V N Bringi
V N Bringi
Colorado State University
確認したメール アドレス: なし
Polarimetric Doppler weather radar: principles and applications
VN Bringi
Cambridge University Press, 2001
Potential use of radar differential reflectivity measurements at orthogonal polarizations for measuring precipitation
TA Seliga, VN Bringi
Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 15 (1), 69-76, 1976
Raindrop size distribution in different climatic regimes from disdrometer and dual-polarized radar analysis
VN Bringi, V Chandrasekar, J Hubbert, E Gorgucci, WL Randeu, ...
Journal of the atmospheric sciences 60 (2), 354-365, 2003
Considerations for polarimetric upgrades to operational WSR-88D radars
RJ Doviak, V Bringi, A Ryzhkov, A Zahrai, D Zrnić
Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 17 (3), 257-278, 2000
An examination of propagation effects in rainfall on radar measurements at microwave frequencies
VN Bringi, V Chandrasekar, N Balakrishnan, DS Zrnić
Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 7 (6), 829-840, 1990
Correcting C-band radar reflectivity and differential reflectivity data for rain attenuation: A self-consistent method with constraints
VN Bringi, TD Keenan, V Chandrasekar
IEEE transactions on geoscience and remote sensing 39 (9), 1906-1915, 2001
An iterative filtering technique for the analysis of copolar differential phase and dual-frequency radar measurements
J Hubbert, VN Bringi
Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 12 (3), 643-648, 1995
The severe thunderstorm electrification and precipitation study
TJ Lang, LJ Miller, M Weisman, SA Rutledge, LJ Barker III, VN Bringi, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 85 (8), 1107-1126, 2004
Differential reflectivity and differential phase shift: Applications in radar meteorology
TA Seliga, VN Bringi
Radio Science 13 (2), 271-275, 1978
Correction of radar reflectivity and differential reflectivity for rain attenuation at X band. Part I: Theoretical and empirical basis
SG Park, VN Bringi, V Chandrasekar, M Maki, K Iwanami
Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 22 (11), 1621-1632, 2005
Drop axis ratios from a 2D video disdrometer
M Thurai, VN Bringi
Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 22 (7), 966-978, 2005
Error structure of multiparameter radar and surface measurements of rainfall. Part III: Specific differential phase
V Chandrasekar, VN Bringi, N Balakrishnan, DS Zrnić
Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 7 (5), 621-629, 1990
Drop shapes, model comparisons, and calculations of polarimetric radar parameters in rain
M Thurai, GJ Huang, VN Bringi, WL Randeu, M Schönhuber
Journal of atmospheric and oceanic technology 24 (6), 1019-1032, 2007
Correction of radar reflectivity and differential reflectivity for rain attenuation at X band. Part II: Evaluation and application
SG Park, M Maki, K Iwanami, VN Bringi, V Chandrasekar
Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 22 (11), 1633-1655, 2005
Dual-polarization observations of microbursts associated with intense convection- The 20 July storm during the MIST Project
Monthly weather review 116 (8), 1521-1539, 1988
Hydrometeor classification system using dual-polarization radar measurements: Model improvements and in situ verification
S Lim, V Chandrasekar, VN Bringi
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 43 (4), 792-801, 2005
A methodology for estimating the parameters of a gamma raindrop size distribution model from polarimetric radar data: Application to a squall-line event from the TRMM/Brazil …
VN Bringi, GJ Huang, V Chandrasekar, E Gorgucci
Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 19 (5), 633-645, 2002
Estimation of raindrop size distribution parameters from polarimetric radar measurements
E Gorgucci, V Chandrasekar, VN Bringi, G Scarchilli
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 59 (15), 2373-2384, 2002
Simulation of radar reflectivity and surface measurements of rainfall
V Chandrasekar, VN Bringi
Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 4 (3), 464-478, 1987
Using dual-polarized radar and dual-frequency profiler for DSD characterization: A case study from Darwin, Australia
VN Bringi, CR Williams, M Thurai, PT May
Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 26 (10), 2107-2122, 2009
論文 1–20