MoG-VQE: Multiobjective genetic variational quantum eigensolver D Chivilikhin, A Samarin, V Ulyantsev, I Iorsh, AR Oganov, O Kyriienko arXiv preprint arXiv:2007.04424, 2020 | 88 | 2020 |
MuACOsm: a new mutation-based ant colony optimization algorithm for learning finite-state machines D Chivilikhin, V Ulyantsev Fifteenth annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary computation, 511-518, 2013 | 33 | 2013 |
Learning finite-state machines with ant colony optimization D Chivilikhin, V Ulyantsev International Conference on Swarm Intelligence, 268-275, 2012 | 21 | 2012 |
Automatic state machine reconstruction from legacy programmable logic controller using data collection and sat solver D Chivilikhin, S Patil, K Chukharev, A Cordonnier, V Vyatkin IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 16 (12), 7821-7831, 2020 | 20 | 2020 |
Formation and evolution of nanoscroll ensembles based on layered-structure compounds SA Chivilikhin, IY Popov, AI Svitenkov, DS Chivilikhin, VV Gusarov Doklady Physics 54, 491-493, 2009 | 16 | 2009 |
On probabilistic generalization of backdoors in Boolean satisfiability A Semenov, A Pavlenko, D Chivilikhin, S Kochemazov Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 36 (9), 10353 …, 2022 | 14 | 2022 |
Evaluating the hardness of SAT instances using evolutionary optimization algorithms A Semenov, D Chivilikhin, A Pavlenko, I Otpuschennikov, V Ulyantsev, ... International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint …, 2021 | 14 | 2021 |
Combining exact and metaheuristic techniques for learning extended finite-state machines from test scenarios and temporal properties D Chivilikhin, V Ulyantsev, A Shalyto 2014 13th International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications, 350-355, 2014 | 13 | 2014 |
Inducing finite state machines from training samples using ant colony optimization IP Buzhinsky, VI Ulyantsev, DS Chivilikhin, AA Shalyto Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International 53, 256-266, 2014 | 12 | 2014 |
Test-based extended finite-state machines induction with evolutionary algorithms and ant colony optimization D Chivilikhin, V Ulyantsev, F Tsarev Proceedings of the 14th annual conference companion on Genetic and …, 2012 | 12 | 2012 |
Function block finite-state model identification using SAT and CSP solvers D Chivilikhin, V Ulyantsev, A Shalyto, V Vyatkin IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 15 (8), 4558-4568, 2019 | 11 | 2019 |
Modified ant colony algorithm for constructing finite state machines from execution scenarios and temporal formulas DS Chivilikhin, VI Ulyantsev, AA Shalyto Automation and Remote Control 77, 473-484, 2016 | 10 | 2016 |
Формирование и эволюция ансамбля наносвитков на основе соединений со слоистой структурой СА Чивилихин, ИЮ Попов, АИ Свитенков, ДС Чивилихин, ВВ Гусаров Доклады академии наук 429 (2), 185-186, 2009 | 10 | 2009 |
Inferring automata logic from manual control scenarios: implementation in function blocks D Chivilikhin, A Shalyto, V Vyatkin 2015 IEEE Trustcom/BigDataSE/ISPA 3, 307-312, 2015 | 8 | 2015 |
Extended finite-state machine inference with parallel ant colony based algorithms D Chivilikhin, V Ulyantsev, A Shalyto Proc. 5th Int. Student Workshop on Bioinspired Optimization Methods and …, 2014 | 8 | 2014 |
Solving Five Instances of the Artificial Ant Problem with Ant Colony Optimization D Chivilikhin, V Ulyantsev, A Shalyto IFAC Conference on Manufacturing Modelling, Management and Control, 1043-1048, 2013 | 8 | 2013 |
CSP-based inference of function block finite-state models from execution traces D Chivilikhin, V Ulyantsev, A Shalyto, V Vyatkin 2017 IEEE 15th International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN …, 2017 | 7 | 2017 |
Inferring automata-based programs from specification with mutation-based ant colony optimization D Chivilikhin, V Ulyantsev Proceedings of the Companion Publication of the 2014 Annual Conference on …, 2014 | 7 | 2014 |
Динамическая силовая литография на тонких металлических пленках в сканирующем зондовом микроскопе с пьезорезонансным датчиком локального взаимодействия АО Голубок, АЛ Пинаев, ДС Чивилихин, СА Чивилихин Научное приборостроение 21 (1), 31-43, 2011 | 7 | 2011 |
Sat-based counterexample-guided inductive synthesis of distributed controllers K Chukharev, D Suvorov, D Chivilikhin, V Vyatkin IEEE Access 8, 207485-207498, 2020 | 6 | 2020 |