Santi Furnari
Santi Furnari
Bayes Business School (formerly Cass), City, University of London
確認したメール アドレス: city.ac.uk - ホームページ
Embracing causal complexity: The emergence of a neo-configurational perspective
VF Misangyi, T Greckhamer, S Furnari, PC Fiss, D Crilly, R Aguilera
Journal of management 43 (1), 255-282, 2017
Studying configurations with qualitative comparative analysis: Best practices in strategy and organization research
T Greckhamer, S Furnari, PC Fiss, RV Aguilera
Strategic organization 16 (4), 482-495, 2018
Capturing causal complexity: Heuristics for configurational theorizing
S Furnari, D Crilly, VF Misangyi, T Greckhamer, PC Fiss, RV Aguilera
Academy of Management Review 46 (4), 778-799, 2021
Interstitial spaces: Microinteraction settings and the genesis of new practices between institutional fields
S Furnari
Academy of management review 39 (4), 439-462, 2014
A chemistry of organization: Combinatory analysis and design
A Grandori, S Furnari
Organization Studies 29 (3), 459-485, 2008
Business model configurations and performance: A qualitative comparative analysis in Formula One racing, 2005–2013
P Aversa, S Furnari, S Haefliger
Industrial and Corporate Change 24 (3), 655-676, 2015
Radically open strategizing: How the premium cola collective takes open strategy to the extreme
MK Luedicke, KC Husemann, S Furnari, F Ladstaetter
Long Range Planning 50 (3), 371-384, 2017
Institutional fields as linked arenas: Inter-field resource dependence, institutional work and institutional change
S Furnari
Human Relations 69 (3), 551-580, 2016
A Cognitive Mapping Approach to Business Models: Representing Causal Structures and Mechanisms
S Furnari
Advances in Strategic Management 33, 2015
Exploring the topology of the plausible: Fs/QCA counterfactual analysis and the plausible fit of unobserved organizational configurations
G Soda, S Furnari
Strategic Organization 10 (3), 285-296, 2012
When does an issue trigger change in a field? A comparative approach to issue frames, field structures and types of field change
S Furnari
Human Relations, 2017
Situating frames and institutional logics: The social situation as a key institutional microfoundation
S Furnari
Microfoundations of institutions, 193-209, 2019
Chapter 4 Configurational analysis and organization design: Towards a theory of structural heterogeneity
A Grandori, S Furnari
Configurational theory and methods in organizational research, 77-105, 2013
Tailor-to-target: Configuring collaborative shareholder engagements on climate change
R Slager, K Chuah, JP Gond, S Furnari, M Homanen
Management Science 69 (12), 7693-7718, 2023
Types of complementarity, combinative organization forms and structural heterogeneity: Beyond discrete structural alternatives
A Grandori, S Furnari
Corporate Governance, Organization and the Firm, 2009
The primordial soup: Exploring the emotional microfoundations of cluster genesis
P Aversa, S Furnari, M Jenkins
Organization Science 33 (4), 1340-1371, 2022
Brokerage styles and interaction rituals in creative projects: Toward an interactionist perspective on brokerage
S Furnari, M Rolbina
Frontiers of creative industries: Exploring structural and categorical …, 2018
Exaptation and innovation in architecture: the case of Chicago's Millennium Park
S Furnari
Routledge, 2011
Structural heterogeneity, organizational robustness and innovation performance
A Grandori, S Furnari
V Research workshop on institutions and organization, 2010
Four approaches to longitudinal QCA: opportunities and challenges
S Furnari
Presentation at the QCA PDW, 2018
論文 1–20