Hadi Saboohi
Hadi Saboohi
Assistant Professor at KIAU | Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of Malaya
確認したメール アドレス: kiau.ac.ir - ホームページ
On Density-Based Data Streams Clustering Algorithms: A Survey
A Amini, TY Wah, H Saboohi
Journal of Computer Science and Technology 29 (1), 116-141, 2014
Potential of radial basis function-based support vector regression for apple disease detection
E Omrani, B Khoshnevisan, S Shamshirband, H Saboohi, NB Anuar, ...
Measurement 55, 512-519, 2014
MuDi-Stream: A multi density clustering algorithm for evolving data stream
A Amini, H Saboohi, T Herawan, TY Wah
Journal of Network and Computer Applications 59, 370-385, 2016
A comparative study between fuzzy linear regression and support vector regression for global solar radiation prediction in Iran
Z Ramedani, M Omid, A Keyhani, B Khoshnevisan, H Saboohi
Solar Energy 109, 135-143, 2014
An appraisal of wind speed distribution prediction by soft computing methodologies: A comparative study
D Petković, S Shamshirband, NB Anuar, H Saboohi, AWA Wahab, ...
Energy conversion and Management 84, 133-139, 2014
A Fast Density-based Clustering Algorithm for Real-Time Internet of Things Stream
A Amini, H Saboohi, YW Teh, T Herawan
The Scientific World Journal 2014, 2014
Predicting optimum parameters of a protective spur dike using soft computing methodologies–A comparative study
H Basser, H Karami, S Shamshirband, A Jahangirzadeh, S Akib, ...
Computers & Fluids 97, 168-176, 2014
Failure recovery of composite semantic web services using subgraph replacement
H Saboohi, A Amini, H Abolhassani
Computer and Communication Engineering, 2008. ICCCE 2008. International …, 2008
Soft-computing methodologies for precipitation estimation: a case study
S Shamshirband, M Gocić, D Petković, H Saboohi, T Herawan, MLM Kiah, ...
IEEE journal of selected topics in applied earth observations and remote …, 2014
A Multi Density-Based Clustering Algorithm for Data Stream with Noise
A Amini, H Saboohi, TY Wah
2013 IEEE 13th International Conference on Data Mining Workshops (ICDMW …, 2013
Cold start latency mitigation mechanisms in serverless computing: taxonomy, review, and future directions
A Ebrahimi, M Ghobaei-Arani, H Saboohi
Journal of Systems Architecture, 103115, 2024
Semantic web service test collection(sws-tc)
Y Ganjisaffar, H Saboohi
Determining the joints most strained in an underactuated robotic finger by adaptive neuro-fuzzy methodology
D Petković, S Shamshirband, ND Pavlović, H Saboohi, TA Altameem, ...
Advances in Engineering Software 77, 28-34, 2014
A resemblance study of test collections for world-altering semantic web services
H Saboohi, S Abdul Kareem
International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists 1, 716-720, 2011
Dmm-stream: A density mini-micro clustering algorithm for evolving data streams
A Amini, H Saboohi, TY Wah, T Herawan
Proceedings of the First International Conference on Advanced Data and …, 2014
Failure Recovery of World-altering Composite Semantic Services - A Two Phase Approach
H Saboohi, S Abdul Kareem
The 14th International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based …, 2012
Deep emotion detection sentiment analysis of persian literary text
A Khodaei, A Bastanfard, H Saboohi, H Aligholizadeh
Requirements of a Recovery Solution for Failure of Composite Web Services
H Saboohi, S Abdul Kareem
International Journal of Web & Semantic Technology (IJWesT) 3 (4), 15-21, 2012
An automatic subdigraph renovation plan for failure recovery of composite semantic Web services
H Saboohi, S Abdul Kareem
Frontiers of Computer Science 7 (6), 894-913, 2013
World-altering Semantic Web Services Discovery and Composition Techniques-A Survey
H Saboohi, S Abdul Kareem
7th International Conference on Semantic Web and Web Services (SWWS'11), 91-95, 2011
論文 1–20