Nikolaos Orfanoudakis
Nikolaos Orfanoudakis
確認したメール アドレス: teihal.gr - ホームページ
A study of porosity formation in pressure die casting using the Taguchi approach
VD Tsoukalas, SA Mavrommatis, NG Orfanoudakis, AK Baldoukas
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of …, 2004
The effect of particle shape on the amplitude of scattered light for a sizing instrument
NG Orfanoudakis, AMKP Taylor
Particle & particle systems characterization 9 (1‐4), 223-230, 1992
Measurements of size and velocity of burning coal
N Orfanoudakis
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Imperial College, 1994
Evaluation of an amplitude sizing anemometer and application to a pulverised coal burner
NG Orfanoudakis, A Taylor
Combustion science and technology 108 (4-6), 255-277, 1995
Emission reduction techniques and economics. Part 1: NOx
N Orfanoudakis, A Vakalis, K Krallis, A Hatziapostolou
WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment 74, 2004
Design, evaluation measurements and modelling of a small swirl stabilised laboratory burner
NG Orfanoudakis, A Hatziapostolou, K Krallis, E Mastorakos, K Sardi, ...
IFRF Combustion Journal, 2005
Unsteady flow modelling of a pressure wave supercharger
A Fatsis, NG Orfanoudakis, DG Pavlou, A Panoutsopoulou, N Vlachakis
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of …, 2006
CFD modeling of the swirl-stabilised flame produced by a laboratory-scale combustor: selection of the turbulence model
A Hatziapostolou, NG Orfanoudakis, MK Koukou, G Raptis
Proceedings of the 4th WSEAS Int. Conf. on Heat Transfer, Thermal …, 2006
Evaluating low-temperature fuel cell performance for power generation: fluid dynamics study of phosphoric acid fuel cell systems at the cell level
PL Zervas, MK Koukou, NG Orfanoudakis, NCG Markatos
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of …, 2006
Selection of the optimum NDT methods for determination of steam boiler remaining life
NG Orfanoudakis, K Krallis
The 8th International Conference of the Slovenian Society for Non …, 2005
Evaluation of a sizing anemometer and application to a small scale swirl stabilized coal burner
NG Orfanoudakis, AMKP Taylor
Performance testing of reflective insulation applied in a prototype experimental chamber in Greece: Experimental results for summer and winter periods
MG Vrachopoulos, DG Stavlas, LD Kravvaritis, MK Koukou, NW Vlachakis, ...
WIT Transactions on Engineering Sciences 61, 191-199, 2008
Experimental and numerical investigations in the near-burner region of a versatile multi-fuel burner
N Orfanoudakis, A Hatziapostolou, K Krallis, K Sardi, N Vlachakis, ...
Journal of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering 7 (1), 3-19, 2007
Numerical prediction of the flow field produced by a laboratory-scale combustor: a preliminary isothermal investigation
A Hatziapostolou, K Krallis, NG Orfanoudakis, MK Koukou, D Chatzifotis, ...
WSEAS Transactions on Fluid Mechanics 1 (3), 230, 2006
Design and evaluation measurements of a swirl stabilized laboratory burner
NG Orfanoudakis, A Hatziapostolou, K Krallis, N Vlachakis
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of …, 2005
1115 Evaluation of an Amplitude Sizing Anemometer and Application to a Pulverised Coal Burner
NG Orfanoudakis, A Taylor
Clean Combustion Technologies: Selected Papers from the Proceedings of the …, 2021
Experimental survey of the pressure cone and temperature field of an A/T missile system
K Krallis, G Orfanoudakis, M Founti, DT Hountalas, A Fatsis, N Vlachakis
WIT Transactions on Modelling and Simulation 45, 2007
Developing efficient tools to evaluate indoor environmentissues: on-site measurements and numerical simulation of indoor air flow in a test room.
MG Vrachopoulos, MK Koukou, NW Vlachakis, NG Orfanoudakis, ...
WSEAS Transactions on Environment and Development 1 (2), 288-293, 2005
Experimental and numerical investigations in the near-burner region of a laboratory scale burner
NG Orfanoudakis, A Hatziapostolou, K Krallis, K Sardi, A Fatsis, ...
Evaluation of boiler room losses through conventional and infrared camera methods.
K Krallis, N Orfanoudakis, M Founti, G Zannis, N Vlachakis
3rd Combustion Institute meeting, 2003
論文 1–20