オープン アクセスを義務付けられた論文 - Feng Jiang詳細
一般には非公開: 3 件
Marital commitment, communication and marital satisfaction: An analysis based on actor–partner interdependence model
Y Hou, F Jiang, X Wang
International journal of psychology 54 (3), 369-376, 2019
委任: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Influence of cultural meaning system and socioeconomic change on indecisiveness in three cultures
LMW Li, T Masuda, F Jiang
Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology 47 (4), 508-524, 2016
委任: National Natural Science Foundation of China
When is more (not) better? On the relationships between the number of information ties and newcomer assimilation and learning
HY Zou, HJ Wang, Z Sheng, W Liu, F Jiang
Human Resource Management Journal, 2024
委任: National Natural Science Foundation of China
一般公開: 24 件
Sex differences in mate preferences across 45 countries: A large-scale replication
KV Walter, D Conroy-Beam, DM Buss, K Asao, A Sorokowska, ...
Psychological science 31 (4), 408-423, 2020
委任: US National Science Foundation, National Natural Science Foundation of China …
To be or not to be humorous? Cross cultural perspectives on humor
X Yue, F Jiang, S Lu, N Hiranandani
Frontiers in psychology 7, 1495, 2016
委任: National Natural Science Foundation of China
How belief in a just world benefits mental health: The effects of optimism and gratitude
F Jiang, X Yue, S Lu, G Yu, F Zhu
Social Indicators Research 126, 411-423, 2016
委任: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Universality of the triangular theory of love: Adaptation and psychometric properties of the triangular love scale in 25 countries
P Sorokowski, A Sorokowska, M Karwowski, A Groyecka, T Aavik, ...
The Journal of Sex Research 58 (1), 106-115, 2021
委任: Narodowe Centrum Nauki
Does the relation between humor styles and subjective well-being vary across culture and age? A meta-analysis
F Jiang, S Lu, T Jiang, H Jia
Frontiers in psychology 11, 2213, 2020
委任: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Contrasting computational models of mate preference integration across 45 countries
D Conroy-Beam, DM Buss, K Asao, A Sorokowska, P Sorokowski, T Aavik, ...
Scientific reports 9 (1), 16885, 2019
委任: National Natural Science Foundation of China, Hungarian Scientific Research Fund
Up or down? How culture and color affect judgments
F Jiang, S Lu, X Yao, X Yue, WT Au
Journal of Behavioral Decision Making 27 (3), 226-234, 2014
委任: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Unpacking the Gender Differences on Mental Health: The Effects of Optimism and Gratitude
XD Yue, NA Hiranandani, F Jiang, Z Hou, X Chen
Psychological reports 120 (4), 639-649, 2017
委任: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Reasons for facebook usage: Data from 46 countries
M Kowal, P Sorokowski, A Sorokowska, M Dobrowolska, K Pisanski, ...
Frontiers in Psychology 11, 711, 2020
委任: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal
The roles of leader empowering behaviour and employee proactivity in daily job crafting: A compensatory model
F Jiang, S Lu, H Wang, X Zhu, W Lin
European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology 30 (1), 58-69, 2021
委任: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Social media impacts the relation between interpersonal conflict and job performance
F Jiang, S Lu, X Zhu, X Song
Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources 59 (3), 420-441, 2021
委任: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Modernization, collectivism, and gender equality predict love experiences in 45 countries
P Sorokowski, M Kowal, RJ Sternberg, T Aavik, G Akello, MM Alhabahba, ...
Scientific reports 13 (1), 773, 2023
委任: Narodowe Centrum Nauki
Feel safe to take more risks? Insecure attachment increases consumer risk-taking behavior
YJ Li, S Lu, J Lan, F Jiang
Frontiers in psychology 10, 874, 2019
委任: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Can you forgive? It depends on how happy you are
F Jiang, X Yue, S Lu, G Yu
Scandinavian journal of psychology 56 (2), 182-188, 2015
委任: National Natural Science Foundation of China
How coping combination affects innovation ambidexterity in business failure situations
J Chen, F Jiang, S Lin
Frontiers in Psychology 11, 1409, 2020
委任: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Does persistence make you healthy? An empirical study on female entrepreneurs from China
H Jia, Z Xu, S Lin, F Jiang
BMC Women's Health 21, 1-10, 2021
委任: National Natural Science Foundation of China
Comparison of the inter-item correlations of the Big Five Inventory-10 (BFI-10) between Western and non-Western contexts
J Park, KL van den Broek, N Bhullar, CA Ogunbode, JA Schermer, ...
Personality and Individual Differences 196, 111751, 2022
委任: National Natural Science Foundation of China
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