オープン アクセスを義務付けられた論文 - Nianbo Dong詳細
一般には非公開: 4 件
Power analyses for moderator effects in three-level cluster randomized trials
N Dong, B Kelcey, J Spybrook
The Journal of Experimental Education 86 (3), 489-514, 2018
委任: US National Science Foundation
Statistical power for causally defined indirect effects in group-randomized trials with individual-level mediators
B Kelcey, N Dong, J Spybrook, K Cox
Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics 42 (5), 499-530, 2017
委任: US National Science Foundation, US Institute of Education Sciences
Bound constrained optimization of sample sizes subject to monetary restrictions in planning multilevel randomized trials and regression discontinuity studies
M Bulus, N Dong
The Journal of Experimental Education 89 (2), 379-401, 2021
委任: US National Science Foundation
A review of Causality in a social world: Moderation, mediation, and spill-over
N Dong, BM Kelcey
Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics 45 (3), 374-378, 2020
委任: US Institute of Education Sciences, US Department of Education
一般公開: 29 件
Longitudinal associations between executive functioning and academic skills across content areas.
MW Fuhs, KT Nesbitt, DC Farran, N Dong
Developmental psychology 50 (6), 1698, 2014
委任: US Institute of Education Sciences
Evaluation of the Tennessee Voluntary Prekindergarten Program: Kindergarten and First Grade Follow-Up Results from the Randomized Control Design. Research Report.
MW Lipsey, KG Hofer, N Dong, DC Farran, C Bilbrey
Peabody Research Institute, 2013
委任: US Institute of Education Sciences
The incredible years teacher classroom management program: Outcomes from a group randomized trial
WM Reinke, KC Herman, N Dong
Prevention Science 19 (8), 1043-1054, 2018
委任: US Institute of Education Sciences
Learning-related cognitive self-regulation measures for prekindergarten children: a comparative evaluation of the educational relevance of selected measures.
MW Lipsey, KT Nesbitt, DC Farran, N Dong, MW Fuhs, SJ Wilson
Journal of Educational Psychology 109 (8), 1084, 2017
委任: US Institute of Education Sciences, US Department of Education
Can effective classroom behavior management increase student achievement in middle school? Findings from a group randomized trial.
KC Herman, WM Reinke, N Dong, CP Bradshaw
Journal of Educational Psychology 114 (1), 144, 2022
委任: US Institute of Education Sciences, US Department of Education
It’s all about balance: propensity score matching in the context of complex survey data
D Lenis, TQ Nguyen, N Dong, EA Stuart
Biostatistics 20 (1), 147-163, 2019
委任: US National Institutes of Health, US Institute of Education Sciences
Power for detecting treatment by moderator effects in two-and three-level cluster randomized trials
J Spybrook, B Kelcey, N Dong
Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics 41 (6), 605-627, 2016
委任: US National Science Foundation, US Institute of Education Sciences
The relationship between child care subsidies and children's cognitive development
LE Hawkinson, AS Griffen, N Dong, RA Maynard
Early Childhood Research Quarterly 28 (2), 388-404, 2013
委任: US Institute of Education Sciences
Meaningful effect sizes, intraclass correlations, and proportions of variance explained by covariates for planning two-and three-level cluster randomized trials of social and …
N Dong, WM Reinke, KC Herman, CP Bradshaw, DW Murray
Evaluation Review 40 (4), 334-377, 2016
委任: US National Institutes of Health
Croon’s bias-corrected factor score path analysis for small-to moderate-sample multilevel structural equation models
B Kelcey, K Cox, N Dong
Organizational research methods 24 (1), 55-77, 2021
委任: US National Science Foundation, US Institute of Education Sciences
Experimental power for indirect effects in group-randomized studies with group-level mediators
B Kelcey, N Dong, J Spybrook, Z Shen
Multivariate Behavioral Research 52 (6), 699-719, 2017
委任: US National Science Foundation
Using propensity score analysis of survey data to estimate population average treatment effects: a case study comparing different methods
N Dong, EA Stuart, D Lenis, T Quynh Nguyen
Evaluation review 44 (1), 84-108, 2020
委任: US National Institutes of Health, US Institute of Education Sciences
Learning from cluster randomized trials in education: An assessment of the capacity of studies to determine what works, for whom, and under what conditions
J Spybrook, Q Zhang, B Kelcey, N Dong
Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis 42 (3), 354-374, 2020
委任: US National Science Foundation, US Institute of Education Sciences
Evaluation of the Tennessee Voluntary Prekindergarten Program: End of pre-k results from the randomized control design
MW Lipsey, KG Hofer, N Dong, DC Farran, C Bilbrey
Nashville, TN: Vanderbilt University, Peabody Research Institute, 2013
委任: US Institute of Education Sciences
Power analyses for moderator effects with (non) randomly varying slopes in cluster randomized trials
N Dong, J Spybrook, B Kelcey, M Bulus
Methodology 17 (2), 92-110, 2021
委任: US National Science Foundation
Effects of a universal classroom management intervention on middle school students with or at risk of behavior problems
J Sinclair, KC Herman, WM Reinke, N Dong, M Stormont
Remedial and Special Education 42 (1), 18-30, 2021
委任: US Institute of Education Sciences, US Department of Education
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