Jordi Garcia-Pausas
Jordi Garcia-Pausas
Forest Science & Technology Centre of Catalonia (CTFC)
確認したメール アドレス: ctfc.cat
Microbes as engines of ecosystem function: when does community structure enhance predictions of ecosystem processes?
EB Graham, JE Knelman, A Schindlbacher, S Siciliano, M Breulmann, ...
Frontiers in microbiology 7, 214, 2016
Microbial community abundance and structure are determinants of soil organic matter mineralisation in the presence of labile carbon
J Garcia-Pausas, E Paterson
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 43 (8), 1705-1713, 2011
Soil organic carbon storage in mountain grasslands of the Pyrenees: effects of climate and topography
J Garcia-Pausas, P Casals, L Camarero, C Huguet, MT Sebastia, ...
Biogeochemistry 82, 279-289, 2007
Litter decomposition and faunal activity in Mediterranean forest soils: effects of N content and the moss layer
J Garcia-Pausas, P Casals, J Romanya
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 36 (6), 989-997, 2004
How does management affect soil C sequestration and greenhouse gas fluxes in boreal and temperate forests?–A review
R Mäkipää, R Abramoff, B Adamczyk, V Baldy, C Biryol, M Bosela, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 529, 120637, 2023
Factors regulating carbon mineralization in the surface and subsurface soils of Pyrenean mountain grasslands
J Garcia-Pausas, P Casals, L Camarero, C Huguet, R Thompson, ...
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 40 (11), 2803-2810, 2008
Seasonal patterns of belowground biomass and productivity in mountain grasslands in the Pyrenees
J Garcia-Pausas, P Casals, J Romanyà, S Vallecillo, MT Sebastià
Plant and Soil 340, 315-326, 2011
Are soil carbon stocks in mountain grasslands compromised by land-use changes?
J Garcia-Pausas, J Romanyà, F Montané, AI Rios, M Taull, P Rovira, ...
High mountain conservation in a changing world, 207-230, 2017
Decomposition of labelled roots and root-C and-N allocation between soil fractions in mountain grasslands
J Garcia-Pausas, P Casals, P Rovira, S Vallecillo, MT Sebastià, ...
Soil Biology and biochemistry 49, 61-69, 2012
Phosphate sorption characteristics of European alpine soils
J Kaňa, J Kopáček, L Camarero, J Garcia-Pausas
Soil Science Society of America Journal 75 (3), 862-870, 2011
Organic fertilisation increases C and N stocks and reduces soil organic matter stability in Mediterranean vegetable gardens
J Garcia‐Pausas, A Rabissi, P Rovira, J Romanyà
Land Degradation & Development 28 (2), 691-698, 2017
Management and site effects on carbon balances of European mountain meadows and rangelands
F Berninger, S Susiluoto, D Gianelle, M Balzarolo
Boreal environment research.-Helsinki 20 (6), 748-760, 2015
Root decomposition in grazed and abandoned dry Mediterranean dehesa and mesic mountain grasslands estimated by standard labelled roots
P Casals, J Garcia-Pausas, F Montané, J Romanyà, P Rovira
Agriculture, ecosystems & environment 139 (4), 759-765, 2010
Effects of livestock management on carbon stocks and fluxes in grassland ecosystems in the Pyrenees
P Casals, J Garcia-Pausas, J Romanyà i Socoró, MJ Sanz, L Camarero, ...
European Grassland Federation, 2004
Interactions between biogeochemical and management factors explain soil organic carbon in Pyrenean grasslands
A Rodríguez, RM Canals, J Plaixats, E Albanell, H Debouk, ...
Biogeosciences 17 (23), 6033-6050, 2020
Determining the stability of sugarcane filtercake biochar in soils with contrasting levels of organic matter
AB Speratti, J Romanyà, J Garcia-Pausas, MS Johnson
Agriculture 8 (6), 71, 2018
A method for upscaling soil parameters for use in a dynamic modelling assessment of water quality in the Pyrenees
L Camarero, J Garcia-Pausas, C Huguet
Science of the total environment 407 (5), 1701-1714, 2009
Post‐fire recovery of soil microbial functions is promoted by plant growth
J Garcia‐Pausas, J Romanyà, P Casals
European Journal of Soil Science 73 (4), e13290, 2022
Corallorhiza trifida Châtel.: Noves dades demogràfiques sobre la població de la fageda de la Rua (Prepirineus centrals, NE península Ibèrica)
P Casals, J Garcia-Pausas, AI Ríos
Butlletí de la Institució Catalana d'Història Natural 77, 141-143, 2013
Land-use change in the Pyrenees: effect of abandonment on the C and N distribution of mountain grasslands
N Altimir, E Soy-Massoni, J Garcia-Pausas, MT Sebastià
Geophysical Research Abstracts 10, 2008
論文 1–20