFRP: new insights with infrared thermography
C Meola, GM Carlomagno
Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing 41 (12), 1839-1847, 2010
Nondestructive evaluation of carbon fibre reinforced composites with infrared thermography and ultrasonics
C Meola, S Boccardi, GM Carlomagno, ND Boffa, E Monaco, F Ricci
Composite Structures 134, 845-853, 2015
Thermal (IR) and other NDT techniques for improved material inspection
D Balageas, X Maldague, D Burleigh, VP Vavilov, B Oswald-Tranta, ...
Journal of nondestructive evaluation 35, 1-17, 2016
Infrared thermography for thermo-fluid-dynamics
T Astarita, GM Carlomagno
Springer Science & Business Media, 2012
A survey on infrared thermography for convective heat transfer measurements
T Astarita, G Cardone, GM Carlomagno, C Meola
Optics & Laser Technology 32 (7-8), 593-610, 2000
The use of infrared thermography for materials characterization
C Meola, GM Carlomagno, L Giorleo
Journal of materials processing Technology 155, 1132-1137, 2004
Unsteady thermotopography in non-destructive testing
GM Carlomagno, PG Berardi
Proc. 3rd Biannual Exchange, St. Louis/USA 24, 26, 1976
Infrared thermography in the evaluation of aerospace composite materials: infrared thermography to composites
C Meola, S Boccardi, GM Carlomagno
Woodhead Publishing, 2016
Infrared thermography to evaluate impact damage in glass/epoxy with manufacturing defects
C Meola, GM Carlomagno
International Journal of Impact Engineering 67, 1-11, 2014
Comparison between thermographic techniques for frescoes NDT
GM Carlomagno, C Meola
NDT & E International 35 (8), 559-565, 2002
Application of infrared thermography and geophysical methods for defect detection in architectural structures
C Meola, R Di Maio, N Roberti, GM Carlomagno
Engineering Failure Analysis 12 (6), 875-892, 2005
Non-destructive control of industrial materials by means of lock-in thermography
C Meola, GM Carlomagno, A Squillace, G Giorleo
Measurement Science and Technology 13 (10), 1583, 2002
Infrared thermography: An optical method in heat transfer and fluid flow visualisation
T Astarita, G Cardone, GM Carlomagno
Optics and lasers in engineering 44 (3-4), 261-281, 2006
Geometrical limitations to detection of defects in composites by means of infrared thermography
C Meola, GM Carlomagno, L Giorleo
Journal of Nondestructive evaluation 23, 125-132, 2004
An intelligent approach for cooling radiator fault diagnosis based on infrared thermal image processing technique
A Taheri-Garavand, H Ahmadi, M Omid, SS Mohtasebi, K Mollazade, ...
Applied Thermal Engineering 87, 434-443, 2015
Heat transfer measurements on a rotating disk
G Cardone, T Astarita, GM Carlomagno
International Journal of Rotating Machinery 3 (1), 1-9, 1997
論文 1–20