Karoutsos Vagelis
Karoutsos Vagelis
Laboratory Teaching Personnel, Department of Materials Science, University of Patras, Greece
確認したメール アドレス: upatras.gr - ホームページ
Growth of thin Ag films produced by radio frequency magnetron sputtering
V Kapaklis, P Poulopoulos, V Karoutsos, T Manouras, C Politis
Thin Solid Films 510 (1-2), 138-142, 2006
Nonequilibrium capillary pressure and relative permeability curves of porous media
CD Tsakiroglou, MA Theodoropoulou, V Karoutsos
AIChE journal 49 (10), 2472-2486, 2003
Relative permeability and capillary pressure functions of porous media as related to the displacement growth pattern
MA Theodoropoulou, V Sygouni, V Karoutsos, CD Tsakiroglou
International journal of multiphase flow 31 (10-11), 1155-1180, 2005
A new visualization technique for the study of solute dispersion in model porous media
MA Theodoropoulou, V Karoutsos, C Kaspiris, CD Tsakiroglou
Journal of Hydrology 274 (1-4), 176-197, 2003
Scanning probe microscopy: Instrumentation and applications on thin films and magnetic multilayers
V Karoutsos
Journal of nanoscience and nanotechnology 9 (12), 6783-6798, 2009
Experimental study of the immiscible displacement of shear-thinning fluids in pore networks
CD Tsakiroglou, M Theodoropoulou, V Karoutsos, D Papanicolaou, ...
Journal of colloid and interface science 267 (1), 217-232, 2003
Strong quantum confinement effects in thin zinc selenide films
S Baskoutas, P Poulopoulos, V Karoutsos, M Angelakeris, NK Flevaris
Chemical physics letters 417 (4-6), 461-464, 2006
Determination of the effective transport coefficients of pore networks from transient immiscible and miscible displacement experiments
CD Tsakiroglou, MA Theodoropoulou, V Karoutsos, D Papanicolaou
Water resources research 41 (2), 2005
Single-walled carbon nanotubes decorated with a pyrene–fluorenevinylene conjugate
D Tasis, J Mikroyannidis, V Karoutsos, C Galiotis, K Papagelis
Nanotechnology 20 (13), 135606, 2009
A study of quantum confinement effects in ultrathin NiO films performed by experiment and theory
CS Garoufalis, A Barnasas, A Stamatelatos, V Karoutsos, ...
Materials 11 (6), 949, 2018
Microstructural evolution in nanostructured gold films
V Karoutsos, M Toudas, A Delimitis, S Grammatikopoulos, P Poulopoulos
Thin Solid Films 520 (11), 4074-4079, 2012
Investigation of the contamination of fractured formations by non-Newtonian oil pollutants
M Theodoropoulou, V Karoutsos, C Tsakiroglou
Environmental Forensics 2 (4), 321-334, 2001
Microstructural characterization of CPPD and hydroxyapatite crystal depositions on human menisci
OL Katsamenis, V Karoutsos, K Kontostanos, EC Panagiotopoulos, ...
Crystal Research and Technology 47 (11), 1201-1209, 2012
Diffractive optic sensor for remote-point detection of ammonia
M Vasileiadis, L Athanasekos, A Meristoudi, D Alexandropoulos, ...
Optics letters 35 (9), 1476-1478, 2010
Growth modes of nanocrystalline Ni/Pt multilayers with deposition temperature
V Karoutsos, P Papasotiriou, P Poulopoulos, V Kapaklis, C Politis, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 102 (4), 2007
Magnetism and magneto-optics of nanocrystalline Ni∕ Pt multilayers grown by e-beam evaporation at room temperature
ET Papaioannou, M Angelakeris, NK Flevaris, P Fumagalli, C Mueller, ...
Journal of applied physics 101 (2), 2007
Microstructure and plasmonic behavior of self-assembled silver nanoparticles and nanorings
AG Chronis, A Stamatelatos, S Grammatikopoulos, MM Sigalas, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 125 (2), 2019
Nanocomposite hybrid photonic media for remote point sensors
A Meristoudi, L Athanasekos, M Vasileiadis, S Pispas, G Mousdis, ...
Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics 11 (3), 034005, 2009
Growth and optical absorption of thin ZnSe films
P Poulopoulos, S Baskoutas, V Karoutsos, M Angelakeris, NK Flevaris
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 10 (1), 259, 2005
Magnetic force microscopy on nanocrystalline Co films
V Karoutsos, P Poulopoulos, V Kapaklis, SD Pappas, D Trachylis, ...
Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 10 (9), 6120-6127, 2010
論文 1–20