K.S Easwarakumar
K.S Easwarakumar
Professor of Computer Science & Engineering, Anna University
確認したメール アドレス: cs.annauniv.edu
Probabilistic ontology based activity recognition in smart homes using Markov Logic Network
KS Gayathri, KS Easwarakumar, S Elias
Knowledge-Based Systems 121, 173-184, 2017
An improved dynamic fault tolerant management algorithm during VM migration in cloud data center
VM Sivagami, KS Easwarakumar
Future Generation Computer Systems 98, 35-43, 2019
View-invariant gait recognition through genetic template segmentation
ERHP Isaac, S Elias, S Rajagopalan, KS Easwarakumar
IEEE signal processing letters 24 (8), 1188-1192, 2017
Multiview gait-based gender classification through pose-based voting
ERHP Isaac, S Elias, S Rajagopalan, KS Easwarakumar
Pattern Recognition Letters 126, 41-50, 2019
A double min min algorithm for task metascheduler on hypercubic p2p grid systems
DDH Miriam, KS Easwarakumar
International Journal of Computer Science Issues 7 (4), 8-18, 2010
Temporal classification of events in cricket videos
N Harikrishna, S Satheesh, SD Sriram, KS Easwarakumar
2011 National conference on communications (NCC), 1-5, 2011
Molecular dynamics simulations of oxygen ion diffusion in yttria-stabilized zirconia
TP Perumal, V Sridhar, KPN Murthy, KS Easwarakumar, S Ramasamy
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 309 (1-2), 35-44, 2002
Intelligent decision support system for dementia care through smart home
KS Gayathri, KS Easwarakumar
Procedia Computer Science 93, 947-955, 2016
Urban landcover classification from multispectral image data using optimized AdaBoosted random forests
E Isaac, KS Easwarakumar, J Isaac
Remote Sensing Letters 8 (4), 350-359, 2017
Dynamic consistency checking for temporal and spatial relations in multimedia presentations
S Elias, KS Easwarakumar, R Chbeir
Proceedings of the 2006 ACM symposium on Applied computing, 1380-1384, 2006
Molecular dynamics simulations of oxygen ion diffusion and superionic conduction in ytterbia-stabilized zirconia
TP Perumal, V Sridhar, KPN Murthy, KS Easwarakumar, S Ramasamy
Computational materials science 38 (4), 865-872, 2007
Trait of gait: A survey on gait biometrics
ERHP Isaac, S Elias, S Rajagopalan, KS Easwarakumar
arXiv preprint arXiv:1903.10744, 2019
Neural based steganography
V Kavitha, KS Easwarakumar
PRICAI 2004: Trends in Artificial Intelligence: 8th Pacific Rim …, 2004
Enhancing privacy in arithmetic coding
V Kavitha, KS Easwarakumar
ICGST-AIML Journal 8 (1), 2008
Fuzzy ontology based activity recognition for assistive health care using smart home
KS Gayathri, KS Easwarakumar, S Elias
International Journal of Intelligent Information Technologies (IJIIT) 16 (1 …, 2020
Survey on fault tolerance techniques in cloud computing environment
VM Sivagami, KE Kumar
Int. J. Sci. Eng. Appl. Sci 1 (9), 419-425, 2015
Event detection in cricket video based on visual and acoustic features
V Vijayakumar
Journal of Global Research in Computer Science 3 (8), 26-29, 2012
Referral based expertise search system in a time evolving social network
S Pushpa, KS Easwarakumar, S Elias, Z Maamar
Proceedings of the Third Annual ACM Bangalore Conference, 1-8, 2010
Template-based gait authentication through Bayesian thresholding
ERHP Isaac, S Elias, S Rajagopalan, KS Easwarakumar
IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica 6 (1), 209-219, 2019
A proactive statistical defense solution for DDoS attacks in active networks
P Jayashree, KS Easwarakumar, V Anandharaman, K Aswin
2008 First International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and …, 2008
論文 1–20