Paul Mizen
Paul Mizen
Professor in Economics, King's College London
確認したメール アドレス: kcl.ac.uk - ホームページ
Economic uncertainty before and during the COVID-19 pandemic
Corporate trade credit and inventories: New evidence of a trade-off from accounts payable and receivable
S Bougheas, S Mateut, P Mizen
Journal of Banking & Finance 33 (2), 300-307, 2009
Access to external finance: Theory and evidence on the impact of monetary policy and firm-specific characteristics
S Bougheas, P Mizen, C Yalcin
Journal of Banking & Finance 30 (1), 199-227, 2006
The credit crunch of 2007-2008: a discussion of the background, market reactions, and policy responses
P Mizen
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Review 90 (September/October 2008), 2008
Interest rate pass‐through and monetary transmission: Evidence from individual financial institutions' retail rates
B Hofmann, P Mizen
economica 71 (281), 99-123, 2004
Trade credit, bank lending and monetary policy transmission
S Mateut, S Bougheas, P Mizen
European Economic Review 50 (3), 603-629, 2006
The impact of COVID-19 on productivity
N Bloom, P Bunn, P Mizen, P Smietanka, G Thwaites
Review of Economics and Statistics 107 (1), 28-41, 2025
The impact of Brexit on UK firms
N Bloom, P Bunn, S Chen, P Mizen, P Smietanka, G Thwaites
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2019
Monetary economics
MK Lewis, PD Mizen
OUP Catalogue, 2000
Goodhart’s law: its origins, meaning and implications for monetary policy
KA Chrystal, PD Mizen, PD Mizen
Central banking, monetary theory and practice: Essays in honour of Charles …, 2003
Corporate Investment and Cash flow sensitivity: What drives the Relationship?
P Mizen, P Vermeulen
Available at SSRN 711165, 2005
Brexit and uncertainty: insights from the Decision Maker Panel
N Bloom, P Bunn, S Chen, P Mizen, P Smietanka, G Thwaites, G Young
Fiscal Studies 39 (4), 555-580, 2018
Why did bank lending rates diverge from policy rates after the financial crisis?
A Illes, MJ Lombardi, P Mizen
BIS working paper, 2015
Relative price variability and inflation in Europe
D Fielding, P Mizen
Economica 67 (265), 57-78, 2000
Evaluating the empirical evidence for currency substitution: a case study of the demand for sterling in Europe
P Mizen, EJ Pentecost
The Economic Journal 104 (426), 1057-1069, 1994
Evidence on the functional relationship between relative price variability and inflation with implications for monetary policy
D Fielding, P Mizen
Economica 75 (300), 683-699, 2008
& Thwaites, G.(2020). Economic uncertainty before and during the COVID-19 pandemic
D Altig, S Baker, JM Barrero, N Bloom, P Bunn, S Chen, S Davis, ...
Journal of Public Economics 191 (104274), 7, 0
The Taylor principle and monetary policy approaching a zero bound on nominal rates: quantile regression results for the United States and Japan
T Chevapatrakul, TH Kim, P Mizen
Journal of Money, Credit and Banking 41 (8), 1705-1723, 2009
Bond spreads and economic activity in eight European economies
M Bleaney, P Mizen, V Veleanu
The Economic Journal 126 (598), 2257-2291, 2016
What promotes greater use of the corporate bond market? A study of the issuance behaviour of firms in Asia
P Mizen, S Tsoukas
Oxford Economic Papers 66 (1), 227-253, 2014
論文 1–20