Leen Vandecasteele
Leen Vandecasteele
University of Lausanne, LIVES Swiss Centre of Expertise in Lifecourse Research
確認したメール アドレス: unil.ch - ホームページ
Life course risks or cumulative disadvantage? The structuring effect of social stratification determinants and life course events on poverty transitions in Europe
L Vandecasteele
European Sociological Review 27 (2), 246-263, 2011
Attrition in panel data: the effectiveness of weighting
L Vandecasteele, A Debels
European Sociological Review 23 (1), 81-97, 2007
Poverty trajectories after risky life course events in different European welfare regimes
L Vandecasteele
European societies 12 (2), 257-278, 2010
Stability or change of public opinion and values during the coronavirus crisis? Exploring Dutch longitudinal panel data
T Reeskens, Q Muis, I Sieben, L Vandecasteele, R Luijkx, L Halman
European Societies 23, 153-171, 2021
Hard times and European youth. The effect of economic insecurity on human values, social attitudes and well‐being
T Reeskens, L Vandecasteele
International journal of psychology 52 (1), 19-27, 2017
The Time Lag in Annual Household-based Income Measures: Assessing and Correcting the Bias
A Debels, L Vandecasteele
Review of Income and Wealth 54 (1), 71-88, 2008
The gender pay gap in the UK 1995-2007
W Olsen, V Gash, L Vandecasteele, P Walthery, H Heuvelman
Government Equalities Office, 2010
Economic hardship and well-being: Examining the relative role of individual resources and welfare state effort in resilience against economic hardship
T Reeskens, L Vandecasteele
Journal of Happiness Studies 18, 41-62, 2017
Social class, life events and poverty risks in comparative European perspective
L Vandecasteele
International Review of Social Research 5 (1), 61-74, 2015
Neighbourhoods, networks and unemployment: The role of neighbourhood disadvantage and local networks in taking up work
L Vandecasteele, AE Fasang
Urban Studies 58 (4), 696-714, 2021
The gendered consequences of the COVID‐19 lockdown on unpaid work in Swiss dual earner couples with children
S Steinmetz, L Vandecasteele, F Lebert, M Voorpostel, O Lipps
Gender, Work & Organization, 2022
Changing attitudes about the impact of women's employment on families: The COVID‐19 pandemic effect
L Vandecasteele, K Ivanova, I Sieben, T Reeskens
Gender, Work & Organization, 1-22, 2022
Dynamic Inequalities. The Impact of Social Stratification Determinants on Poverty Dynamics in Europe.
L Vandecasteele
The Impact of Social Stratification Determinants on, 2007
The paradox of local inequality: Meritocratic beliefs in unequal localities
K Morris, F Bühlmann, N Sommet, L Vandecasteele
The British Journal of Sociology 73 (2), 421-460, 2022
The Dynamics of In-Work Poverty
L Vandecasteele, M Giesselmann
Handbook of Research on In-Work Poverty, 2018
Linked lives, linked retirement? Relative income differences within couples and gendered retirement decisions in Europe
A Bertogg, S Strauß, L Vandecasteele
Advances in Life Course Research 47 (100380), 2021
The structuring impact of social stratification determinants and life course events on poverty transitions in Europe
L Vandecasteele
Onderzoeksverslag CeSO/SB/2006-1, 2006
Social origin, education and socio-economic inequalities: trends in the United Kingdom
L Vandecasteele
Education, occupation and social origin, 215-236, 2016
Armut in der Lebensverlaufperspektive
M Giesselmann, L Vandecasteele
Handbuch Armut, 69-78, 2018
Privatization in the family sphere: Longitudinal and comparative analysis in four European countries
L Vandecasteele, J Billiet
European Values at the Turn of the Millennium, 205-229, 2004
論文 1–20