Yong Lv
Multivariate empirical mode decomposition and its application to fault diagnosis of rolling bearing
Y Lv, R Yuan, G Song
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 81, 219-234, 2016
A fault diagnosis scheme for rolling bearing based on particle swarm optimization in variational mode decomposition
C Yi, Y Lv, Z Dang
Shock and Vibration 2016 (1), 9372691, 2016
Percussion-based bolt looseness monitoring using intrinsic multiscale entropy analysis and BP neural network
R Yuan, Y Lv, Q Kong, G Song
Smart Materials and Structures 28 (12), 125001, 2019
Bearing fault diagnosis using transfer learning and self-attention ensemble lightweight convolutional neural network
H Zhong, Y Lv, R Yuan, D Yang
Neurocomputing 501, 765-777, 2022
Quaternion singular spectrum analysis using convex optimization and its application to fault diagnosis of rolling bearing
C Yi, Y Lv, Z Dang, H Xiao, X Yu
Measurement 103, 321-332, 2017
Health degradation monitoring and early fault diagnosis of a rolling bearing based on CEEMDAN and improved MMSE
Y Lv, R Yuan, T Wang, H Li, G Song
Materials 11 (6), 1009, 2018
Fine-tuning transfer learning based on DCGAN integrated with self-attention and spectral normalization for bearing fault diagnosis
H Zhong, S Yu, H Trinh, Y Lv, R Yuan, Y Wang
Measurement 210, 112421, 2023
徐金梧, 吕勇, 王海峰
机械工程学报 39 (9), 146-150, 2003
Looseness monitoring of multiple M1 bolt joints using multivariate intrinsic multiscale entropy analysis and Lorentz signal-enhanced piezoelectric active sensing
R Yuan, Y Lv, T Wang, S Li, H Li
Structural Health Monitoring 21 (6), 2851-2873, 2022
High-order synchroextracting transform for characterizing signals with strong AM-FM features and its application in mechanical fault diagnosis
S Lv, Y Lv, R Yuan, H Li
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 172, 108959, 2022
Tensor singular spectrum decomposition algorithm based on permutation entropy for rolling bearing fault diagnosis
C Yi, Y Lv, M Ge, H Xiao, X Yu
Entropy 19 (4), 139, 2017
Multi-fault diagnosis of rolling bearings via adaptive projection intrinsically transformed multivariate empirical mode decomposition and high order singular value decomposition
R Yuan, Y Lv, G Song
Sensors 18 (4), 1210, 2018
Multisensor signal denoising based on matching synchrosqueezing wavelet transform for mechanical fault condition assessment
C Yi, Y Lv, H Xiao, T Huang, G You
Measurement Science and Technology 29 (4), 045104, 2018
Improved dynamic mode decomposition and its application to fault diagnosis of rolling bearing
Z Dang, Y Lv, Y Li, G Wei
Sensors 18 (6), 1972, 2018
Robust fault diagnosis of rolling bearing via phase space reconstruction of intrinsic mode functions and neural network under various operating conditions
R Yuan, Y Lv, Z Lu, S Li, H Li
Structural Health Monitoring 22 (2), 846-864, 2023
Robust fault diagnosis of rolling bearings using multivariate intrinsic multiscale entropy analysis and neural network under varying operating conditions
R Yuan, Y Lv, H Li, G Song
IEEE Access 7, 130804-130819, 2019
Fault diagnosis of rolling bearing based on fast nonlocal means and envelop spectrum
Y Lv, Q Zhu, R Yuan
Sensors 15 (1), 1182-1198, 2015
Time–frequency analysis via complementary ensemble adaptive local iterative filtering and enhanced maximum correlation kurtosis deconvolution for wind turbine fault diagnosis
Y Zhang, Y Lv, M Ge
Energy Reports 7, 2418-2435, 2021
A novel baseline correction method using convex optimization framework in laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy quantitative analysis
C Yi, Y Lv, H Xiao, K Ke, X Yu
Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy 138, 72-80, 2017
Multivariate dynamic mode decomposition and its application to bearing fault diagnosis
Q Zhang, R Yuan, Y Lv, Z Li, H Wu
IEEE Sensors Journal 23 (7), 7514-7524, 2023
論文 1–20