Jonathan Rowe
Jonathan Rowe
Senior Software Engineer, Applied Research Associates
確認したメール アドレス: ara.com
Integrating learning, problem solving, and engagement in narrative-centered learning environments
JP Rowe, LR Shores, BW Mott, JC Lester
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education 21 (1-2), 115-133, 2011
Story-based learning: The impact of narrative on learning experiences and outcomes
SW McQuiggan, JP Rowe, S Lee, JC Lester
Intelligent Tutoring Systems: 9th International Conference, ITS 2008 …, 2008
Problem solving and game-based learning: Effects of middle grade students' hypothesis testing strategies on learning outcomes
HA Spires, JP Rowe, BW Mott, JC Lester
Journal of Educational Computing Research 44 (4), 453-472, 2011
The agency effect: The impact of student agency on learning, emotions, and problem-solving behaviors in a game-based learning environment
M Taub, R Sawyer, A Smith, J Rowe, R Azevedo, J Lester
Computers & Education 147, 103781, 2020
Detecting and addressing frustration in a serious game for military training
JA DeFalco, JP Rowe, L Paquette, V Georgoulas-Sherry, K Brawner, ...
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education 28, 152-193, 2018
When off-task is on-task: The affective role of off-task behavior in narrative-centered learning environments
J Sabourin, JP Rowe, BW Mott, JC Lester
Artificial Intelligence in Education: 15th International Conference, AIED …, 2011
Crystal island: A narrative-centered learning environment for eighth grade microbiology
J Rowe, B Mott, S McQuiggan, J Robison, S Lee, J Lester
workshop on intelligent educational games at the 14th international …, 2009
Integrating learning and engagement in narrative-centered learning environments
JP Rowe, LR Shores, BW Mott, JC Lester
Intelligent Tutoring Systems: 10th International Conference, ITS 2010 …, 2010
Player Goal Recognition in Open-World Digital Games with Long Short-Term Memory Networks.
W Min, BW Mott, JP Rowe, B Liu, JC Lester
IJCAI, 2590-2596, 2016
Serious games get smart: Intelligent game-based learning environments
JC Lester, EY Ha, SY Lee, BW Mott, JP Rowe, JL Sabourin
AI Magazine 34 (4), 31-45, 2013
Off-task behavior in narrative-centered learning environments
JP Rowe, SW McQuiggan, JL Robison, JC Lester
Artificial intelligence in education, 99-106, 2009
The effects of empathetic virtual characters on presence in narrative-centered learning environments
SW McQuiggan, JP Rowe, JC Lester
Proceedings of the SIGCHI conference on human factors in computing systems …, 2008
Deep learning-based goal recognition in open-ended digital games
W Min, E Ha, J Rowe, B Mott, J Lester
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence and …, 2014
Modeling user knowledge with dynamic Bayesian networks in interactive narrative environments
J Rowe, J Lester
Proceedings of the AAAI conference on artificial intelligence and …, 2010
Improving student problem solving in narrative-centered learning environments: A modular reinforcement learning framework
JP Rowe, JC Lester
Artificial Intelligence in Education: 17th International Conference, AIED …, 2015
Using multi-channel data with multi-level modeling to assess in-game performance during gameplay with Crystal Island
M Taub, NV Mudrick, R Azevedo, GC Millar, J Rowe, J Lester
Computers in Human Behavior 76, 641-655, 2017
DeepStealth: Game-Based Learning Stealth Assessment With Deep Neural Networks
W Min, MH Frankosky, BW Mott, JP Rowe, A Smith, E Wiebe, KE Boyer, ...
IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies 13 (2), 312-325, 2019
Enhancing student models in game-based learning with facial expression recognition
R Sawyer, A Smith, J Rowe, R Azevedo, J Lester
Proceedings of the 25th conference on user modeling, adaptation and …, 2017
Goal recognition with Markov logic networks for player-adaptive games
E Ha, J Rowe, B Mott, J Lester
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence and …, 2011
Interactive Narrative Personalization with Deep Reinforcement Learning.
P Wang, JP Rowe, W Min, BW Mott, JC Lester
IJCAI, 3852-3858, 2017
論文 1–20