Leonhard Scheck
Leonhard Scheck
Hans-Ertel-Centre for Weather Research
確認したメール アドレス: lmu.de - ホームページ
Multidimensional supernova simulations with approximative neutrino transport-i. neutron star kicks and the anisotropy of neutrino-driven explosions in two spatial dimensions
L Scheck, K Kifonidis, HT Janka, E Müller
Astronomy & Astrophysics 457 (3), 963-986, 2006
Nucleosynthesis-relevant conditions in neutrino-driven supernova outflows-I. Spherically symmetric hydrodynamic simulations
A Arcones, HT Janka, L Scheck
Astronomy & Astrophysics 467 (3), 1227-1248, 2007
Instability of a stalled accretion shock: evidence for the advective-acoustic cycle
T Foglizzo, P Galletti, L Scheck, HT Janka
The Astrophysical Journal 654 (2), 1006, 2007
Pulsar recoil by large-scale anisotropies in supernova explosions
L Scheck, T Plewa, HT Janka, K Kifonidis, E Müller
Physical review letters 92 (1), 011103, 2004
Non-spherical core collapse supernovae-II. The late-time evolution of globally anisotropic neutrino-driven explosions and their implications for SN 1987 A
K Kifonidis, T Plewa, L Scheck, HT Janka, E Müller
Astronomy & Astrophysics 453 (2), 661-678, 2006
Multidimensional supernova simulations with approximative neutrino transport-II. Convection and the advective-acoustic cycle in the supernova core
L Scheck, HT Janka, T Foglizzo, K Kifonidis
Astronomy & Astrophysics 477 (3), 931-952, 2008
Large‐eddy simulations over Germany using ICON: A comprehensive evaluation
R Heinze, A Dipankar, CC Henken, C Moseley, O Sourdeval, S Trömel, ...
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 143 (702), 69-100, 2017
Neutrino-driven convection versus advection in core-collapse supernovae
T Foglizzo, L Scheck, HT Janka
The Astrophysical Journal 652 (2), 1436, 2006
Neutrino signatures of supernova forward and reverse shock propagation
R Tomas, M Kachelriess, G Raffelt, A Dighe, HT Janka, L Scheck
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 2004 (09), 015, 2004
The added value of large-eddy and storm-resolving models for simulating clouds and precipitation
B Stevens, C Acquistapace, A Hansen, R Heinze, C Klinger, D Klocke, ...
Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan. Ser. II 98 (2), 395-435, 2020
Does the plasma composition affect the long-term evolution of relativistic jets?
L Scheck, MA Aloy, JM Martí, JL Gómez, E Müller
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 331 (3), 615-634, 2002
A fast radiative transfer method for the simulation of visible satellite imagery
L Scheck, P Frèrebeau, R Buras-Schnell, B Mayer
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer 175, 54-67, 2016
Neutrino-driven supernovae: An accretion instability in a nuclear physics controlled environment
HT Janka, R Buras, FSK Joyanes, A Marek, M Rampp, L Scheck
Nuclear Physics A 758, 19-26, 2005
Large-eddy simulations over Germany using ICON: a comprehensive evaluation, QJ Roy. Meteor. Soc., 143, 69–100
R Heinze, A Dipankar, CC Henken, C Moseley, O Sourdeval, S Trömel, ...
Supernova Asymmetries and Pulsar Kicks--Views on Controversial Issues
HT Janka, L Scheck, K Kifonidis, E Müller, T Plewa
arXiv preprint astro-ph/0408439, 2004
Efficient methods to account for cloud-top inclination and cloud overlap in synthetic visible satellite images
L Scheck, M Weissmann, B Mayer
Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 35 (3), 665-685, 2018
Assimilating visible satellite images for convective‐scale numerical weather prediction: A case‐study
L Scheck, M Weissmann, L Bach
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society 146 (732), 3165-3186, 2020
Assimilating visible and infrared radiances in idealized simulations of deep convection
J Schröttle, M Weissmann, L Scheck, A Hutt
Monthly Weather Review 148 (11), 4357-4375, 2020
The resonant interaction of a tropical cyclone and a tropopause front in a barotropic model. Part II: Frontal waves
L Scheck, SC Jones, M Juckes
Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences 68 (3), 420-429, 2011
The resonant interaction of a tropical cyclone and a tropopause front in a barotropic model. Part I: Zonally oriented front
L Scheck, SC Jones, M Juckes
Journal of Atmospheric Sciences 68 (3), 405-419, 2011
論文 1–20