Geetanjali Sharma
Geetanjali Sharma
Assistant Professor of Electronics and Communication, GGSIPU, New Delhi
確認したメール アドレス: msit.in - ホームページ
DepHNN: a novel hybrid neural network for electroencephalogram (EEG)-based screening of depression
G Sharma, A Parashar, AM Joshi
Biomedical signal processing and control 66, 102393, 2021
SzHNN: a novel and scalable deep convolution hybrid neural network framework for schizophrenia detection using multichannel EEG
G Sharma, AM Joshi
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 71, 1-9, 2022
A low power 8-bit magnitude comparator with small transistor count using hybrid ptl/cmos logic
G Sharma, U Nirmal, Y Misra
IJCEM International Journal of Computational Engineering & Management 12 …, 2011
DepCap: a smart healthcare framework for EEG based depression detection using time-frequency response and deep neural network
G Sharma, AM Joshi, R Gupta, LR Cenkeramaddi
IEEE Access 11, 52327-52338, 2023
A high performance D-flip flop design with low power clocking system using MTCMOS technique
P Dobriyal, K Sharma, M Sethi, G Sharma
2013 3rd IEEE International Advance Computing Conference (IACC), 1524-1528, 2013
Chest X-ray images based automated detection of pneumonia using transfer learning and CNN
S Thakur, Y Goplani, S Arora, R Upadhyay, G Sharma
Proceedings of International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and …, 2021
Comparative analysis of a 2-bit magnitude comparator using various high performance techniques
G Sharma, H Arora, J Chawla, J Ramzai
2015 International Conference on Communications and Signal Processing (ICCSP …, 2015
Automatic heart-rate measurement using facial video
G Sharma, N Nehra, A Dahiya, N Sindhwani, P Singh
Networking Technologies in Smart Healthcare, 289-307, 2022
A Novel and High Performance Implementation of 8× 8 Multiplier based on Vedic Mathematics using 90nm Hybrid PTL/CMOS Logic.
N Rajput, A Jindal, S Saroha, R Kumar, G Sharma
International Journal of Computer Applications 69, 2013
DepML: An efficient machine learning-based MDD detection system in IoMT framework
G Sharma, AM Joshi, ES Pilli
SN Computer Science 3 (5), 394, 2022
A low power high speed adders using MTCMOS Technique
U Nirmal, G Sharma, Y Mishra
IJCEM International Journal of Computational Engineering & Management 13, 2011
Low power full adder using MTCMOS technique
U Nirmal, G Sharma, Y Mishra
proceeding of International conference on advances in Information …, 2010
A Novel High Performance Dual Threshold Voltage Domino Logic Employing Stacked Transistors
M Sethi, K Sharma, P Dobriyal, N Rajput, G Sharma
International Journal of Computer Applications 77 (5), 2013
A novel, high performance and power efficient implementation of 8× 8 multiplier unit using MT-CMOS technique
N Rajput, M Sethi, P Dobriyal, K Sharma, G Sharma
2013 Sixth International Conference on Contemporary Computing (IC3), 186-191, 2013
Novel eeg based schizophrenia detection with iomt framework for smart healthcare
G Sharma, AM Joshi
arXiv preprint arXiv:2111.11298, 2021
A novel low power and highly efficient inverter design
S Sharma, R Devasia, G Sharma
International Journal of Information Technology 12, 1111-1116, 2020
A novel high performance low power CMOS NOR gate using Voltage Scaling and MTCMOS technique
A Handa, J Chawla, G Sharma
2014 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and …, 2014
A Smart Healthcare Framework for Accurate Detection of Schizophrenia using Multi-Channel EEG
G Sharma, AM Joshi, D Yadav, SP Mohanty
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2023
Synthesis of Hybrid PTL/CMOS Logic for Low Area/Power Applications
G Sharma, U Nirmal, Y Mishra
proceeding of International Conference on System Dynamics and Control, India, 2010
A Novel High Performance Low power universal Gate implementation in subthreshold region
A Handa, P Dobriyal, G Sharma
International Journal of Computer Applications 87 (12), 2014
論文 1–20